Sas comma delimited input Ask Question Asked 5 years, 6 months ago. This message appears in the SAS log: Not really, unless you are willing to read up the input data row and parse each field into a SAS variable using DATA step functions such as SCAN, SUBSTR, FIND and INDEX/INDEXW. I need a method of a) parsing through the values in the s I'm trying to the read the following data from a text file into a data set and proc print it. I created a SAS macro, lets call it mymacro, that takes a single string as input. Replace the data set if it exists. A delimiter is a character that separates words or phrases in a text string that defines the beginning or end of a contiguous string of character data. Whatʼs New Then that process needs to be fixed. Still it will be a crap-shoot unless you know what to expect. All the other records have no pipe symbols at all. Define your variables before you use them in other statements. csv' DSD firstobs=2; *location of file for analysis, tells SAS to start reading at line 2; Length Gender $7; *character to list in length for gender, male or female; Length Earnings $20; *character to Example 4: Reading Comma-Delimited Data with List Input and an Informat. Modified 5 years, 5 months ago. I use this technique for lists delimited by spaces with no issues, I need the comma delimiter b/c (obviously) the text file names have spaces. But fields can also be separated by nonblank delimiters, such as commas, I want to make multiple rows based on comma separated and not on based nested comma values. I guess the "pipe-less" lines are all comments. Simple case but I did not do it for one year and can not recollect ( ; run; Just add: infile datalines dlm="," dsd; input severity; Do note you will only read one item though as only Example 4: Reading Comma-Delimited Data with List Input and an Informat. The example below shows how to use the delimiter statement for comma-separated data. I hate commas in macro lists, especially if that list is then a parameter to another macro I have a character column containing comma-separated numbers, and the list of numbers is of varying length. This message appears when the Using List Input: Working With Delimiters. The sort needs to run as part of a "function style" macro. Default: Blank space: Interaction: The DELIMTER statement is valid only when DBMS=DLM Base SAS® 9. csv created out of lotus notes db, I have renamed the file to . 2. But fields can also be separated by nonblank delimiters, such as commas, as shown below. This code illustrates how the IMPORT procedure uses the first row of the tab delimited file to generate SAS variable Comma for . Sign up by March 14 for just $795. Reading comma delimited file using SAS. SAS(R) 9. This seems incredibly basic, but I simply can't find the right informat in SAS to read in the kind of data I have, which looks like this: 9 Bittersweet #FD7C6E (253, 124, 110) 48 1949 10 Black #000000 (0,0,0) 8 Input values must be separated by at least one blank (the default delimiter) or by the delimiter specified with the DLM= or DLMSTR= option in the INFILE statement. Why not only compress out the single quote characters that are causing the trouble instead of removing the double quotes that are protecting the embedded commas? _infile_=compress(_infile_,"'") Or if you have some single quotes inside strings then try just removing those that open and close stri It fails, and it fails with errors suggesting it is trying to call formatted input (ie, it asks you why you don't have another (there, which would be the normal thing in formatted input after a list with ( ). So 3,5 represents B3 & B5 found in dataset PARMS. Home; Welcome. I cannot correctly make a table with 4 columns and values in them. Remove the comma's from the numbers is the easiest solution. txt' dlm=','; input var1-var5; run; SAS automatically generates variables var1, var2, var3, var4, var5 when you say but how would I modify this to import a . 29 input 30 VAR1 $ 31 VAR2 $ 32 VAR3 $ wrote: Thanks for the suggestion! I need to execute a macro functions with various input, with input defined by items in a comma delimited list supplied by the user. Sample 26095: Reading Delimited Raw Data in SAS Enterprise Guide Delimited raw data files have a special character separating the data values. Seems like we have more and more people using CSV for Character Separated. Named Input: Note: When an equal sign follows a variable in an INPUT statement, SAS expects that data remaining on the input First remark: Maxim 14: Use the right tool. Note: Modified list input uses format modifiers to help read in data. 1_M1, the import task does not generate the correct code when Rename columns to comply with SAS naming conventions is selected. Loading SAS code from text file inside a data Comma Delimited Variable Values (need to parse and create additional Obs) Posted 11-15-2021 10:07 AM (710 views) I have a dataset where the Obs have variables that looks like this: Join us for SAS Innovate 2025, our biggest and most exciting global event of the year, in Orlando, FL, from May 6-9. NOTE: The data set WORK. However, the DSD option is available to handle data such as yours. d format is similar to the DOLLAR w. Customer Support SAS Documentation. JSON Procedure. I thought I could somehow put the strings in an array and then create another macro that loops the original macro over each item in the array, but I can't find information on how to create an array outside of a Hi, Please help me to read in data with comma as delimiter. I need to execute a macro functions with various input, with input defined by items in a comma delimited list supplied by the user. Identify the output SAS data set. com Importing a Comma-Delimited File with a CSV Extension. Base SAS® 9. Note that Proc Import for CSV will generate data step code to read the file. You say "this is a limitation in SAS I guess" but it is However, I think it would be more helpful if I could somehow transpose the comma separated list to something like this: data have_mod; input id state $; cards; 134 NC 134 NY 134 SC 145 AL 145 NC 145 NY 145 SC ; run; The original file is a space delimited txt file. [pre] data test1 ; SAS Input: Integers Separated by Commas. Hire_Date DATE9. com. Input Required Business Meeting - Involved, MTNG - Meals > data test; infile 'data. Solved: I'm trying to create a series of SAS datasets of ICD codes given to me in a word doc but I'm having trouble reading the data in have1 S83. Re: Reading data from comma delimited file with comma in the variable value Posted 10-20-2016 10:38 PM (3151 views) | In reply to rkshah333 You are lucky, SALARY is the last column. The first INPUT statement reads no variables put The COMMA w. Assuming you leave the quotation marks in. , ! It actually appears to be a comma delimited file. DELIMITER Statement Specifies the delimiter that separates columns of data in the input file. ; label Job_Title= 'Sales Title SAS® Viya™ 3. This example takes advantage of options available with the INFILE statement to read in-stream data lines. When using PROC IMPORT, user defined At the end of this first phase, a program is created: ‘readin_inputs. Birth_Date monyy7. data want; set have; by mus_no notsorted; length list_service $32767; retain list_service; if first. BORPER="Bordetella pertussis") Is there a way to apply my format to each value of my string rather than the whole string ? Make sure the case is the same in the code and the way the file appears to the file system in the virtual box. This DATA step uses the DELIMITER= option in the INFILE statement to read list input values that are separated by To read a delimited text file into a SAS data set, use PROC IMPORT: proc import datafile='<path to delimited file>' out=mydata /* SAS data set to create */ dbms=dlm replace; Use the SAS delimiter statement to read in data. Read the manual on the INPUT statement and it will explain the different input styles. If you cannot re-create the file, you can read the two columns as different text variables, concatenate Most free-format data fields are clearly separated by blanks and are easy to imagine as variables and observations. I try to imput the txt in SAS Enerprise Guide. I updated the answer so it will work with reading a comma-separated file. To correctly process the input data, you need to use a delimiter statement. I want to now convert these into numeric with either . This documentation is for a version of the software that is out of support. I just clicked on the link in your question, and it looks like it shows how to read the file, using column input: INPUT Name $ 1-21 Genre $ 23-40 Origin $ 42; If the data are not delimited, but they are in fixed columns, then column input makes sense. want=input(have,comma. That character is often a comma (as in CSV or comma-separated values files), but it can also Base SAS® 9. 1 Data Management and Utility Procedures Guide documentation. SAS Viya; SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure; SAS Viya Release Updates; Moving to SAS Viya; SAS Visual Analytics; SAS Visual Analytics Hi, I'm trying to import a comma delimited txt file into SAS and this is the code I'm using: proc import datafile='U:\\DICA raw data. This DATA step uses the DELIMITER= option in the INFILE statement to read list input values that SAS sees the comma in the data value as a field separator (as would any other application). d format, but the COMMAX w. 488 input 489 VAR1 $ 490 VAR2 $ 491 VAR3 $ 492 VAR4 $ 493 VAR5 $ 494 VAR6 $ 495 VAR7 $ 496 ; 497 if _ERROR_ then call symputx('_EFIERR_',1); /* set ERROR detection 497! macro Special Case of Comma Delimited Files There is a common data arrangement used by many personal computer applications. Parsing can use DO UNTIL( = ' '); END; or some DO / You need to make the target variable large enough; keep in mind that even with the maximum size of character variables, you may not be able to hold all values given that you have "thousands" of rows per customer:. Birth_Date date. – itzy A comma-separated values (CSV) file is a delimited file specified with DBMS=CSV. Is there a way to get SAS to allow commas as long as they fall within the quotation marks? Thanks for any help! Base SAS® Procedures for SAS® Viya® Workbench documentation. Furthermore, two commas together indicate that there is a missing 1 SUGI 29 Tutorials A comma-separated values file is a form of a delimited file. Importing a comma-delimited file, tab-delimited file, or a file with another type of delimiter can result in the following message in the SAS log: NOTE: Invalid data for variable-name in line line-number. The example uses an informat to read the date, and a format to write the date. ; data Hello, Can anyone help to achieve below : I am getting input values as comma separated values and again comma in the values as nested comma. 488 input 489 VAR1 $ 490 VAR2 $ 491 VAR3 $ 492 VAR4 $ 493 VAR5 $ 494 VAR6 $ 495 VAR7 $ 496 ; 497 if _ERROR_ then call symputx('_EFIERR_',1); /* set ERROR hi, I typically don't deal with "unstructured" text and I know there is a solution to this, I'd appreciate for any guidance and help. Couldn't you just use something like: data want; length County_ANSI $3; length County_Name $50; input State State_ANSI County_ANSI County_Name ANSI_Cl; run; View solution in original post. The data values are separated by commas. ); informat want comma. When you use PROC IMPORT to read a comma-separated file, a tab-separated file, or other delimited file I am trying to go through a list of names of text files that are comma delimited and PROC IMPORT. 4 Procedures Guide, Seventh Edition. East Caribbean,799,1514,1335 East Caribbean,1068,2319,1864 East Caribbean,899,999,967 East Caribbean,1240,899,769 East Caribbean,1100,1769,1044 West Caribbean,1018,1065,907 West Caribbean,999,1118,959 West Hi, I have a string (that comes from a multiple select in a stp) that looks like this: ('BORPER','BRR_SP','CHL_PN') and I have a format for these 3 values (e. You can use that a basis for a custom read solution as @Tom suggests. Most free-format data fields are clearly separated by blanks and are easy to imagine as variables and observations. So I can't just do it in a data step. The regular expression syntax is similar to that of sed. csv to post the example on the forum then you didn't use the correct file name in the infile statement. Without the correct DBMS and/or delimiter these might be a problem as it appears SAS would default to comma separated for import. Staff USER ID Staff Name Target Manager Manager Staff Id Lead Lead Staff Id SHEE344 SHEETHAL 100% DAVID DAVID222 KAY KAY2223 ANJ4343 ANJANA 85% DAVID DAVID222 KAY KAY2223 DAVID222 DAVID 85% KAY KAY2223 Importing a Delimited File Importing a Specific Delimited File Using a Fileref Importing a Tab-Delimited File Importing a Comma-Delimited File with a CSV Extension. txt' dbms=dlm out=DICA_new replace; delimiter=","; getnames=no; datarow=1 ; r I'm ending up with an output of the first 1171 variables, but my data has around 1800. ; format Salary dollar12. 5. d format does not print a leading dollar sign. d format is similar to the COMMAX w. If so then this program should give the outline you need. Viewed 659 times 0 . I have a comma delimited file read as such, string variable will be between two quotes, and numeric will I am getting input values as comma separated values and again comma in the values as nested comma. Registration is now open for SAS Innovate 2025, our biggest and most exciting global event of the year! Join us in For example, this DATA step program uses list input to read data that is separated with commas. SAS Data Science; Mathematical Optimization, Discrete-Event Simulation, and OR; SAS/IML Software and Matrix Computations; SAS Forecasting and Econometrics; Streaming Analytics; Research and Science from SAS; SAS Viya. or comma how do i do it? if I use . SASCONF has 8 observations and This DATA step uses the DELIMITER= option in the INFILE statement to read list input values that are separated by commas instead of blanks. SAS version is 9. 1. data person; infile datalines delimiter=','; input name $ dept $; Example 4: Reading Comma-Delimited Data with List Input and an Informat. sas. I apologize for blurring out everything; the above quoted variables are my headers, and the bottom variables each correspond to each header variable in order. When importing this data, SAS will assume that daffy duck and ronald mcdonald are names, 123 pizza lane and 435 awesome street are addresses, and that ohio and michigan are phone numbers. Issue is we are having comma's in the values for the variables and hence that whole value should be with same variable after read out using comma as file delimiter. Syntax Conventions for the SAS Language. %NameList = FFIEC CDR Call Schedule RCA, FFIEC CDR Call Schedule RCA, FFIEC CDR Call Schedule RCI; SAS sees the comma in the data value as a field separator (as would any other application). com This example imports the following comma-delimited file and creates a temporary SAS data set named Work. Thank you for Solved: Hi, I have repared a delimited txt file in my C drive. ; format want comma. ; var1=scan(_infile_,1,','); var2 The main thing I see might be if you have a file named with a CSV extension that is not actually comma separated. txt from . Improve this answer Hi, I have a comma delimited file . The adjusted approach with fully specifying the variables in advance should solve this. ; datalines; Business Meeting - Do you ever needed to read delimited text (aka CSV or Comma Separated Values) files into SAS datasets? Unhappy with the speed, accuracy, flexibility of PROC IMPORT? I know I was. When you use PROC IMPORT to read a comma-separated file, a tab-separated file, or other delimited file, the procedure performs these actions by default. dept $40. For example a character variable stored with the value of: '12345, 54321, 23456, 65432' #2) Remove commas from all the columns #3) Export with comma delimiter #4) Import file with formats. txt" lrecl=500; input; format var4 date9. data person; input name $ dept $; datalines; John Sales Mary Acctng ; Example 2: Reading In-stream Data with Options. I have a comma-delimited data file in which missing values are represented by a null value. Could you please suggest something else? Thanks in advance. As the IMPORT procedure reaches the end of the current input data row, variables without any values are set to missing. If you use this method Example 4: Reading Comma-Delimited Data with List Input and an Informat. SAS® Help Center. A delimited text file is a file in which the individual data values contain embedded delimiters, such as quotation marks, commas, and tabs. It has a number of enhancements Hi All I'm looking for a way to sort a comma separated list stored in a macro variable. Either change the delimiter, or have the values enclosed in quotes. This convention is common in European countries. The following example shows how to read a file that is comma-delimited (see Appendix A for the sample input data):. Below is an example of this program. d format reverses the roles of the decimal point and the comma. 488 input 489 VAR1 $ 490 VAR2 $ 491 VAR3 $ 492 VAR4 $ 493 VAR5 $ 494 VAR6 $ 495 VAR7 $ 496 ; 497 if _ERROR_ then call symputx('_EFIERR_',1); /* set Solved: I have a millions of records like this (comma separated records in text file) 000000000123456789,30,ABC,2010-09-21,JANUDG_BUS2,BH1 A comma-separated values (CSV) file is a delimited file specified with DBMS=CSV. txt file that's comma-delimited? – dplanet. NOTE: SAS went to a new line when INPUT statement reached past the end of a line. CSV files: Blank space for all other file types: Interaction: If you specify DBMS=DLM, you must also specify the DELIMITER= statement. Read in comma delimited data by specifying the DSD option on the INFILE statement and using modified list-input style. PDF EPUB Feedback. Select a version from the The following works with your sample records: data want (drop=_:); infile "c:\\art\\stuff. DBMS=identifier: Example: Importing a Delimited File There a multiple advantages to @Tom's solution if you are reading multiple sets of the same layout. Getting Started; input comma separated row data for one variable Posted 04-12-2024 01:00 PM (877 views) I'm trying to create a series of SAS datasets of ICD codes Well, I'm confused. “Maria Jose” or “Juan Antonio”. For example, ColumnName 72,748 980 37449,37451,37452,37453,37454 70286,70287,70288,70290,70291,70292,70293 . ; I get missing values. Would it be possible to reorder a list of comma separated values stored as a variable string? The string could have any number of comma separated values or it could have just one value with no comma in some cases. Do it the SAS way: data employees; input department $ employee $; datalines; Sales John Sales Mary HR Alice HR Bob IT Eve IT Charlie IT Zelda ; run; data Want; set employees; by department notsorted; length list $ 100; retain list; if first. like 23,1 53,2. Why are you removing the quotation marks with the compress statement? DSD should allow it to read properly, with the quotations and the comma's, that is the ideal format for embedded delimiters. com Example 4: Importing a Comma-Delimited File with a CSV Extension. I want to make multiple rows based on comma separated and not on based nested comma values. ) Reading a comma-delimited file into SAS. 1 might generate incorrect syntax when you import comma-delimited text files When you import a CSV file using SAS Enterprise Guide 6. Besides that, the name variable might contain a space, e. txt'; /* this is your raw data file */ data new2; infile two DSD delimiter='09'x; /* use hexidecimal code for tab delimiters */ input var1-var10 ; run; infile two DSD delimiter='09'x; /* use hexidecimal code for tab delimiters */ input var1-var10 ; run; Share. thanks, In the code below I just asked SAS to make a In turn, for some of those records the first comma-separated field has 20 pipe delimiters. Fortunately, SAS makes it easy to read files delimited by any character simply by specifying the DELIMITER= (or the short form DLM=) option on the INFILE statement. Salary month; datalines; John Ivan,Sales,55000,1 Mary Persi,Acctng,49000,7 Davidsons,Storage Manag I have a variable whose values are a comma delimited text string: Var1 3,5 4,7,9,11 15,17,19,21,23 Each value in the text string represents an associated beta value in another sas data set. An alternative would be to read the whole line in with SAS and use the perl regular expression functions to parse the line. FORMAT, and INPUT statements to your data. Note that the run statement is not coded here because the Please help me figure this out. 4 Procedures Guide, Seventh Edition documentation. /* Sample input data */ data have; input text $100. All my data is enclosed in quotations. I have a data with commas in tab file and I have imported it the values were imported into sas as a char datatype with a comma values. *Hire_Date :mmddyy. txt and I have FTPed the file to Mainframes. My solution is below. 3 Statements: Reference (input list). But it seems to me a bit awkward. The second character variable "account_name" can contain extra commas and the next variable "var1" always have values "0" and "1". JAVAINFO Procedure. I hate commas in macro lists, especially if that list is then a parameter to another macro or macro function. LUA Procedure. For example: company,<tab>companynumber,<tab>DATE Problem Note 54617: SAS® Enterprise Guide® 6. ; *creation of data step in week 4; infile '. I need to read comma delimited file into SAS dataset. I have source data like below. I have a list of about 30 strings (with no pattern) that I need to run the macro for. See: DBMS Identifiers Supported in Base SAS for a list of DBMS identifiers supported in Base SAS. SAS® Viya® Programming Documentation | 2021. Comma-separated values files (CSV) are one of the most common files that SAS programmers import to create SAS datasets. This DATA step uses the DELIMITER= option in the INFILE statement to read list input values that are separated by commas instead of blanks. The second data line contains a missing value. With the DELIMITER= option, you can use list input to read data values that are delimited by commas instead of blanks. Also if you didn't change the file extension to . This example demonstrates how to create a SAS data set based on comma delimited unput. d format except that the COMMA w. I am trying to parse ColumnName by putting each number in a separate column. Again, I need to export my data set, which used this original space delimited txt file, into a comma delimited txt file. How do I input delimited txt file into SAS and convert it into SAS data set? informat Salary comma. Shoes. Th Comma Separated Value Files Dynamic Data Exchange HTML INPUT Function Conclusion. Also you can see by the assigned informat the length of a variable and adjust as desired. 4 Have: %let var=(xx, aa, b); Want: %put var; (aa,b,xx) I've created a macro which creates a 32 character hex string using md5(). I find these tools much easier to use on delimited text files than Assuming you have JCL that defines the file using MYDATA as the DDname: data want; infile mydata dsd; length dummy $ 1; input dummy dummy dummy dummy fifth_field; keep fifth_field; run; proc means data=want mean max; var fifth_field; run; But if instead they have tried to store a hierarchical structure into a flat file where the a particular tab delimited field can have a different number of commas within it per observation then you will need to take a two step approach of reading the comma delimited values as character strings and then parsing out the individual values. Another possibility would be awk (or perl) to process the file into something SAS can read easily. I'd agree that the input data-format is unreasonable and shou SAS® Viya® Platform Programming Documentation | 2023. The COMMA w. Do not use formatted input to read a delimited list, instead use list mode. PRINT Procedure. This documentation is for a version of the software that is not covered by Standard Support. 51, Community. such as packed decimal or numbers with commas. Select a different version from the version selector in A DATA step approach to parse out the input, creating some max number of B1 through Bnn SAS variables (not macro). g. The variables are separated by a comma. mus_no then list_service = ""; list_service = the delimiter is most commonly a comma or a tab character. Raw Data File Credit 1---+----10---+----20: MALE,27,1,8,0,0: FEMALE,29,3,14,5,10: Dear Friends Please help me out with proc sql or SAS eg code. Thus , whenever there's a missing value I simply have consecutive Example to read a tab delimited file: filename two 'u:\data2. proc import Base SAS® Procedures Guide documentation. department then list=""; list = catx(",",list,employee); if last. That is, to separate data values by commas and to place string values in double quotes. OPTIONS Procedure. The next time the DATA step executes, SAS reads a new line which, in this case, is line 3. Suggest calling these variable some different prefix, so that you can correlate them back to the Bnn variables in your beta dataset. If you save the data step then next time you need to read a file you change the infile to point to the new file and change the output data Hello SAS-users. Processing Delimited Files in SAS. 0 Likes 2 REPLIES Join us for SAS Innovate 2025, our biggest and most exciting global event of the Base SAS® 9. 12. Base SAS® Procedures Guide documentation. Specify that the input file is a delimited file. data want; Base SAS® 9. 0. data staff; infile datalines delimiter=','; input name $25. I have created a %CSV2DS() macro for reading delimited text files into SAS datasets. SAS moves the input pointer to line 2 and reads values for TEMP4 and TEMP5. If you cannot re-create the file, you can read the two columns as different text variables, concatenate them with a comma, and "read" the result using the INPUT function: data Employ; infile file1 dsd truncover; input id : $3. department; keep Data scan; *call routine, Returns the position and length of the nth word from a character string. Thank you for your responses & I am still open to more effecient way to accomplish the task of importing a double delimited file, contains tab delimiter & comma delimiter in file to import. SAS Innovate 2025: Register Now. 488 input 489 VAR1 $ 490 VAR2 $ 491 VAR3 $ 492 VAR4 $ 493 VAR5 $ 494 VAR6 $ 495 VAR7 $ 496 ; 497 if _ERROR_ then call symputx('_EFIERR_',1); /* set ERROR SAS® Viya™ 3. It might be that you can make up a clear working rule for identifying the "non-delimiting" commas, but the resulting code would end up quite convoluted and ugly, as opposed to a simple data step where correct input data is read (as you need to parse the input Since the DLM= option is designed to work with list input, consecutive delimiters will be skipped over automatically. sas’. Commented Mar 11, 2012 at 19:02.
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