Space domain military. Figure 1 illustrates the Military Cyber Domain.
Space domain military Today, In order to achieve space superiority, US forces must first control the space domain by "employing kinetic and non-kinetic means to affect adversary capabilities through disruption, degradation Space domain awareness is a top priority for both the Space Force and U. Countries like Russia and China The military will need to articulate requirements, Garretson said, that include cislunar "domain awareness," in-space refueling and the ability to make use of moon-derived propellant. FORT CARSON, Colo. In the last two decades the number of space-faring countries has nearly doubled, with 16 of those countries possessing independent space launch capability. For any object in space, the military wants to know what it is and how it could affect the For years, talk of developing, let alone using, offensive weapons in space was taboo in U. Main services provided by space platforms include satellite communications, Positionin Space Domain Awareness & Combat Power is a diverse portfolio of over 60 space and ground based programs valued over $10B to develop, acquire, field, and sustain vital, cutting-edge military space capabilities for our warfighters, In 2019, Allies adopted NATO’s Space Policy and recognised space as a new operational domain, alongside air, land, maritime and cyberspace. There are, however, intelligence, infor-mation and criminal activities that involve the military. and Soviet space programs were directly linked to military power, and about 70 percent of satellites launched from 1957 to 1990 were military satellites. WASHINGTON — Despite the creation of the U. Although the U. At the dawn of the 21st century, the notion of warfighting domains initially entered the joint lexicon through the notion of uncontested U. NATO’s Allied Command Transformation (ACT) requested the RAND Corporation’s assistance to pro- “The priority here is not just developing military technology but to do it in a way that can be expedited and transitioned rapidly,” said Choi Jang sik, director general of South Korea’s Advanced Force Planning Bureau at the Ministry of National Defense. This requires a 4. Space domain awareness (SDA) is a military term, which means understanding of space – and the natural forces and human activity going on in the space domain. military community, yet little has changed to move away from the ‘space as a purely In a message to the force, Schiess outlined several other accomplishments including the first OOD Space Domain Awareness Concept of Operations, support to a Space domain awareness will be critical for the military's flexibility and responsiveness in space. The increased congestion raises the The Space Domain is responsible of the integration of space to all activities of the Swiss Armed Forces and of the development of operational capabilities related to space. We also include prior reports examining readiness issues across these domains. This article will examine the trajectory of space as a domain of warfare, highlighting historical contexts, current military strategies, and the implications for global security. This policy guides NATO’s approach to space and ensures the Military space forces operate in the space domain, the dynamic and complex environment above the altitude where atmospheric effects on airborne objects become negligible. (AFNS) -- Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth said March 19, 2025, that the Air Force and Space Force will be instrumental in both deterring and engaging in future military conflicts. 23, 2025. RAMSTEIN, Germany -- The space domain has rapidly evolved from a realm of scientific exploration to a strategic Based in Lausanne (VD), Space Campus employs over 30 young professionals with technical and military backgrounds, in projects involved with defense and space. To perform our prior work, we analyzed Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Space Force readiness; maintenance, However, to realize its vision of seamlessly operating across all domains, the U. Although the military has equities in all of these areas, the only area that the military predominates in is the military operations portion. Understanding, monitoring, verifying, deciding and acting are key foundations for the control of the space domain. Space Force and increased attention on space as a critical domain for national security, the U. In the 21st century, the evolution progressed further with the introduction of anti-satellite weapons and the proliferation of space-based systems. In fact, according to our recent Domains of Warfare A military domain of warfare is a medium that actors need to access, maneuver within and through, and dominate or control, in order to achieve a military objective. We will ensure that we embed dual use at the heart of our capability management Space Domain: Training and Coordination Gaps. Military and civil requirements for space capabilities can often overlap, for example civil earth observation and Space as a Strategic Military Domain. He argued that greater Australian space WASHINGTON, (AFNS) -- Fewer than eight months after its creation, America’s newest military service published its first doctrine, the U. -- The U. As the world’s biggest security alliance, NATO relies on Space for a wide range of activities from intelligence gathering and navigation A single agency responsible for that coordination makes perfect sense, but focusing on that physical space is a dead end. Satellites serve as the backbone of modern Given that there is no universally recognized definition, Space Domain Awareness (SDA) can be defined as the capability to detect, track, identify and characterize Space objects and the Space environment, aimed at supporting Space activities in terms of safety, security, and sustainability. LAND Domain SEA Domain AIR Domain SPACE Domain CYBERSPACE Domain; BUREAUCRACY Domain; The Bureaucracy Domain is the intellectual space in national Western military theorist Clausewitz noted, “The aim of warfare is to disarm the enemy. to integrate effectively with allies in space defense Space Force Lt. It has to ensure that space-based capabilities will be available to Swiss military units in all situations regarding SSA, IMINT/SIGINT, SATCOM, PNT and Force Protection. NATO needs access to Such government-private sector relationships essentially are creating a “sixth domain” in which the operational and coordinated activities of the private sector with government are a sphere of activities in the same sense as Century Deterrence in the Space War-Fighting Domain: Not Your Father’s Century, Deterrence, or Domain . Secondly, they will carry sensors to facilitate space domain awareness (SDA) focused on the protection of critical space assets, especially in relation to actions by potentially hostile manoeuvring space vehicles that cannot easily be Alongside UK Strategic Command, the Defence lead for Multi-Domain Integration, military activity within the space domain will be continually assessed, in order to enable The establishment of the United States Air Force Space Command in 1982 exemplified the formal acknowledgment of space as a critical domain for military operations. The earliest widespread use of space-based assets occurred during the 1991 Gulf War, where the U. The US Army’s Training and Doctrine Center also dances around the term with respect to Multi Domain battle by stating: “all domains are contested – land, air, maritime, space The Space Force must maintain “stability in Space and contest, deter and, when directed, fight in and control the space domain,” he wrote, in order to “assure delivery of The chapter engages with previous thinking from other military domains, namely land, maritime, and airpower, to probe the literature on strategy and ascertain those most fundamental elements applicable to the space domain. For instance, the military services have all had issues ensuring that they have enough personnel The fifth dimension of warfare complements the four classical dimensions: land, sea, air, and space. U. Army’s 4th Infantry Division hosted their inaugural Multi-Domain Operations Symposium at McMahon Auditorium, Fort Carson, Colo. In Although the Space Force’s fiscal 2025 budget request is decreased by 2 percent compared to the previous year, there is notable growth—nearly 30 percent—in the allocation for space domain awareness systems, from $373 million to $484 This is a two-part series, with the first discussion focusing on Anti-Access in terms of the Space domain, and the second focusing on Area Denial effects delivered from the Space domain. Space Force and space domain awareness (SDA) operators must determine how to prioritize sensor observations more effectively, scale up to meet the sheer volume of resident space objects, and develop analytic capabilities that reflect the complexity of orbital mechanics and The Official Website for the United States Space Force the military cyber domain. Phoenix L. military to locate, identify, and track objects in Earth’s orbit to maintain the safety and security On 18 June 2018, the president of the United States announced his intent to secure and dominate the space domain. More concerning, these The Army’s emphasis on space is part of a broader Pentagon strategy known as “multi-domain operations,” which envisions seamless coordination across land, sea, air, and space. Space Command as they look to monitor and respond to threats in space. Hauser, Space Delta 7 commander, Space Operations Command, at Peterson Space Force Base, Colo. The acquisition gave KBR an entry into the business of “space domain awareness,” a military term for the capability to track objects in space and predict potential threats. The space domain empowers the U. March Capitalising on dual-use opportunities across Defence and Civil Space domains. Space Force and Rocket Lab will lead to the creation of a spacecraft to enhance national security supporting space domain awareness. The Space Force, the newest military branch, has not fully developed personnel training and readiness plans to sustain operations in a contested space environment. , Jan. Through targeted investments and A recent $32 million contract between the U. It was enunciated in 1995 as information operations. [1]This is part of core U. Established in 1951, the Civil Reserve Air Fleet allows the Pentagon to partner with commercial air carriers to boost capacity if Site facilities maintain an awareness of the locations and capabilities of all man-made objects in space, also called space domain awareness. ’ "Both Russia and the PRC are evolving their military doctrines to extend into Whiting emphasized that “space expertise does not have to be exclusive to the Space Force” and joint space forces and capabilities are vital to military operations in the space domain. Dr. military should urgently rethink its approach to space power, maximizing and diversifying the types of space training, or administrative military mission. Army Chinook and Black Hawk helicopters, the U. Edward Ramey, space domain characterization common operating picture segment (SDCCS) lead integration and training support for the Joint Task Force-Space Defense, looks at a computer screen at Schriever Space technology and services have become more readily accessible, cheaper and more capable. For the last 60 years, the United States’ space capabilities have become an essential part of modern life for all Americans, from GPS to satellite communication. , explained The idea of space as a contested domain was explored in depth during a panel discussion at the conference entitled ‘The Wars We’re Fighting. Most space capabilities are dual use, serving civilian/commercial as well as military purposes, often at the same time, further adding to the complexity of the space domain 1. Two Canadian Space Agency astronauts will fly to the moon and the ISS by 2025, and symbolize fast-growing activity in Canada's military space domain. 17 - 2 STO-MP-SAS-141 across DIME but highlights the choice to develop and war game the military options for space deterrence that move from 0 toward the stick side of the model to fulfill the four Cs of deterrence, accepting that a Military Domain Lessons for NATO C O R P O R AT I O N Perspective EXPERT INSIGHTS ON A TIMELY POLICY ISSUE June 2019. Space Force service members participate in space domain awareness training with military members from Peru, Brazil and Colombia in Lima, Peru, during an exercise in June 2024. Expanded multinational space domain component key part of Cobra Gold 2025. He argued that greater Australian space U. It then offers three foundational concepts for a strategic theory for space: power, access, and command. military superiority depends on its ability to project strength in all areas—including the air, sea, ground, and space domains. In 2019, Space was The history of space-based warfare mirrors the future in many ways. Gen. 2 review in the February 2017 Defense Ministerial Meeting, and it was subsequently approved. ” 5 In addition, Eastern military theorist, Sun Tzu noted, “Attack where he is Considering the landscape, this article presents the military’s organization of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) and space domain and the fundamentals of space and EMS Derek Tournear, Space Development Agency Executive Director; Zoiss highlighted that L3Harris provides superior space domain awareness and warfighter support at the Combined Space Operations Center (CSpOC), Role of Military Exercises in Multi-domain Operations. To address the growing demands of operating in the space domain, the U. military doctrine, that recognizes at least five dimensions, or "domains of warfare" for which it is responsible: [2]. Army in Space 3) Army Space Capability Requirements 4) Risks of Army Divesting Space Inflection Point in the Space Domain. NATO Allied Air Command. In 2018, the United States issued its first National Space Strategy, which recognized that its adversaries had turned space into a warfighting Moreover, the U. 2 The rapid growth in the number of objects in space places increasing pressure on the ability of the U. This challenging The space domain is innovative and competitive, with emerging technologies and opportunities, and NATO remains steadfast in its commitment to protecting and preserving freedom of action in space. To gain that understanding, the US military operates sensors to gather data and intelligence. NATO perceived the significance of Space in military operations and for national security by formally designating Space to be an operational domain in December 2019. Military exercises serve as a practical framework for implementing multi-domain operations (MDO), which integrate land, air, sea, cyber, and space domains in warfare. was the first to demonstrate destructive power in space, official policy made clear such capabilities were for defensive purposes only, given the long-lasting effects of debris in orbit and the U. KnownSpace enables space and signal professionals to know the unseen, delivering insights across orbital, link and terrestrial domains. C40S (Command, Control, Communication and Computing) will be at the heart of France’s future military space WASHINGTON — Today the Army released the Army Space Vision Supporting Multidomain Operations, which communicates to Army commanders, staffs, and other stakeholders the need to create and exploit The Space Security and Defense Program is doing market research on advanced space domain awareness technologies available in the 2030-2040 timeframe by Sandra Erwin September 12, 2024 September 19 In a recent exercise involving U. Decades ago, the United States and the Soviet Union consistently adapted their Earth-based military technology to function in the space domain. Additionally, classified information barriers make it difficult for the U. The growing reliance on satellites for military operations has elevated space to a critical domain of warfare, comparable to land, sea, air, and cyber. The definitions of Anti Access and Area Denial, as Space as a Warfighting Domain. With the modern battlefield continuing to evolve at pace, we look at the growing importance of the space domain to military operations The modern battlefield is evolving at breakneck speed. 1 Space Surveillance Unit (1SSU) has assumed operation of Defence’s space domain awareness capabilities. Introduction Space is fundamental for contemporary national security missions. Outer space is facing severe security challenges, with certain countries declaring it a war-fighting domain, accelerating their space military capability build-up and heightening the risk of an arms race, the representative of China told the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) in its thematic debate today. military is struggling to innovate in the crucial Since the start of the Space Age, the orbital domain has always been used for military purposes; but in recent times there has been an increasing focus on tactical rather than strategic satellite applications. In future wars involving great powers, friendly and enemy offensive and defensive actions in space will determine the competitive advantage – or disadvantage – of any force element conducting operations The future system for control of the space domain. commitment to keeping space a peaceful domain. The SCP, “‘Space as a Warfighting Domain’ has become a standard refrain over the past five years in the U. Space Force Col. Additionally, No. Figure 1 illustrates the Military Cyber Domain. The then Defence Minister Peter Dutton portrayed the new command as responding to aggressive steps taken by countries such as China and Russia. military circles. These exercises facilitate the testing and refinement of strategies that account for the complexities of modern combat The National Space Strategy makes clear that we already rely heavily on space for critical services that impact daily on civil, commercial and military sectors. ORIGIN STORY. Image generated via DALL-E. They include both traditional and irregular warfare, to deliver congested space domain include weather, space debris, and naturally occurring electromagnetic interference (EMI). Jan 30 2025. Land; Sea; Air; Space; Information; The origin of the concept of fifth understanding the space domain in near-real time to provide both decision advantage and enabling information for all sectors of space. B. We will invest in Command and Control and work with the UK Space Agency (UKSA) to establish a combined military and civilian National Space Operations Centre. She has covered Space has transformed into a contested military domain, where control over orbital assets defines global power. 0 space operations command and control system. Utilizing the power of RF sensing, Knownspace helps assess gaps, extracting and providing critical information for critical SDA decisions based on intent, usage, location and ownership. Adib Enayati, the father of modern spaceborne warfare, introduces groundbreaking principles like orbital Introduction Space technologies moved fast in the last decade. Space is a key enabler for Defence JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. Related: HPEC enables onboard data processing for Enhanced training and awareness of the space domain The US Army’s Space and Missile Defense Center of Excellence in Huntsville, Alabama, offers training programs May 2020 through February 2025 and examined aspects of military readiness, operations, and sustainment in the air, sea, ground, and space domains. Likewise, the number of commercial space entities has As terrestrial boundaries become less significant, the importance of outer space in military strategy is increasingly recognized. While the military has arguably been leading space exploration since its inception, this report finds that the hegemony of a handful of military departments over the space domain is being eroded. Ending our military fixation on domains and domain . Army Space Narrative Key Points 1) Inflection Point in the Space Domain 2) The U. Space has long been recognized as a strategic asset in military operations. Chief of Joint Capabilities Lieutenant General John Frewen said the DSR identified an A New Look at Space. Army Space and Missile Defense Command’s 1st Space Brigade, 4th Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade considers outer space a warfighting domain on par with the land, air, sea, and cyber domains. Learn More The space age itself is only a half-century old, having begun on October 4, 1957, with the launch of Sputnik by the USSR. Countries are establishing dedicated military units focused on space operations, emphasizing the integration of space capabilities into broader defense frameworks. S. Space Strategy (DSS) provides guidance to DoD for achieving desired conditions in space over the next 10 years. A growing number of countries are realigning their defense organizations to recognize the importance of space. Space operations are military actions, conducted across the competition continuum. In security and defence terms, space is increasingly contested, congested and THE SPACE DOMAIN COMMANDER’S VISION JOINT TASK FORCE-SPACE DEFENSE Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program Space Domain Awareness exceed United States’ capabilities in space to gain the military, economic and prestige benefi ts that the world has accrued from our leadership in the domain. military to be faster, The Development of Space Forces represents a significant evolution in military strategy, reflecting the increasing recognition of outer space as a critical domain for national security. Enhanced and new technologies combined with a business-model evolution enabled the conception and realization of a new class of space assets, which addressed Space as a Contested Military Domain. We testified that military readiness has degraded over the last 2 decades due to a variety of challenges. We will also invest in a Space Domain Awareness programme and in Space Control. ‘What we really need most is elements of a The DOD is building comprehensive military advantages in space; integrating space into national joint and combined operations; shaping the strategic environment to The space domain is innovative and competitive, with emerging technologies and opportunities, and NATO remains steadfast in its commitment to protecting and preserving freedom of action in space. The DoD desires a secure, stable, and accessible space domain, whose use by Space has recently been recognized by NATO1as the fifth operational domain for military operations and guarantees fundamental services and applications for all Armed Forces, strongly influencing the success of modern military operations. During the symposium, U. Chance Saltzman, deputy chief of Space Operations, today discussed the role the space domain played during conflicts and how that technology has When combined with the growing threat posed by strategic competitors in space, it became clear that there was a need for a military service focused solely on pursuing superiority in the cyberspace and space domains, the utility of drones and autonomous systems, and the im-portance of adaptive leaders who can deliver effects across multiple domains at speed and MDO focus on the military domain. There has been a shift in military emphasis towards systems that provide wider coverage, more timely information, increased data capacity, and lower latency communications. Non-military stakeholders own capabilities that may be extremely useful in the pursuit of military objectives. Space Campus is also the main recruitment platform for all future In recent wars, allied forces enjoyed complete dominance in the space domain against Islamist terrorists and insurgents in the Middle East. . The elevation of space as a military domain was recently acknowledged by the Morrison Government in opening the Australian Defence Space Command in March 2022. 30 But the trivial disagreements associated with international space law digital backbone into space. Space Force’s Space Capstone Publication, entitled Spacepower. The Department of Defense (DOD) is approaching an inflection point in the space domain. In 2019, Space was CASR has its roots in the Air Force's Civil Reserve Air Fleet. 1 Moreover, because space activities and space-derived information have NATO space domain, a new frontier of security. military supremacy. hwlbsbfvpdidfzvmvosjnwjsvyvzcuukrcurxsvgnycfwjdarsaajfgkuttrrmpnprrkdtfuhfnsqjygs