Uptime kuma docker compose. …
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Uptime kuma docker compose 如何更新 Uptime Kuma? 要更新 Uptime Kuma,您可以先停止服务,然后拉取最新的镜像: docker-compose down docker-compose pull docker-compose up -d 总结. yml file Docker-Compose Generator; Your Docker Run Cmd : Unchecked Compose File Public. This command starts a new Uptime Kuma container Docker监控神器Kener!轻量优雅碾压Uptime-Kuma兄弟们有没有遇到过这种场景?几十个docker容器在服务器上跑着,突然某个服务挂掉却毫不知情;想给客户展示系统状态却找不到优雅的监控界面。今天二冰要分享这款 完. 创建docker-compose. compose. 在文件中填入以下内容,然后 Ctrl+X 保 Restart the service using sudo systemctl restart snap. 0 To install Uptime-Kuma using Docker, we will first create a directory to hold all our configurations. 本文地址:美好的明天 - 群晖NAS Docker 安装 Uptime Kuma; 本站遵循知识共享《署名—非商业性使用—相同方式共享 4. Uptime Kuma 是一款开源自托管的轻量级监控工具,拥有简洁美观的界面和丰富的告警方式。. Follow the step-by-step instructions and the docker A Docker Compose file for Uptime Kuma, a self-hosted uptime monitor and status page. I have tried using both 1 and true, but it ignores both, still showing "Refused to display 'https://kuma. Для установки Uptime-Kuma потребуется установленный Docker и Docker-Compose (если нет своего mkdir ~/uptime-kuma cd ~/uptime-kuma Step 4: Create a Docker Compose File. yaml version: "3" services: uptime-kuma: image: louislam/uptime Restart Docker Compose to apply changes: . In this guide, we'll go through the process of deploying Uptime Kuma on a Docker Swarm cluster using a highly available configuration. Show hidden characters version: ' 3 ' services: uptime 有时候需要监控自己搭建的一些网站、服务是否正常运行, 这时候可以考虑使用一个监控网站, 定时的进行检测, 记录网站、服务的运行状态, 在这推荐使用 uptime-kuma。 一、介绍uptime-kuma 是一个精美的托管监控 Uptime Kuma 是一款强大的自托管监控工具,通过简单的部署和配置,可以帮助你监控服务器、VPS 和其他网络服务的在线状态。相比于其他类似工具,Uptime Kuma 提供更多的灵活性和自由度。本文将介绍 Uptime Kuma 的功能、如何使用 Docker 安装以及简要的使用说明。 Uptime Kuma可以通过docker容器快速部署: 之前我介绍过一个非常好用的工具类容器it-tools,可以将docker run命令转换成docker-compose文件。现在我每次部署docker One of the biggest advantages of Uptime Kuma is that comes with a robust notification system by default. Docker Compose Configuration for Uptime Kuma¶ This Docker 本文将介绍如何通过 Docker Compose 快速部署 Uptime Kuma,让你能够轻松搭建自己的监控系统。无论你是开发者还是运维人员,这篇教程都会帮助你快速上手。 Compose部署 Uptime Kuma. /data:/app/data' ports: - '3001:3001' restart: always. 33. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. 这里我们以 compose 和 k8s 为例,介绍如何安装 Uptime Kuma。 Docker 方式. yml: nano docker-compose. Starte dann den Container: docker-compose up -d Uptime-Kuma是一个轻量级的自动化运维监控工具,最为引人注目的特点是其出色的监控Dashboard面板。部署简单,工具轻量又强大。而且,Uptime-Kuma是开源免费的,并支持基于Docker的部署方式。它支持网站、容器、数据库等存活检测,并支持通过邮件等方式进行告警,对于有自己的服务器并且提供访问的管理员可以实现告警推送,如果是企业级需要更强大的 Uptime Kuma is a free and open-source monitoring tool that you can host yourself. Create a docker This guide covers setups for Uptime Kuma and Windmill, with step-by-step examples and tips for Docker users to simplify infrastructure and improve privacy. Awesome. yml for the Docker部署Uptime Kuma教程:轻松搭建自托管监控系统 . sudo apt install docker-compose -y. " in the Chrome console. yml. Compose ID: m5w6qb6x. dockerd. This file outlines the services and dependencies needed for the app Giám sát dịch vụ Docker . Docker Compose for Uptime. Installing Uptime Kuma is easy and is done via Docker. 通过以上步骤,您可以轻松地在 Docker 中安装和配置 Uptime Kuma,监控您的网站和服务的可用性。 Step 4: Deploy Uptime Kuma Using Docker Compose (Recommended) For better management, we can use Docker Compose. Uptime Kuma can be installed on Windows Server, Linux and Windows 10 servers. /data:/app/data 三:启动容器 Monitoriza tu infraestructura con Uptime Kuma y Docker. uptime-kuma-docker-compose. It can check the uptime and response time of websites, APIs, and other services at regular intervals and alert you if any of them go down. Familiarity with 使用Docker部署Uptime Kuma,一个自托管的网站监控程序 uptime-kuma 2024-11-07 · 1 min · WJQserver Table of Contents. The file is based on the official GitHub repository of Uptime Kuma and includes an example environment file. You signed out in another tab or window. On créé le volume Docker pour l'installation d'Uptime Kuma : docker volume create Uptime Kuma 是一个网络状态监控工具,支持 HTTP/HTTPS/TCP/PING/DNS 监控,告警可以通过 Telegram、Emial、Discord、Slack 等通知 A fancy, easy-to-use and The Docker Compose File The following is the Docker Compose file for the Uptime-Kuma service: Introduction Uptime-Kuma is an open-source, self-hosted website monitoring tool. This Ghost blog is self-hosted on a VPS (Virtual Private Sever) using docker compose traefik and Sendgrid. A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool. " It monitors your websites, services, and applications and provides uptime notifications. Добавляем в него следующий конфиг: services: uptime-kuma: image: louislam/uptime-kuma:1 container_name: uptime-kuma restart: unless-stopped ports: - 3001:3001 Step 2) Install Docker Compose and Uptime Kuma. Ackee; Aptabase louislam/uptime-kuma:1 container_name: uptime-kuma volumes: - '. Pero también se puede integrar a la perfección en Установка своего мониторинга Uptime-Kuma в Docker. The process I followed for installing Uptime Kuma is as follows: Uptime Kuma 是一款强大的自托管监控工具,通过简单的部署和配置,可以帮助你监控服务器、VPS 和其他网络服务的在线状态。相比于其他类似工具,Uptime Kuma 提供更多的灵活性和自由度。 本文将介绍 Uptime Kuma 的功能、如何使用 Docker 安装以及简要的使用说明。如果不想自己部署,又想体验以下的话 This repository provides a docker-compose. 前言 sudo -i mkdir /root/data/docker_data/uptime cd /root/data/docker_data/uptime vim docker-compose. Uptime Kuma : principaux cas d'utilisation. Below For uptime-kuma, the authors provide a docker-compose file that works out of the box. Thus I can execute an interactive bash command using: root@titan[~]# docker exec -it ix-uptime-kuma-uptime-kuma-1 bash root@39389c07227f:/app# You can exec commands directly using the container name, without having to go via docker compose. yml using your preferred text editor: nano docker-compose. You can also deploy this monitoring tool with Docker or Docker Compose making maintenance very easy. The easiest way to configure Uptime Kuma is by using Docker Compose. yml DIRECTORY> " docker compose pull docker compose up -d --force-recreate 🆙 💪🏻 Non-Docker cd < uptime-kuma-directory > # Update from git git fetch --all git checkout 1. yml file is located and run the docker-compose up -d command: cd /opt/uptime-kuma docker-compose up -d. Light. Go to the folder and create the docker-compose. Une fois que Docker est désormais installé sur le serveur, il est nécessaire de cloner l'image Docker de Uptime Kuma afin de profiter du service. Create a directory called uptime-kuma-data. yaml文件,参考如下 Uptime Kuma. Następnie przełącz się na to; od tego momentu musisz wykonywać wszystkie polecenia znajdujące się w dalszej części tego przewodnika z tej lokalizacji. Prerequisites# Before diving in, ensure Install Uptime Kuma with Docker and Docker Compose The configuration is quite simple, but before starting we need to make sure our environment is set up correctly . GO! Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples PHP+Apache, MariaDB, Uptime Kuma 作为一个现代的监控工具,完美支持 Docker 和 Docker Compose。 用户可以通过 Docker 快速部署 Uptime Kuma,而无需复杂的安装步骤。 它的 Docker 配置使得用户可以在各种平台上轻松运行 Uptime Kuma。 Настройка Docker-Compose. 在管理网站和服务器时,确保服务的稳定性非常重要。 (如 HTTP、Ping、TCP 等),且操作简单,适合个人或团队 A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool. /data:/app/data ports: - 3001:3001. 订阅我的频道 ,分享更多 NAS 教程和资讯 ~. Mình cần phải chỉnh sửa lại file docker-compose. 16 --force # Uptime-kuma is a free and open-source self-hosted monitoring solution that can be used to monitor the uptime and performance of your websites, APIs, and services. Introduction; ☁️ Application; Analytics. Couplé à un service de messages comme Gotify ou Ntfy, il permet aussi de recevoir des notifications Uptime-kuma is a free and open-source self-hosted monitoring solution that can be used to monitor the uptime and performance of your websites, APIs, and services. Создаём файл docker-compose. 0 协议国际版》(CC BY-NC-SA 4. In the UptimeKuma directory, create a file named docker-compose. service; Check if the service is running using sudo systemctl status snap. A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool. Next, create a YAML file let’s say: docker-compose. Learn how to set up Uptime Kuma, a self-hosted monitoring tool, with Docker Compose. First login and adding monitors. yml file Docker-Compose Generator; Your Docker Run Cmd : Unchecked: Public Checked: Private. For comprehensive details about configuring Uptime Kuma in Docker, please refer to the Uptime Kuma Docker Hub page by Elestio. 2024-12-24 10:35:35 12 点赞 55收藏 4评论. service; The service should be running as usual, Uptime Kuma Docker-Compose. The easiest way to test Uptime Kuma is running it locally on your own device by creating a new Docker Compose file and pasting the following content into it: This Docker Compose file simply uses the official Uptime Kuma 简介 Uptime Kuma 是一款自托管监控工具,设计优雅,功能多样。它允许用户监控网站和在线应用程序等各种类型的服务。其主要功能包括支持多种监控类型、用户友好的界 前言 {#前言} ===== * Uptime是一款强大的网站监测工具,能够实时监控你的网站是否在线,并在网站出现故障时立即通知你。本教程将详细介绍如何安装和配置Uptime,让你可以轻松地监控自己的网站。 * 在本教程中,我们将学习如何使用Docker来安装和配置Uptime。 You signed in with another tab or window. 先在任意位置 Uptime Kuma is a sleek and powerful uptime monitoring tool designed for self-hosters. mkdir kuma cd kuma. Ko-fi. Then cd to uptime-Kuma: cd ~/uptime-kuma. yaml. You signed in with another tab or window. 准备. 默认已经安装好 docker 啦, 如果没有参考 docker 安装 # docker-compose. Contribute to d4rklynk/Uptime-Kuma-Docker-Compose development by creating an account on GitHub. env; docker-compose. It provides a simple, user-friendly web interface that allows you to I've had some folks ask for details about how I host this blog, so I'm sharing my configuration. É por isso que, neste guia, orientaremos você na instalação e configuração do Uptime Kuma usando Docker Compose e ajudaremos você a A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool. yml This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Pierwszym krokiem jest utworzenie katalogu projektu, w którym zostanie umieszczony nasz plik wdrożenia Docker Compose. Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring tool that allows you to keep track of your websites, services, or APIs with ease. Então mude para ele; daqui em diante, você precisará executar todos os comandos mais adiante neste guia a partir desse local. Uptime Kuma còn có thể giám sát hoạt động của Docker trên cùng máy chủ. nano docker-compose. Now that you have changed to the new directory, we can write the Docker Compose file that will set up and manage Uptime Pulling Uptime Kuma with Docker compose. yml Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples 1 前言. See more Monitoring containers has never been easier. See the Docker Compose file, the key components, and how to access the web interface. Apps About. yaml文件,参考如下 A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. service; The service should be running as usual, cd " <YOUR docker-compose. Uptime Kuma. Install Docker Compose. Contribute to louislam/uptime-kuma development by creating an account on GitHub. Deploy uptime-kuma(easy-to-use self-hosted monitoring tool) and integrate with prometheus and grafana in Docker - uptime-kuma/docker-compose. Compose ID: m6e57jii. It is an easy process to set up your admin user and then create your first uptime monitors. Step 1 — Create the environment. But 本文将介绍如何通过 Docker Compose 快速部署 UptimeKuma,让你能够轻松搭建自己的监控系统。无论你是开发者还是运维人员,这篇教程都会帮助你快速上手。 Compose部署 Uptime Kuma. I have also bound the docker socket to the container so that it can monitor the status of other containers on the virtual machine. yml Restart the service using sudo systemctl restart snap. Füge den obigen Inhalt ein und speichere die Datei. Most So, uptime kuma container has the name ix-uptime-kuma-uptime-kuma-1. It doesn’t matter which device you’re using $ docker-compose --version Docker Compose version v2. This Uptime Kuma Docker Compose guide will teach exactly that and plus several other cool tricks. I don't need five nines of uptime, blue-green deploys, or horizontal scaling. yml文件,具体内容如下: version: '3' services: uptime-kuma: image: louislam/uptime-kuma:1 #拉取镜像 container_name: uptime-kuma #容器名称 ports: - 3001:3001 #端口映射 restart: always #开机自启 # 配置挂载卷 volumes: - . 先在任意位置创建一个 kuma 文件夹,用于存放docker-compose. Docker allows you to containerize applications, making shipping and deploying them much easier. docker. Learn how to monitor your services' uptime with Uptime Kuma, an open-source tool, using Docker Compose. 4. In this guide, I’ll show you how to deploy Uptime Kuma using Docker and Docker Compose. Learn how to install and configure Uptime Kuma, a self-hosted uptime monitoring tool, using Docker Compose. Docker makes this easy and is something I know well, and docker compose is perfect for this sort setup. 0)公共许可协议,转载请保留本文标题、地址及链接,本站保留追究法律责任的权力;; 部分文章来源于网络,仅作为学习展示之用,版权归原作者所有。若因文章多次网络流转无法追溯原作者,导致侵 二:创建docker-compose. data. 创建 docker-compose. yml at master · azita docker-compose down 3. Once you have created the yml file, edit it using A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. 启动服务: #使用docker That’s why, in this guide, we’ll walk you through installing and configuring Uptime Kuma using Docker Compose and help you effortlessly set up continuous monitoring. GO! Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples C'est pourquoi, dans ce guide, nous vous guiderons dans l'installation et la configuration d'Uptime Kuma à l'aide de Docker Compose et vous aiderons à mettre en place sans effort une surveillance continue. This means that you can set your uptime monitor to automatically mkdir uptime-kuma cd uptime-kuma nano docker-compose. 版权声明. yaml Json Query / Ping / DNS Record / Push / Steam Game Server / Zainstaluj Uptime Kuma z Docker Compose. Uptime Kuma: 一款易于使用的自托管监控工具,可以监测网站是否可以正常访问,如果掉线了可以发送信息通知用户的一个监控工具。. Hello 大家好,我是 David. # Create a volume docker volume create uptime-kuma # Start the container docker run -d --restart=always -p 3001:3001 -v uptime-kuma: a Fancy Open Source Uptime Monitor by Techno Tim Install with docker-compose; Monitor Status with Uptime Kuma - Let's install Uptime Kuma with Docker by Geeked Install with Portainer; docker run -d --restart=always -p 3001:3001 -v uptime-kuma:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1. Restart the service using sudo systemctl restart snap. CentOS 系统服务器(推荐腾讯云服务器) SSH 工具(推荐 A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. touch docker-compose. Before diving in, ensure you have the following: Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system. service; The service should be running as usual, showing the docker snap service. Follow the steps to create a deployment file, run the container, Uptime Kuma is an open-source, self-hosted monitoring tool that provides real-time uptime tracking, alerts, and an intuitive dashboard. 特征: 监控 Writing a Docker Compose File for Uptime Kuma. Переходим в папку: cd /app/uptime-kuma. yml; docker-compose. Here is a step-by-step guide: Create a Docker-Compose file. com to the Uptime Kuma 二、Docker部署Uptime Kuma 按照顺序执行如下命令,路径位置可自行修改 mkdir-p /root/dockertest/kuma # 新建安装文件夹 cd /root/dockertest/kuma # 切换至安装路径 touch docker-compose. Docker compose for running Uptime Kuma and sending notifications via NTFY and Email Topics docker docker-compose uptime-monitor smtp-relay ntfy uptime-kuma I’m trying to reference 2 env files inside a docker compose because the second one is going to be shared with several other compose files and is in a different path I have done this but I can’t get it work I’m using this You signed in with another tab or window. docker-compose down; docker-compose up -d; This configuration proxies traffic from your-domain. Docker Compose Uptime Kuma Raw. Instale o Uptime Kuma com Docker Compose. yml ready-to-use Docker configuration to simplify the deployment of Uptime Kuma, a self-hosted monitoring tool. Navigate to the directory where your docker-compose. Update uptime-kuma Add a new Docker host and choose TCP as the option. 23. 04 安装 Docker 以及 Docker Compose 教程顺利的安装了Docker环境,只需要使用Nginx Proxy Manager和Uptime Kuma两个容器即可,理论上两行命令即可,不过为了 Uptime Kuma est un outil de monitoring léger pour vos services hébergés. yml Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring tool similar to "Uptime Robot. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Contribute to djm56/uptime-kuma-docker-compose development by creating an account on GitHub. However, we'll be specifically How to Install Uptime Kuma with Docker Compose. Reload to refresh your session. yml # 创 本文将介绍如何通过 Docker Compose 快速部署 UptimeKuma,让你能够轻松搭建自己的监控系统。无论你是开发者还是运维人员,这篇教程都会帮助你快速上手。 Compose部署 Uptime Kuma. The -d flag runs the container in the background (detached mode). A primeira etapa é criar o diretório do projeto no qual nosso arquivo de implantação do Docker Compose será colocado. Em outras palavras, o software é inestimável. mkdir ~/uptime-kuma. Directory Structure. I have modified the docker compose file located in the Uptime Kuma repository to work with Traefik as a reverse proxy. yml để cấp quyền truy cập vào dịch vụ Docker compose file for running uptime-kuma locally - Jimreed91/uptime-kuma-compose 用SSH登陆上服务器,先把软件源更换为MirrorZ镜像(教育网IPv6软件镜像智能分流),再参考烧饼大佬的Debian 12 / Ubuntu 22. mkdir uptime-kuma-data. Welcome to the Apps Directory Docker Compose configuration. Mais avant cela, faisons la lumière sur la principale applicabilité du logiciel. Uptime Kuma Docker-Compose. Evita errores técnicos tradicionales, web caídas, bases de datos, contenedores 使用 Docker Compose 运行 Uptime Kuma: version: '3' services: uptime-kuma: image: louislam/uptime-kuma container_name: uptime-kuma restart: always volumes: - . Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. show docker-compose. pages. In this guide, we will deploy Uptime Kuma In this guide, I’ll show you how to deploy Uptime Kuma using Docker and Docker Compose. yml Insert the following configuration into the file: Installing Uptime Kuma with Docker 🐳. To run it behind traefik with LetsEncrypt certificates, we just need to change it to the following /usr/docker mkdir -p data/docker_data/uptime cd data/docker_data/uptime. Run Docker Compose to pull the Uptime Kuma image and start the container: sudo docker-compose up -d. 1、新建文件夹. [mydomain]' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'. yml 文件. It provides a simple, user-friendly web interface that allows you to When launching Uptime Kuma from docker compose, it is not respecting UPTIME_KUMA_DISABLE_FRAME_SAMEORIGIN=1. nohgnmhgciytktchujpcvxurishaoenkjvmlvjnuydjsmsiavcllgxyqjmtpekoayfzrodeolfmcrjgzak