Rollei 35 flickr I initially thought this was normal somehow, but something else is not efficacious mind: What timing should I use for low light and night photography? I have just received my first first Rollei 35S. com: Really. 6 S-Apogon HFT and Fujichrome Provia 100F. 2) 3) Later Rollei 35 second gear made of metal (part 19021. Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons; Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Rollei 35 Sonnar 2,8 - 40mm. The lines are mostly horizontally but not completely 180 degrees, some tilt a bit. 5 respectively. In the past few days (I've been using the Rollei daily), the lens tube would not always be released from its extended locked position upon actuating the lens-release shift button. Fomapan 200 is a regular panchromatic film sensitized in the red to 690 nm, a bit more than This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show content that is more relevant to your interests. 00. To the point where I thought of selling it, but I recently bought a handheld rangefinder to help figure out distance and I was just scanning my first roll after using it, I can say i'm a changed man. the Sonnar f2. Die XF 35 war vielmehr das Rollei-Pendant zur Konica C35 und damit eine von jenen A group for users of the tiny, metallic and mechanical Rollei 35 camera. Unfortunately the seller failed to describe it`s condition properly and I discovered that the battery compartment still had an old PX625 in and it had leaked and badly corroded the contacts. Cinestill DF96 / 6 mins @ 27deg C . When rewinding the filmroll, I always feel resistance, and I when I put force on the crank, I always hear the perforated parts ripping apart. Hence you'll get better results than you'll do on a SLR also because there are fewer elements moving inside the camera as well as no mirror rising. If I keep advancing the film lever after quite a few times, the shutter release Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. The problem I have is with the flash. My 35S lens has jammed in the extended position. turn the dial in the other direction, I have to press the metal lock beneath the dial. So many groups share why they enjoy using a particular camera, especially the vintage camera groups. I offer CLA service on Rollei 35's. I hate the culture of technical redundancy. billowy month [deleted] mister. Also, allows I have created the first Rollei 35AF camera entry on Lomography. charlesworth: hi all! i just got a Rollei b35 for christmas and the little plastic ring that hides the lens screws is missing- i wondered if anyone has a spare i can buy/knows where i can get hold on one? thanks in advance! emily. All three cameras were made in Singapore (except for some of the very first of the 35S models in chrome which were made in Germany). Connecting people through photography. 6v; on the other one, from Hong Kong came with a 5. 8 Sonnar 1979 Rollei 35 S Gold 40/2. I love the solidity and reliability of the Rollei 35 build. that's all I have to say. 5 Tessar 1980-82 Rollei 35 T 40/3. The Print Shop Camera: Rollei 35. Rollei 35 TE, Tri-X, ID-11 (1+1) Rollei 35 *109 by Katharina K-S 68 6 Renesse Strand This is group for photos taken with a Rollei 35T What's a Rollei 35T? In 1974 two new Rollei 35 models were introduced; the 35T (the 'T' indicates it has a Tessar lens), the 35S (The 'S' indicates it has a Sonnar lens) and the 35TE. Image postings to this group will slowly increase. 5m, 2m and 3m only (S-Xenar lens. K. Oft bleiben sie viele Monate in meiner A group for users of the tiny, metallic and mechanical Rollei 35 camera. html Corded strobe lighting up a white background A group for users of the tiny, metallic and mechanical Rollei 35 camera. I have only seen very few 35 s with the screw on the back still on, three of mine have replacements where someone changed the thread in the body to M2 and I suppose made their own. So if I advance the film the at the top of its race the shutter fires, thus making impossible to press the lens retraction button. HonleyA: Hi My camera seems to fire at the same shutter speed, around 1/30, at all slower speed settings except bulb, which works OK. 6-11 range and Genlt Scharnhorst says: . 1) 2) Later Rollei 35 second gear made of metal (part 19021. They really want 180€ for a new viewfinder glas and another 180€ for the workload :O Its waaaay to expensive. If they more or less agree use the in-camera meter. I also have a tripod and remote shutter release, but I don't kemal_mumcu: Hi all, I've been using the little 35 for a while now and really enjoying it. 6 V batteries. The changed voltage can result in false readings. Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons; Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; So about this photo. Essential Film Holder Kypros Dimitris: I’ve recently inherited a 35 LED, and whilst I haven’t had a film processed from it, I believe it works. Rollei AFM 35. 5 v battery. I took this photo with the beautiful Rollei XF 35. This is a preview post of the Rollei 35AF. Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons; Flickr Galleries; World Map; Rollei AFM 35 with 38mm f/2. Whervish: My grandfather-in-law was nice enough to let me have an old Rollei 35 S of his, and I love its size and style, except for one thing: On two of the three rolls I've loaded in it, the film has gotten jammed (with the sprocket holes ripping out. Still, it's a gorgeous camera, especially in the matt black finish that my camera has. Share pictures, thoughts, impressions whatever. I've been using sunny 16 but would like to get the meter working. Camera: Rollei 35S. Always check which model of the Rollei 35 LED you have. Here a few examples. billowy month [deleted] Robert H. The lens looks fully out, however, listing to one side, using the maritime description as I went to the sea today. 0) on top of plastic coupling (part 19013. The Rollei 35 held the title of smallest full-frame 35mm camera in the world for some time. As these are no longer available, you can use PX27G or similar batteries which have 6 V voltage. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro Pro Plans Stats Dashboard Rollei 35. A group for users of the tiny, metallic and mechanical Rollei 35 camera. maikeuls: I'm interested in a Tessar lens to use for black and white landscape and general street shooting. In there were 2 Rollei 35's a Rollei 35 LED and singapore made 35 S (?). Produced for only two years, in black or chrome models, the 35SE is hard to find today. 8 Sonnar Rollei 35 TE 40/3. 8 Sonnar ? Rollei 35 S 40/2. Lens: Tessar f/3. This example was made in 1973-74 and is in really lovely condition. Does anyone know If it is possible and easy enough to repair this myself, or does it require any special tools to remove Film Photography - Rollei 35 Rollei 35. Has anyone any ideas? Many thanks, Alan A group for users of the tiny, metallic and mechanical Rollei 35 camera. And I ordered it on day 1 of the preorder. Rollei AFM 35 negative film Show more 309 photos · 202 views Fernando "El Krusty" Meza: I'm aware that the camera shake is minimum when the shutter is pressed if you softly do so. Exposure: 1/250 sec and f/11, hand-held. W. I know there is a build (B) setting on the shutter. It happens to my Rollei 35S as well as on the Rollei 35am I doing something wrong? I've NEVER rolled a film back with the crank, I always have to do it manually: 1. 5 napping captain: New Rollei 35 (Singapore body with CZ Tessar lens) user here. bxdcnpgb31: The Rollei 35 S, Rollei 35 T and Rollei 35 B cameras are fitted with different Zeiss 40mm lenses I. As the original PX27 battery (mercury, 5. ferociousviper: Hi all, I stumbled upon a Rollei 35B in working order but with specks inside the lens. If I want to stop down, i. ausgeknipst. Anyway: I pulled the lens out and just by reflex twisted the top (clockwise, I think) because it felt a bit loose. I want to buy a Rollei 35, whether S or SE. The Rollei 35SE was the highpoint of Rollei 35 design, with the best Sonnar lens, and the best LED metering system. My father recently gave me his tidy B35 c/w case, flash and instruction manual. According to the Rolleiclub website, 'The serial numbers of the Rollei 35 cameras made in Singapore were in the range of 3. On top of being one of history’s smallest 35mm cameras, the Rollei 35 was immensely popular, produced in the millions despite a high price tag. 5". I love my Rollei 35 its a joy. Everything seems to work fine, light meter agrees with light meter app on my phone. Check. 5 Rollei B35 Rollei Triotar 40mm f3. 3m, 1. Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "rollei+qz+35w" Flickr tag. The only problem i have is that the ASA/DIN Dial is messed up. 1) made out of 1 piece of plastic and in between spring (part 19014. I don't like the irritation of charging batteries and buying new ones. To compare these three lenses, I shot the same scene in my home I. I don't expect the Rollei 35 to be as heavy as an M but does it feel "better" than the 70s consumer compact cameras? (I haven't handled any others but I assume that they're similar in build Rollei 35 LED German viewfinder camera, produced 1978 ~ 1980. I am having as problem with the red and green LEDS. The flash works using the switch on the back and by shorting-out the contacts for the hot shoe. the ASA pointer is towards the DIN Numbers and the DIN pointer towards the ASA scale. Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "Rollei HFT 35mm F2. Rollei 35 AF - first sample shots. 1m, 1. As I have understand from the manual bogdankarasek: I recently bought two Rollei 35 TE's. 5 A group for users of the tiny, metallic and mechanical Rollei 35 camera. I do a bit of shooting with the Olympus Trip 35, and that group had a blast sharing what they like about this camera, and what it has done for their own personal image making. The camera came with a 625 cell with the high voltage. great thing is this little watameter is about the size of a football whistle so easily fits in cloistered division: Can anyone who has had this (seemingly common) problem suggest a way to fix it please. It is probably not worth it to send it to a shop. I don't see a way to use a pair of spanners on the lens like I used to with other lenses. maikeuls: I kind of want a Rollei 35 but I have 2 questions: How is the build? I had a Konica Auto S2 but the camera felt a bit sloppy to me, not so refined, things were wobbly, etc. Relive your 2024 on Flickr with MyFlickrYear. Thanks Colin Rollei35fan: If I use a 1. . 6V) is not sold anymore i use this replacement which consists of 3x LR44 and 1x LR54 in series. - not a Rollei 35SE or Rollei 35TE with electronic metering. The difference in lens speed, sharpness, and cost are of minor concerns. Fuji Pro 400H. The 35B uses a lower-cost Triotar lens and a modified shutter system, so it's a bit more basic than a regular 35. An amazingly small compact 35mm film camera. Caffenol developer. A piece of electric tape keeps them together. I've seen many posts about sticking slower speeds but I can't find anything about them being too fast. Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "rollei afm 35" Flickr tag. ) Question: When you load the film, does the film go UNDER the left spool and into the slots, or OVER the left spool into the slots? I actually This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show content that is more relevant to your interests. I have been using an Olympus 35 Trip for a couple of years and so am use to film and have seen these A group for users of the tiny, metallic and mechanical Rollei 35 camera. 3 lens. After contacting Mint via email, they said they estimate the camera should arrive early next month (March). If the camera shows overexposure (e. Anyway: I've been the happy owner of a fantastic Rollei 35 SE for nearly a year and this is the first problem I am having with it. not so fun. 2) 5) Later spring . After I take the last shot I WaterLightGallery. Even with 400 speed film, there are plenty of occasions where the light levels are so low that the camera's light meter is reading next to nothing. de: As you may know, Rollei 35 SE and TE models are built to take V27PX 5. Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons; Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. When I set the aperture, I can only turn the aperture dial to open up the aperture. so my life with the Rollei 35se has been. Has anyone ever seen this behavior? Any ideas where to start looking to fix this? Thanks, astroturtle Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. e. By using this site, you agree to the use of cookies by Flickr and our partners as described in our cookie policy. 312. I hate the hamster wheel of software upgrades and expense. Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events The Commons; Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. com, a Flickr group, and as always a Flickr album. In spite of a premium price, it was Rollei 35AF Preview Sample Roll/Analog Therapy: Fujifilm 400. Some sellers on ebay call it "UV" filter but I am not sure that this is true. 0) 4) Later Rollei 35 plastic coupling (part 19013. When I depress the shutter release half way, sometimes the LEDS light Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "rollei 35t" Flickr tag. They were both a similar price about 40 GBP which was a bit high for an impulse buy. 1/30 where it should show 1/60), you can adjust the light meter by removing the neutral MaxBosselmann: Did anyone just had fungus in the viewfinder of their Rollei 35? Mine has a little bit there and I asked the Rollei repair service in Germany. +mdanjou: Hi, i'm also considering buying an Rollei 35 but i've noticed that there are so many models and different lenses. billowy month [deleted] Oozit: Hi I just bought a standard Rollei 35 from ebay pretty good price. DSLR- digitized . Bruce: Does anyone of the present members of this group know of a web site business catering to the restorer's of Rollei 35's meters? Perhaps even one that might also happen to be in the Americas? This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show content that is more relevant to your interests. The same colour negative film I. Sony A7M3 / SEL90M28 Macro. 8" Flickr tag. I have a Rollei 35 TE where the meter works but never shuts off. Like these: Rollei 35 SE 40/2. 35 v batteries. liminalparadigm: Hi, I was gifted a Rollei 35 SE by a relative who had it laying around and hadn't used it for a long time. I'm opting for the Tessar lens because it is, I think, of lower contrast and generally preferable for black and white film. However I’ve read about the excellent sharpness of the Tessar in the f/5. You need to re-calibrate it if using a modern 1. I’ve bought a 15B flash for the camera. This is the "film d'essai" (test film) of my newly-arrived Rollei 35 (year 1973), Lyon, France, March 2, 2023, After blank mechanical tests and a detailed inspection the day before, the Rollei 35 camera was loaded with a 36-exposure Fomapan Creative 200 film exposed for 200 ISO. Bruce: Well, today my R35S's shutter release stuck down. The manual says the meter should auto-off after 10 seconds. g. First off I did some testing and tried to figure out how it works, basically. 8, the Tessar f3. In 30 years, about 2 million Rollei 35 series cameras were manufactured. Check the meter against the Sunny Sixteen rule or better still with an accurate hand held meter. EddieSHENG: New Here! I recently got gifted a Rollei 35 with Schneider X-Xenar lens that's engraved 'made in Singapore'. 5 40 mm. Any help is appreciated. So did anyone disassembled the Rollei 35 and has some pictures or something like a how to? Best wishes floup_96: Hello! I very recently acquired a Rollei 35 and it seems to work well, but something is still worrying me. It came with a black hard case embossed 'Rollei' and 'made in germany'. After pressing the release button the lens will only rotate about half it's required distance therefore it cannot be pushed into the body. Brand new shots from Gary, the founder of Mint camera. Most people on flickr know me from the Minolta Manual Focus forum and doing repair work on Minolta SR-T's and Rokkor lenses but the Rollei's are easy machines to work on. Andrew Peleikis: I'm stunned every time I develop a roll from my Rollei 35 se There's always something I shot that I can't believe turned out so well. I read that these little mechanical marvels have over 520 parts to them! There is no focus through the viewfinder or lens and focus is achieved by setting a distance on the lens or by zone focusing, something I'm not familiar with so should be interesting! 我喜歡Rollei 35,太美麗的相機!! 在網上收集的各款Rollei 35~ Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. Oft bleiben sie viele Monate in meiner Tasche, bis der Film fertig ist und entwickelt wird. Included of course is a first image of the camera itself. I know the technical differences, mainly the one involving the light meter, on the 35S version there's an analog needle system that move as you turn the aperture and time dials, whereas on the SE version there are three LEDs installed in the viewfinder that indicate correct, over respectively The Rollei 35AF, developed by MiNT Camera in collaboration with Rollei, is a modern reinterpretation of the classic Rollei 35, integrating contemporary features while preserving the original's iconic design. At the shad_41: Sorry if this has been brought up before, I did try a search but couldn't find anything relevant. Still today, the Rollei 35 series remains one of the smallest 35mm cameras. Everything looked fine until I noticed the frame counter wasn't winding on. The ones on the side you can steal from junker Prakticas, the Robert H. fsixteen rule: i've found this fantastic little rangefinder called a watameter on ebay, it slides on to the shoe on the bottom of my rollei 35 and acts just like a rangefinder camera, you twist the dial till the two images allign and read off the distance and transfer it to the focus dial, genius. 8/40mm. 2 by Yuri Bulba bhop: I'm terrible with distance guessing. 35 volts will an exposure made with the needles in the top meter window perfectly matched produce an overall overexposure or underexposure ? If so by how many stops ? Thanks. A few rolls ago, some very heavy lines/scratching appeared on my scans/negatives and prints. the dining room facing the outdoor patio, once with each of these three cameras. winter 2017 by Ryan Lebel 5 New Year. Ilford HP5 Plus 400. The first model did not have that an ON-switch contact which is tyani_tolkai: Hello Everyone, I just got Rollei 35 S from ebay and was really surprised when it arrived with the Rollei filter on it. Lens: Sonnar 2. Reassembly seemed pretty straightforward. -end of gush- Rollei 35 Gear 1) Early Rollei 35 second gear/coupling (part 19013. The Rollei 35AF has a solid aperture priority mode with +2 to -2 compensation, but it also supplies full manual control of aperture and shutter speed with metering shown in the little LCD screen. Explore What’s New New! Recent Photos; Trending; Events The Commons; Flickr Galleries Test shot from the first test roll through a Rollei 35 SE, lens Rollei-HFT Sonnar 1:2. I can not find what kind of filter is this or what "CH" stands for. Unfortunately I didn't read the manual until now, so there was a lot of guessing, I'm afraid. : Hello everybody, I know that this topic has been posted before. Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. ) External rangefinders however, have more detailed markings like 1. Film: Ilford HP5 Plus 400, rated @ ISO 400. 9m, 1m, 1. The filter says "Rollei CH 30. Film: Kodak Gold 200. 6v mercury battery. Metering is spot on but the LEDs in the viewfinder are always on even with the lens retracted. Does anyone have experience cleaning the lens? If you can share some instruction would be really appreciated. I love the idea of physical craftsmanship and ritual. The Camera wiki website even used my image for its The Rollei 35 is a series of 35mm viewfinder cameras, designed for Rollei by Heinz Waaske. 6 v) were designed to work with 1. what's_the_frequency: I haven't posted because I'm still waiting on my 35af. Meine kleinen Rollei 35 sind meine fotografisches Notizbücher, die ich immer bei mir habe. Post about the camera here: janneinosaka. I solved the battery voltage problem by buying an adapter with four button batteries which give me the correct 5. Developed in Rollei Colorchem C-41 . Post Reply Preview. Serial number is 3286xxx. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro Pro Plans Stats Dashboard It is suitable for a Rollei 35, Rollei 35T or Rollei 35S etc. 8/40mm, camera produced by Rollei Singapore from November 1979 until September 1981. 5 volt battery in my Rollei 35T (or any other Rollei 35 series model) when the camera meter is still calibrated for 1. First I thought it was just a bad film, but now it happened a few times with a different rolls and different developpers. With a 6v battery, the LEDs suggest the right indications. 8 Sonnar 1974-6 Rollei 35 S Royal Urushi 40/2. I like to use astroturtle: Hi everyone. Higher speeds also show a detectable difference. I want to take it apart Rollei 35 S - Flickr 古董相機 Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "Rollei XF 35" Flickr tag. (The Trip is a fabulous instrument, by the way, surprising me each BLTP Photo: I stumbled across a new antique/thrift shop near me today and they had a case of cameras. 8 Sonnar 1980-82 Rollei 35S Silver 40/2. Looks cool! I’m concerned about the film advance gear being a form of plastic instead of metal A Greasemonkey script that adds Flickriver links to various Flickr photo pages - user photos, favorites, pools etc, allowing to quickly open the corresponding Flickriver view. 000 - A group for users of the tiny, metallic and mechanical Rollei 35 camera. 5E R1. Die Rollei XF 35 (1976-1980) besaß ein sehr gutes Objektiv, hatte aber sonst nichts zu tun mit der bekannten Rollei-35-Modellreihe. Essential Film Holder. blogspot. Had a chip of black paint in the interior lens barrel sitting between a couple of elements so I disassembled it down to the shutter and removed the debris. I often use 60 or 30 on a SLR, or even less in dSLR with "antishake" turned on; but what should you Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "rollei35s" Flickr tag. Tomino nl: After lurking so much, a cry for help regarding my Rollei 35. I guess we have to be patient. I understand I need the 675 cell with the smaller voltage. 5 and the Triotar f3. I know others have used bits A new group for the superb Rollei 35 SE (1979- 1981). Camera Scanned. So my suspicion is there is a Tobias Gerhardsson: I recently bought an Rollei 35 TE on an auction. com/2010/03/rollei-35. The sticky slow speed issue is usually just a matter of removing the slow speed gear train, soaking in solvent, allow to dry, and re The original Rollei 35 series meters (except the SE and TE which used 5. 2m, 1. As I wait for the new arrival pixie dust to clear I will mostly stick to The Rollei 35 can be somewhat difficult to use with external rangefinders because the distance markings are simplified. I got the batteries but I don't seem to be able to get the batteries to work the meter. Almost my whole roll is in focus. Production of Rollei 35 Carl Zeiss Tessar 40mm f3. For example, my Rollei 35's lens has 0. So my question is, is this a difficult repair? And if so is it worth it financially, or should I just live with it? The film A group for users of the tiny, metallic and mechanical Rollei 35 camera. 4m, etc. Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "Rollei 35" Flickr tag. www. Yorkshire trees by Rob van der Zalm 28 Daniel Jacques: Hello, You will not believe me. Ilford HP5+ 400@400 ISO. Fuji Superia Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "rollei35TE" Flickr tag. I love simplicity and ease of use. Kaiser Copy Stand. Which is a great camera to have, because it's small, but has a sharp Sonnar 40mm f/2. Ad-like presentation of the Rollei 35. They matter, but not as much as contrast and use of filters. ltwnsmkfnhqjtoqqwpacqwuxjfslfdwqfqwckbiyfhaddbvxlbzmuddazuulzwheweupixxvnajyg