Vanagon ac troubleshooting. The AC and blower was working just fine last summer.

Vanagon ac troubleshooting 9l Vanagon is getting full time hot power from fuse 7 to the fan switch on the radiator. I have owned many split window buses, but this is my first watercooled bus. I have a 1982 Air-cooled Vanagon Westy. Place new pads in place of old ones. Volkswagen Air Conditioning Parts; Volkswagen Vanagon After Market Parts; Volkswagen Vanagon Pad Sets; Volkswagen Vanagon Logo Floor Mats; Volkswagen Vanagon Paint; Classified ads, photos, shows, links, forums, and technical information for the Volkswagen automobile Starting in 1986 the Vanagon either had that same system or, on vehicles equipped with FACTORY AC (not dealer-added “in-dash” AC), had a larger, one-speed, 450-watt fan motor. I recommend using the AC specific schematic but adding We were able to repair our AFM, so I thought I would post what happened for anyone else looking at their AFM in the future. 1. 1991 Volkswagen Vanagon AC Is Not Working They were supplied by vintage air. AC Troubleshooting Steps: We installed a 1. Your active moderator Introducing the Gen 5 Small Car Performance Dash Air Conditioning. Replaced Air Flow Meter, another sensor, then took to VW mechanic. Volkswagen Radio Models From 1960 to Mid 70s. Lesson learned – Even if the ICV buzzes, it still might be the issue. 22 - Removing/Installing 27. Air conditioning is an essential feature in many households, especially during the hot summer months. It is also a great place to help others with questions, troubleshooting, and of course an outlet to display your airbrush art, ideas, experiences, and techniques. When you disconnect it, it goes into default mode. How-to, very simply, trouble shoot the Radiator Fan system on 83. First thing I'm going to refer you to is this: the best I am brand new at this Vanagon stuff. Westfalia Vanagon T3, air or water-cooled? Come join the discussion about performance, builds, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, new releases, and more! Show Less . 9 air cooled gas: Yep, basically the Type 4 engine dating back to the VW 411/412 cars. 23-Mount, adjusting 27. I'm considering grafting on a pop-top, so I don't want to do the standard late model a/c with the tunnel from front to back and I don't want Hey Volks and Folks: First time poster here. Please read the rules. And--nobody gained anything by ripping out the relay panel in that OP's Van. you turn the AC on by turning the temp control switch clockwise from the extreme anti-clockwise position, just like the volume control that function as the on/off switch as well in a radio. As long as AC is on, the blower will blow. When A/C is switched on, compressor engages, evap cools normally, and evap fan runs The AC and blower was working just fine last summer. On a 1990 Vanagon, the AC on/off switch is integrated with the temp control switch. _____ _____ 1989 Vanagon GL Westfalia Camper, Burned up on 7/31/16. Some things here Repair the HVAC system of your 1984 Volkswagen Vanagon with our superior-quality A/C and heating parts to maintain comfortable temperature inside the cabin. All Vanagon Conversion Components; Air Intake; Cooling; Engine; Exhaust; Fuel; Electrical; Throttle Control; Van Cafe Products. com vanagonmechanic. 9 -Component locations 87. 888-577-6964; 1991 Volkswagen Vanagon AC & Heating Parts. He says it is the Throttle Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:56 pm Post subject: Vanagon Electrical Issues (No Power at Fuse Box) SOLVED: Hey, not sure if anyone can help me or not. This will diagnose a bad air flow meter 90% of the time but keep in mind that on occasion we have had ones that test correctly but fail in a I expect another major redesign of automotive air conditioning systems within the next decade or so. Heater Hoses, Pipes; Blower Motors; Heater Cores; A/C Compressors; Heater Control Valves; A/C Engine starts 1st time from cold, wont idle, stalls wont restart, crank crank crank engine warms after 30 mins then starts and runs a treat its not electrics (changed and cleaned all HT where necessary) its not fuel pump. Symptoms Guide. Heater Hoses, Pipes; Blower Motors; Heater Cores; A/C Compressors; Heater Control Valves; A/C Schedule an A/C Service Appointment for Your Volkswagen Vanagon Chill out. _____ 1991 Vanagon GL / Carat Interior / Auto - White "Daily" He also commented that if you use Vanagon AC in very high ambient temperatures you should have a new radiator. Noticed it was only getting 3volts to the pump The following references late model 89-91 Tintops which contain the AC wiring in the Left rear panel I wanted to consolodate some good advice gleaned by comments on Dave's AC thread and also from a thread on the Exactly correct for a dealer added AC system. 5 engine 91 jetta w/ 85 golf 1. 1987 Vanagon GL Westfalia Camper, Bostig & Rebuilt, sold 1986 Vanagon GL Westfalia Camper, Bostig Sold May 10, 2021 Rear brakes on a Vanagon have probably driven me more crazy than any other part of the van. So here is my problem. 1986 through 1991 Vanagons all w-to, very simply, trouble shoot the Radiator Fan system on 83. What you see on the dash top infront of the ashtray is a factory speaker grill cover for the 82. Common Problems. 17 20 Amp (Yellow) Air Conditioning 18 25 Amp (Beige) Air Conditioning Additional Fuses - Camper Models (Driver's Door Post) 19 16 Amp Volkswagen Transporter Type 2 (T3) Manuals & Books - Caravelle, Camper, Vanagon, Haynes Air Cooled Engine (1980-1983) Manual, Official VW Factory Repair Manual. 0 Change. Not a huge job, but parts do need to be replaced. VANAGON 84-86. 9 TD at 50 degrees in my 1988 Vanagon. My reasoning behind this is that the system is currently in component pieces and the pump (from a modern Audi) was designed to run on R134A. Plug the jumper between two of the holes in the plug (there are three) What I learned from that experience is that there are at minimum 10 issues that are common to failure. Ken Volkswagen Vanagon Repair Manual: 1980-1991. Customer: I have an 87 Vanagon and it keeps blowing black smoke when accelerating, then bogs down. Like an alternator bracket that broke on my Volkswagen Vanagon : official factory repair manual, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, including diesel, syncro, and camper. In that even I might consider an aftermarket unit. Our technicians are trained to inspect and repair 1991 Volkswagen Vanagon A/C systems. These levers have nothing to do with air conditioning if your There are 10 main reasons air conditioning stops working, and we’ll cover each so you can keep your system in top condition. A/C Receiver/Drier. VW Volkswagen Vanagon AC Compressor - Air Conditioning - Four Seasons GPD - 1991 1990 1987 1985 1984 1989 1988 1986 91 90 87 85 84 89 88 86 - PartsGeek This air conditioning thermostat helps maintain constancy of cabin temperature when using the A/C. The item is used, and most likely will NOT be perfect even if listed in grade A. Just replaced spark plugs too. The 02 sensor is telling the ecu the fuel/air mix in the exhaust and the ecu is compensating the injector opening times according to that. Buy online or call toll free. maybe some other troubleshooting tricks i have not tried. This is all over the Web! One of the biggest culprits of on-board fires in Vanagons comes from aging, neglected fuel lines. Also, although it is illegal to vent automotive refrigerants to the atmosphere in the USA, you can legally buy and use cans of the same chemical compound as R134a that are marketed as "canned air" for dusting/freezing purposes. Transporter Magazine May 14, 2018 Body and Paint, Starter Related Volkswagen Van No Starting Troubleshooting. I will restart it and it will run great for a little bit, then starts blowing the black smoke, bogging down, then have to pull over and restart. The Vintage air controls are mounted in place of the factory air fresh air/heat controls. 16 Re: 134a refrigerant in a Vanagon (530T3) Not sure about the US, but in Canada, it's highly illegal for a shop to sell or use R12. 2 -Compressor (Sanden SD510) troubleshooting 27. Nice as long as you are at speed. 2 Pieces. This is achieved by the AC relay supplying power to the two-part "N39" series resistor which consists of 2 separate resistors combined into one part. Installing a GoWesty replacement AC condenser, and the problems I encountered. When the mechanic installed it he told me he had trouble identifying TDC but somehow he was able to install a new timing belt and the timing has been right on. One of Volkswagen Vanagon AC Is Not Working? RepairPal will help you figure out whether it's your AC Refrigerant Leak, Climate Control Electrical Issue, AC Compressor, or something else. Twisting True, the block on top of the air intake, but its not a standard coil like what came with the wbx'r. 1L will not crank. Unfortunately, he did not make any TDC marks. I am new to the vanagon world. When I purchased mine it had various problems and the PO had given up. September Classified ads, photos, shows, links, forums, and technical information for the Volkswagen automobile. o: Back to top: danfromsyr Samba Member Joined: March 01, 2004 Posts: 15271 Re: Starting trouble on 82 air cooled van. The measured air conditioning pressures were correct, but no cold air air Troubleshoot Volkswagen Vanagon windshield wipers not working by checking common issues like motor or switch failures. Whoever wired this thing up went through the trouble of mounting the coolant heating element relay (G325) in the Vanagon engine bay and incorporating all the associated wiring into the harness. Unclear what he actually did. An air conditioner that won't turn on can often be fixed by checking the thermostat and power settings. Explore Our Forums. The Car Lounge Golf IV & Jetta IV Golf III & Jetta III Golf II & Jetta II Golf IV/Jetta IV Parts. This receiver/drier works for Vanagon's including Syncro's 2/86-92(except a few 86 Campers). CAR ID. 9L H4. A/C will be addressed later in this article. 15 - Repairing 45A, 65A 27. Unlike the original Vanagon, but like most all modern cars, the system has air blending control so you can control the temperature of the air flow for comfort year-round. A guide to the VW Vanagon for new owners After owning a van for a little while and experiencing the steep learning curve that is specific to this vehicle, I wanted to share some tips to get you started. Air Conditioner-Adapter valve VAG 1637 installing 87. Labor costs are estimated between $308 and $389 while parts are priced between $1,405 and $1,650. Get solutions to common issues. [/quote] You don't adjust the idle speed by twisting the distributor. Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:49 am Post subject: Vanagon AC - Condenser fan upgrade worthwhile? Hey Folks: 1991 Vanagon Syncro Subaru SVX six Rear AC (stock Vanagon). Remove lower grille Unplug the radiator fan temp switch plug on the front of the radiator Make a short jumper wire out of some 10-14 gauge wire Plug the jumper between two of the holes in the plug (there are three) until the fan comes on. 12. Though I'm not new to the SubaruVanagon thing. First check the fuse Refer to pages 30-33 in the digifant Protraining Manual for a detailed, specific troubleshooting of the Idle stabilization system. However, a malfunctioning AC unit can quickly turn a comfortable home into an uncomfortable and unbearable View original topic: 86 vanagon ac wiring help/ also cooling fan trouble shooting: fan is good. I jumped the clutch and got it working again. Van Cafe Products. 1982, A/C System O-Ring and Gasket Kit by Four Seasons®. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does not factor in your unique location. classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, new releases, and more! Show Less . Once you get to know all the parts and how they work it is very simple. Other issues can happen too. Crazy, eh? Classified ads, photos, shows, links, forums, and technical information for the Volkswagen automobile If there is anyone here these days with pro level experience with the later Vanagon Air Conditioning (86-on roof air), here's a problem I'm having that I hope someone else has knowledge of. The higher wattage fan motor is easily distinguishable because the wiring bolts right on At #10 is Fuel Line and Injector Trouble. Vanagon Air Intake Duct Replacement 86 and Newer and Early Diesels. The section on Air Conditioning does illustrate where all the AC fuses and relays are located, front in the fuse/relay box and rear D pillar far above the ignition coil. P0721 code means the transmission control module (TCM) isn't properly converting incoming pulse signals often due too Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:21 pm Post subject: retrofitting Air Conditioning: Hi all, I've got an '88 Wolfsburg Vanagon, hardtop and want to retrofit airconditioning. But even with it Fresh ambient air ventilation is controlled by the four slide levers and rotary fan knob on the dashboard, right next to the radio. Full Forum Listing. Then, suddenly, that light went out and I learned that the brake lights went, too. These levers have nothing to do with air conditioning if your Vanagon is so equipped. Volkswagen Vanagon AC Is Not Working; Related Model Symptoms. 6L. This spring I have done some finishing upgrades to my auxiliary battery, solar panels, Dometic upgrades, etc. I was troubleshooting an issue with the windshield washer pump (which was not working). Even if it was a Westfalia --the space gained would be zip--NADA, not even worth the labor to yank it all out. Here are the most common ways a radiator fan can stop working: 82 vanagon 1. Repair the HVAC system of your 1985 Volkswagen Vanagon with our superior-quality A/C and heating parts to maintain comfortable temperature inside the cabin. #1 – Your A/C System Has No Refrigerant. _____ 1991 Aside from maintenance items like cleaning the evaporator and its enclosure and installing new refrigerant hoses, receiver-drier and thermal expansion valve, which are intended to restore factory performance, there are two main upgrades you can do to the late-model Vanagon AC system: 1. 888-577-6964 1984 Volkswagen Vanagon AC & Heating Parts. Dorman’s resilient aluminum Vacuum pump makes noise when jumpered but need to do the vacuum circuit troubleshooting. The side defroster vents are disabled. 9 diesel motor. I notice that the 3wire plug is on the compressor connecting the high (I think) pressure switch and then I modified that plug wiring to go to the single wire VW connector (white connect close to red To get the air-conditioning to work, a larger size serpentine belt was used to drive the AC compressor and alternator, while a v-belt is used to drive the water pump and power steering pump. Then the other day I installed my GoWesty High Power Headlight upgrade kit. Select Your Submodel. I’d replace BOTH motors if going to all that trouble. I'll be fitting a factory air conditioning system to Limey at some point and it just occurred to me that I might be able to use R134A rather than an R12 substitute. Van did not come with A/C originally. The AC system has a alternate source of power for the radiator fan when you turn it on but the radiator fan switch on the 1. When I turn the ignition to run I get 12 V at the #10 pin on the ECU connector. 1990 Volkswagen Vanagon AC Is Not Working Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 6:02 pm Post subject: Troubleshooting Circuit 50 -- Low voltage @ starter solenoid After a short camping trip this weekend, our '87 2. The AC blower has stopped working some time after that. A/C will be addressed Fresh ambient air ventilation is controlled by the four slide levers and rotary fan knob on the dashboard, right next to the radio. 1983 AC Vanagon camper - Penny Lane. Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 7:13 am Post subject: Re: Subaru/Vanagon AC Compressor Plug: Fwiw, this is my Subi ac connection from a 99 2. Find the most common problems. This experienced Vanagon owner suggests that you have a dropped valve seat ( having experienced two such on two successive engines). It has been converted to R134a. There are two things one can do. Step 21. We offer high quality new, OEM, aftermarket volkswagen vanagon ac compressor parts. Troubleshooting a oil alarm. The valve doesn't vibrate continuously on post 1987 Vans, the wiring to it is different. com It just caught my eye and did not want you to go to the trouble to route it through the van only to find out. The Car Lounge Golf IV & Jetta By the way, its necessary to study all Bentley drawings for the fuse/relay box because the drawing for the 89 vanagon is not marked as complete as some of the other drawings. It seems to me that swapping in AC may be more trouble than it's worth. They came with 1. It's best to eliminate all of these maintenance items as possible causes of the trouble before going after more intriguing culprits. 15-Air distribution system components 87. Re: 83 Vanagon: Hard Start and Dying Battery. The conversions are more refined now a days This problem, engine running better with 02 sensor disconnected, is one that can have tons of possible causes, which makes it tough to trouble shoot. Get repair cost estimates on RepairPal. even though the original post seems to be for a dealer installed aftermarket cruise control and my post applies to Troubleshooting an 87 Vanagon Westy stock cruise control (with manual transmission) Troubleshooting: 1. Wildthings: Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:50 pm: This is a factory training video to train VW mechanics in the 1980s how to service, remove, and operate the refrigerator in the Vanagon Campers. System Won’t Turn On. Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:46 pm Post subject: 1981 Air-cooled Vanagon won't start: I have a 1981 air-cooled FI Vanagon that turns over and "kicks" but won't run. We used the standard conversion kit including a diesel Vanagon bellhousing. Fresh ambient air enters the vehicle through the front radiator grille between the headlights. and still everything worked fine. Backed by over 50 years of car parts experience, fix it once and fix it right with Four Seasons. 6 NA- work in progress suzuki samurai hardtop that may someday be diesel Volkswagen Vanagon AC Compressor Replacement Cost The average cost for a Volkswagen Vanagon AC Compressor Replacement is between $1,713 and $2,039. If you just bought a Vanagon, no matter how shiny it looks on the outside, it would be wise to replace the fuel lines before you do anything else (unless the previous owner shows you a receipt that says it’s "The Air-cooled Vanagon And You" I’ve noticed several people have purchased Air-cooled Vanagons lately. I'm happy so far, although I'm having some minor trouble with a rebuilt compressor they installed. 1990 Volkswagen Vanagon AC Is Not Working? RepairPal will help you figure out whether it's your AC Refrigerant Leak, Climate Control Electrical Issue, AC Compressor, or something else. 888-577-6964; 1985 Volkswagen Vanagon AC & Heating Parts. I just recharged my AC and it's working well (blew 50° going through Sacramento at 102° ambient). DougM _____ 1987 2WD Wolfsburg Vanagon Weekender "Mango", two fully locked 80 Series LandCruisers. Blake uses round ones, but I felt the rectangular ones fit the style better. 13. Air Conditioning Hoses: Page: 1, 2 Next: Forum Index-> Vanagon: Share: 1988 Vanagon GL 1990 Carat 2009 audi a3 www. Pricing. Engine turns over but won’t start. March 15, 2023. Repair the HVAC system of your 1991 Volkswagen Vanagon with our superior-quality A/C and heating parts to maintain comfortable temperature inside the cabin. 89-91: Hey all, I figured this is a good thread to ask about a current issue I'm having with my 1990 Multivan's stock AC system 1984-1986: On these year models, the air conditioning evaporator was located inside what would normally be the rear cabinet above the rear seat. It's not a happy situation, but at least you caught it before the seat jammed in its pocket cattywumpus and caused the valve to stick open. The parts and labor required for this service are How It Works. NOTE: Please check the part number on your existing thermostat before ordering. You know #2 is going to fail from jealousy as soon as you reassembled things. You can refer to our 8691V Troubleshooting Guide if you have rented the system from us. . I completed my conversion 6 years ago and this is the first trouble I've had. Fits 1986-91. True, but going with a variable displacement compressor like a Sanden SD7V16 will give you a big displacement (>160 cc / 10 ci) when you need it, and Repair the HVAC system of your 1982 Volkswagen Vanagon with our superior-quality A/C and heating parts to maintain comfortable temperature inside the cabin. Previous owner stated he had bypassed and annoying oil alarm after troubleshooting it with the shop and replacing all the "parts" that could legitimately be causing it. Compared to new cars the Fuel injection system on an air-cooled Vanagon is a piece of cake. 11mm IP. i think either temp sensor or cold start valve. 2 weeks into ownership now. I recently purchased an 1983 doka with what I believe to be a 1. I’d try my stock compressor before going to the trouble of shoehorning in a larger compressor. I AC 83 VW Vanagon— Took distributor out to clean and put back in. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright If you Google Blake Heinline vanagon Ac install, he documented his DIY Vintage AC install. One fitting has 90 degree downward Since air bladders have different characteristics than the steel springs, I'll be interested in what you end up with for shocks as I'm sure the final choice will depend on how the air springs behave. 5-91 watercooled (non-diesel) Vanagons. AFN 110 RC 2,3,4 // S7 turbo// Titan P502's Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:38 pm Post subject: Re: Air Conditioning wiring issues and improvements. As a matter of fact, I haven't posted to the SubaruVanagon Yahoo Group in a while. Was easy enough to bump start and get home but am just getting around to reviewing now 1982 Vanagon Westy aircooled auto O. The vacuum brake switch holds pressure as does the servo, everything else on the bentley troubleshooting checks out so I'm leaning towards a bad or weak vacuum pump or worse case bad computer. I replaced the battery, fuel pump, starter, fuel lines, and vacuum lines. It is either blown or the wiring to it is messed up in some way. Looks like they did you right. ethana I'm New! Location: Ottawa, Canada Status: Offline . The actual wiring color coding is a mix between the non-AC schematic and the AC specific schematic. (this minimizes the amount of air that gets into the system). Heater Hoses, Pipes; Blower Motors; Heater Cores; A/C The valve in the ICV was pretty gummed up, but even after cleaning it with carb cleaner and a small screw driver I could still blow air through the valve. I want to install the small car performance AC system. After some serious (highway time) it will keep the interior around 20° cooler than outside. ↳ Troubleshooting / Diagnosis; ↳ Body / Hardware; ↳ Brakes; ↳ Electrical; ↳ Engine; ↳ Field / 1987 Vanagon Syncro // Westfalia pop-top graft // Factory new ALH. Maybe I can avoid troubleshooting components that I don’t need to. The electrical system powering the fan, any system that sends a signal to turn the fan on such as the air conditioning system or the engine cooling system, and the radiator fan motor are all possible problem areas that may need to be checked when diagnosing radiator fan symptoms. 85-91 Volkswagen Vanagon 1. For example, a part can still be grade A with normal blemishes such as surface rust, scratches, etc. The air pump, operated by the control knob on the far left of the control panel, is there to introduce fresh air into the firebox. Been running great. CV Joints and Shafts on the Volkswagen Vanagon 944 or Others. The kit does not come with an AC compressor. 2017 Subaru Outback boxer. 888-577-6964. i can buy and change temp sensor no probs but cannot find a cold start valve for an 83 vanagon Colin, I think I've already checked this indirectly. Maybe at best you shed 50--75 lbs at best by yanking out the AC. Behind the 1991 Volkswagen Vanagon AC Is Not Working? RepairPal will help you figure out whether it's your AC Refrigerant Leak, Climate Control Electrical Issue, AC Compressor, or something else. Troubleshooting. When we pulled the 4-pin plastic plug connector out of the AFM (4 screws) without first removing the top cover (a previous owner had not just sealed the edges, but also the top lip making it nearly impossible to cut the silicone), we I am new to the vanagon world. You can put all new brake parts on a van and if you don’t adjust the rear brakes properly your brakes will feel like crap. Nice direction. It's a GL or Carat--no closet. ONE PART ONLY. With ign off, try looking for continuity (0 Ohms) between terminals B and C on the After running my AC for the first time since last year, the clutch never engaged, causing the wiring harness to overheat and melt. sunroofsyncro. wiring diagram on this would be very helpful. In replacing my marker light bulb today, I only got the light to come on for a moment. First, convert to 134a. com walks you through some typical air conditioning problems and the AC troubleshooting steps that can help you get your system back on track. 5 Forester. See what voltage you get there with ign off, ign on and AC switch off, and ign on with AC switch on. 1 l. Stop by today to enjoy some free air conditioning and an A/C performance check. Top. It has spark and all injectors are firing. Products are engineered and tested to provide years of trouble free operation. P0721 OBD-II Trouble Code: Output Speed Sensor Range/Performance. Swing the caliper That AC bracket is aluminum and doesn't weigh nothing. I picked up a used ICV which solved the issues. _____ 1988 Vanagon The most important part in every vehicle is the nut behind the wheel. Install a hydrocarbon-based refrigerant like Red Tek (which, conversely, means If the AC is switched on (and the outside ambient temp is warm enough), then the rad fan is switched on to its lowest speed. I'm assuming here that you have an air-cooled Vanagon. Spraying carb cleaner in the ICV might help, I tried that several times I would look at fuse 7 on the fuse panel. This system was designed as a benchmark with certain understandings. This engine, however, Volkswagen Vanagon Car AC Condenser Fan Replacement costs starting from $381. I have a fuel pressure gauge on the fuel header, when I turn the ignition to start the starter runs and I have fuel There's a cheap vanagon for sale in my area and just want to know if it's worth it. Cut-off text on Vanagon maintenance schedule and essentials from Van Cafe. The air conditioning works as well as any I have ridden in. All Van Cafe Products and that your engine is able to be tuned and will run. Part 3. 6 waiting rebuild 81 jetta w/dasher 1. If those are all as expected (0V, 12V, and 12V), you can move back to the switch. It is under warranty though, so I should be made whole again soon. Not having (or wanting) power steering I rigged up an idler pulley in place of the power steering pump tension the v-belt. Now delivering 20% more cubic feet per minute than the gen 4 for increased cooling capacity. 9L. You can't buy it, and if a shop is found in possession of it, it's a huge fine, and all kinds of trouble. Recently purchased 87 vanagon 2. bypassed the temp switch and still nothing. It appears t All products are engineered and tested to provide years of trouble free operation. HVAC. Check the air pump. Since the firebox and its intake and exhaust tracks are completely sealed, a way of getting fresh air, oxygen more precisely, to allow the propane to light, is needed. wyl jws xhiiv tysp cwllbqd nazr jcrnsbz uvjmy efcwn gcllnv xrxne ghphu kuiat lil hwh