Hspice measure examples. In particular you need to decide on a data/clock rate.

Hspice measure examples CHECK SETUP Hspice介绍 文章目录Hspice介绍Hspice的功能Hspice的样子Hspice的输入——网单文件电路网表模型卡控制卡直流分析瞬态分析交流分析输出控制 Hspice主要应用于电路级仿真、分析。可以辅助调整电路参数,得到功耗、延时等性能估计。 文章浏览阅读7. MEASURE) to find a scalar value for the average power over a single full period of the Vin waveform. out. MEASURE (FIND and WHEN) Command Argument Definition CROSS = c RISE = r FALL = f Numbers indicate which CROSS, FALL, or RISE event to measure. st0; output listing: filename. Measurement Parameters . 3 13n 0) HSPICE also provides many source functions, like sinusoidal or exponential source function. An example Netlist I wrote a hspice code to simulate and plot the nmos' I-V curve. ic 输入网表文件 <design>. PLOT, . HSPICE_MEASUREMENT-HSPICE MEASURE语句使用简介 • Trig-trigger;targ-target;var-variable;val-value;funcfunction;RMS-root means square;ex-example。 • 参考资料:Start-Hspice userguide the HSPICE Simulation and Analysis User Guide and the HSPICE Applications Manual. MEASURE语句测量一些参数,比如最大值,最小值,延迟时间,运放增益,带宽等等。尤其是在批量仿真时使用. Hspice circuit simulation: and2 and2. lib 'models15. measure tran max2 param='max(max1,n3)' An Example HSPICE File An NMOS depletion-mode load inverter illustrates the components of a typical digital circuit HSPICE file. In your case, you should change in . 0000E+00 phasemargin = 6. In particular you need to decide on a data/clock rate. In HSPICE RF simulation output, you cannot apply . AC statement in several different formats, depending on the application, as shown in the examples below. include p18_cmos_models_tt. Joined Mar 21, 2002 Messages 182 3. measure command to measure and directly give out the current value at specific vgs and vds. MEAS (which is the same as . MEASURE statements in Star-Hspice produce a type of parameter called a measurement parameter. The following HSPICE file defines the example circuit above and performs two analyses: a dc sweep of the circuit,and an ac sweep of the circuit. hspice noise Here is an example:. This document provides a tutorial on using HSPICE to characterize a CMOS NAND gate. pdf – Detailed Star-Hspice Manual . OP Example. MEASURE SimulationType resultName MeasurementType SimulationType为仿真类型使用到的只有三种DC、AC、TRAN resultName为用户定义的测量参数的名字 MeasurementType为需要测量的类型,HSp 2-1. In this file, you define the voltage source that need to be measured (In this example, the voltage source is V0). The parameters are described below. 3 8n 0 10n 0 11n 3. 11 for unity-gain frequency * MOS model. ----Return to Index---- This example shows how to measure input capacitance on an inverter input using AC analysis. use cssope for waveform viewer. We have demonstrated the hook shaped Idsat curve in our previous study in [2] and we have proposed an empirical SPICE model to capture the hook shaped Idsat curve in [5]. To measure the slope of the DC characteristic, use the Measurement Tool from the Tools menu. Apr 8, 2006 #3 H. 들어가기 전에 Meas에서 고려하면 좋은 것을 적어 놓는다. I want to measure power consumption of different circuits using HSPICE. But in digital IC design, we seldom use these functions, except pulse and piecewise linear function. We can sweep parametrized 概述hspice一些基礎用法,同學可以大致瀏覽,了解hspice的程式邏輯,不用全部背起來,日後有需要再來查找。這邊只有少部分的基礎用法,同學若想進一步了解,建議善用google搜尋,或是閱讀HSPICE使用手冊,可以得到最完整的答案。 MATLAB® Simulation Examples H. Let us now introduce a 2pf Capacitor in between the two transmission lines. AC DEC 10 1 100MEG $ AC analysis is required for noise analysis DIC-Lec6 cwliu@twins. (Hons. mt#であり,{fileName}. 3 Measure Statements As noted in the earlier example, HSPICE measure statements are very useful to report simulated results. OPTION BYPASS=0 . 5u L=1. all assistance is appreciated greatly. 0 AC 1. PROBE TRAN LX142(m*) Since IVTHN=IVTHP in this example, we can alternatively declare: . ic measure output . The most powerful feature of the Star-Hspice approach is its incremental Measurement Mode hspice -meas measure_file-i wavefile-o [output_file] Help Mode hspice [-h] [-doc] [-help] [-v] Argument Descriptions-i input_file Specifies the input netlist file name. 2. 가장 기본적으로는 위의 코드와 같은 형태를 띄고 있다. 4u m3 4 8 6 HSPICE 1. • DAC example: Results from the testing of an 8-Bit DAC are HSPICE® User Guide: Advanced Analog Simulation and Analysis Version K-2015. 2 and above, this issue is resolved for cases created according to the following rule. m*# file from the bjt ampliphier example of above is displayed in bjtamp. Examples. yaml中修改适当的参数,然后: $ cd scripts $ python cache. probe ac lstb(m) lstb(db) lstb(p) lstb(r) lstb(i). Inx I want to measure power consumption of different circuits using HSPICE. means Statement Editor" in the section "examples of ". mt#で出力を確認できる. For example, if in my example if you had knowledge of the sine wave amplitude, you can calculate the duty cycle provided you also knew the triangle amplitude as the relationship is linear. xiv Star-Hspice User Guide, Release 2001. Here is a typical HSpice netlist (the schematic is shown on right): . you need not use . The normalized magnitude Example. 5 td=10n + rise=2 targ v(2) val=1. 2 25-9 Examining the FFT Output Star-Hspice prints the results of the FFT analysis in a tabular format in the . MEASURE statement to modify information and define the results of successive simulations. C. HSpice Analysis and Optimization Bart Zeydel, Hoang Dao, Xiao-Yan Yu I. ini HSPICE Output run status . ends xxx This subcircuit is a simple resistor, and its pins are named 1 and 2. lis. CHECK RISE . 7-7 Multiply Parameter . How can I define, probe (and plot with cosmos scope) expressions of waveforms? What is the syntax? For example, a simple one as Vout/Vin to a more complex 20*log(Vin eye diagram with hspice lots of methods 1. Syntax Notation The meaning of a parameter may depend on its location in the statement. But the symbol that uses this subcircuit can have its pins named differently. print the signal in hspice and plot its eye with matlab, before this you must write a matlab script first. 회로의 Feedback loop 를 끊어준다. 2GlobalFoundries, Inc. yaml (希望)该代码注释得足够好 Hspice circuit simulation Simple example of 2 input AND gate. With other versions of SPICE, one often must plot tables of output volt-ages, then manually read off propagation delays. MEASURE to waveforms generated from another . For example, you can specify a DC source specified together with an AC source and The following example shows explicitly the difference between local and global scoping for parameter usage in subcircuits. ex. 9663E . 5 . 4 Using Next, click on Measure:Measure Label Options, select Current X and enter VIL in the text area next to it and click OK. sp hspice. pdf), Text File (. 5 fall=2 In the above example, rise=2 specifies to measure the HSPICE Tutorial v1. Once the optimization converges, the dummy cap value will give you the equivalent gate capacitance of the inv-stage. 0786E+05 targ= 9. ) hspice中的测量语句为. measure v_p2p PARAM = ’v_p - v_n’ Measure propagation delays accurately using the ‘. Break the loop with DC voltage source (dc=0) and add this line to your deck . meas 시뮬종류 식별이름 조건들 Measure는 다양한 종류의 값을 추출하기 위해서 여러가지 문법들을 사용하고 있다. There are lot of examples given in the HSPICE manual, I don't have the manual presently but I think this is the correct syntax:. 1 Introduction The following system models are provided as MATLAB® examples, see Table H. PROBE, and . Use HSPICE - 2nd, run HSPICE to simulate! •Command to run HSPICE: •hspice simple_dc. lis或由用户自己定义 AMP나 LDO의 Loop 특성을 보기 위한 HSPICE 시뮬레이션 방법 1. The dialog box has predefined measurements The measure output file hold the result from . 2 *Spice mod Vth Better late than never, but I ran your example (changing the models, and just sticking to one alter to keep it simple), and the expression was: hspice. 7-7 . py config. LSTB mode=single vsource=V[voltage source name] (must use with AC analysis). 8v. hspice_2000_2. 1, I use the following commands in HSPICE to 1) Hspice输入文件: 输出配置文件 meta. 4. measure ac gain find v(node_for_gain *AC analysis HSPICE example . 물론 HSPICE 뿐만 아니라 cadence 사의 SPECTOR 도 있지만, 주위를 살펴보니 HSPICE 를 사용자가 대부분이다. When it comes to IBIS-AMI, HSPICE This example measures the propagation delay between nodes 1 and 2 for a transient analysis. fft hspice A example. measure file Hi, I've traced many manuals and examples but I can't get nor the direct answer, nor a useful example for the following question for HSPICE: can one use . These files arn't very useful either as the data is hard to read and already exits in a nicely formated way in the . Sep 29, 2006 #4 Location BME??BFE Activity points 2,426 I think maybe you can refer to some spice user manuals for some examples Hspice TUTORIAL Effect of Capacitive discontinuity We will now introduce some more imperfections. ) – 2005 3 file in order to enable the HSPLOT interface. 09, September 2014 HSPICE Output Files. st0 output listing . measure 处理对仿真输出的数据进行处理,对于成功完成的HSPICE仿真,可以使用. g. The program takes an input file (the deck) and outputs its results to the terminal. measure pwr AVG P(vdd) FROM=0ns TO=10ns An Example HSPICE File An NMOS depletion-mode load inverter illustrates the components of a typical digital circuit HSPICE file. measure hspice Check out Avantis hspice guide. hspice. Some-times there can be a lot of output, so it is convenient to redirect it into a file, for example % hspice mydeck. The objective is to measure the delay over different loading conditions. HSPICE Transient Analysis: Below is a spice deck for characterizing a CMOS inverter. HSPICE中的测量语句. edu. By careful use 2 Example Next, to make the concepts clearer, let us look at an example designed for you to practice HSPICE simulation. ) You have to break the loop, inject a signal and measure the output at the other "open" point. 0 0. 06, June 2015 – Seek value that optimizes some measurement Example: Best P/N ratio – We’ve assumed 2:1 gives equal rise/fall delays – But we see rise is actually slower than fall Power Measurement HSPICE can measure power – Instantaneous P(t) – Or average P over some interval. ac# (e. HSPICE Netlist * Example 6. ini 直流工作点初始化文件 <design>. example . d2a 2) Hspice输出文件: 输出列表 . Mar 26, 2004 #5 M. ch26 9 Thu Jul 23 19:10:43 1998 Performing FFT Spectrum Analysis Examining the FFT Output Star-Hspice Manual, Release 1998. lis initial condition . how can i use . Any text after a "$" is also a comment. 3Synopsys, Inc. cache_spice 使用HSPICE的缓存模型可以更好地估计能量和延迟。您必须在PATH中包含hspice才能使用此缓存模型。mod_setup. Make a new file “measure. 5um, 1. 5m freq = 5. The HSPICE script and explanation is given in the textbook. DSL 100 Moore Bldg. You should check the lis file to see if there is any relevant warning. The numbers appearing on the right of the file are not part of the Line 25 uses . 3 pf may represent a via. The 在HSPICE中測量增益邊際(Gain Margin)通常涉及使用`. m1의 전류가 1a일 때, 전압값을 v_when_i_1a 라는 이름으로 저장한다. B} Setting up Account (or stopping) measurement Example: . cfg 初始化文件 hspice. MEAS TRAN res6 WHEN V(x)=3*V(y) How to Sign In as a SPA. For example:. Since I need to repeat it with different device type, size, bias condition, I want to do it under spice in stead of plot the curve and extract the parameters from curve. write a pwl source in hspice netlist such as veye aaa 0 pwl (0 0 100n 100n r) the 100n is the eye width, hspice code of low power You can use a measure comand to evaluate the average current on the time period you want, and them multiply the result bu the supply voltage; for example: Here is example. If no ordinate information is requested, then the . Here is corresponding hspice sample which. alter as hspice allows two voltage sweeps ( For dynamic power it is important to device the conditions under which you want to measure it. 69. HSPICE Basics Page 12 6. CROSS = LAST, measurement occurs the last time the WHEN condition is true, for a rising or falling signal. sp > mydeck. MetaWaves Basics Page 18 7. measコマンドが便利である.. /min. In general, you will only need to know about some of these files: source file, output listing, and graph data. Often, this is Hspice is a spice simulation software, available on Sun/Unix platforms on eniac/pender machines (for e. Figure 30-3: Transition at Minimum Setup Time This option allows specification of file formats other than the traditional HSPICE *mt#, *ms#, and *ma# measure output files to include Excel or HSIM file 0: Writes measure file in traditional default HSPICE output style. For measures u can see for diff of timestamp when |vin-vout|=0 for first and 2nd time. is too stupid. 4. 2 Measure Results unitfreq = 9. OPTION IVTHN=100e-9 IVTHP=100e-9 . 09, September 2008 – Seek value that optimizes some measurement Example: Best P/N ratio – We’ve assumed 2:1 gives equal rise/fall delays – But we see rise is actually slower than fall Power Measurement HSPICE can measure power – Instantaneous P(t) – Or average P over some interval. Title RC noise R1 IN OUT 1K C1 OUT 0 10p V1 IN 0 1. Measure는 특정한 값 1개를 뽑는 것이고, Signal 계산과 Variable 계산으로 나뉜다. Hspice question I usually use a different simulator -eldo, but now I need to do things with Hspice, so I hope you'll excuse me if the question is too stupid. This is the same example as the previous one but written for HSpice. It sweeps the DC input voltage ( pdcin ) to the inverter and performs an AC analysis 19-8 Star-Hspice Manual, Release 1998. mt0) Note: The italicized files are those that you will always have. Maybe this is measure with "find" or whatever (I am mostly your SPICE work, then run add hspice to attach the HSPICE locker. Berkeley. HSPICE create a voltage source in top level and instantiate LAB 2 – CMOS Circuit Simulation with HSpice Due Date: Thursday, 10/13/2022, 5:00 pm Part 1: HSpice Syntax In this part, you will learn to read and write basic netlist file for HSpice simulation. 可以输出的电学特性包括以下内容: 此外,. measure ac amp_pm . You can drag the marker and read off the corresponding slope values of v(out). Be sure that a complete set of parameters is entered in the correct sequence before running the simulation. . bash是在我的系统上可以运行的示例脚本,但可能对您不起作用。要运行,请在scripts / config. MEASURE statement in a parameter sweep. Invalid argument 问题,可能的原因: a) Hspice 的 sp 文件名中出现了空格 b) PC 版的 Hspice 不能将 netlist 网表文件放在桌面上. The top plot in Transition at Minimum Setup Time shows the relationship between the clock and data pulses that determine the setup time. ma0. lis is the output file, you can change the name if you want Getting started with Hspice-A tutorial – Gives an example hspice netlist. The objective is to I'm doing a transient simulation in HSPICE with an input vector file of N values (N>100). s Vgs with L=0. meas。测 量语句可以用于dc,ac或瞬态分析,常用基本测量内容包括 • 传播延迟 上升,下降延迟时间等。 • 特征值 平均值,均方根,最小,最大,峰-峰值等。 利用基本测量值和用户定义的表达式可以实现复杂的电路 特征测量。 hspice current measure hspice not support measure large current, some design have leakage cuurent, we usuall trace it from Top (becuase analog have multi power ) if hspice can set some current probe condition , measure some "large current" for examples Top - A - A1 B - B1 --B2-B3 maybe leakage on B3 or other , but I muse "add resistor =1m" Results. See the comments which explain how capacitance "c_comp" is measured. m*# (e. print P(vdd). trX) to file types that are readable by common mathematical software. probeや. For more specific details and examples refer to the relevant manual. measure pwr AVG P(vdd) FROM=0ns TO=10ns integrated into the core of Star-Hspice, resulting in optimum efficiency. Use your favourite text editor to create your spice deck. 1. title 'Resistor-load inverter' . Thread starter Albertll; Start date Jun 15, 2017; Status Not open for further replies. The next screen will show a drop-down list of all the SPAs you have permission to access. txt) or view presentation slides online. A. 그 중에서 이번 글은 Trigger와 Target으로 측정값을 찾는 방법의 기본을 다루고자 한다. 6403E+01 gain(db) = 9. end表示結束 33 HSPICE . MEASURE语句特别有用,在仿真完成后我们可以直接得到想要的参数结果,而不用借助波形查看器一个个进行波形测量,这样 hspice 简明教程 udan 专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室 rfic 整理者 宫志超 版本号 1. swX, *. MEASURE具有多种功能,可以用于DC,AC或瞬态分析,MEASURE语句的一般格式为: . 5u C1 VSIG IN 1u CL OUT 0 10p R1 VDD IN 60k R2 IN 0 60k RD VDD OUT 2k VVDD VDD 0 DC 5 To measure the lower and upper 3-dB frequency, as well as the 3-dB bandwidth, use the Measurement Tool from the Tools menu. 연산하기 (후처리하기?) HSPICE® Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options Version B-2008. 이것을 잘 사용하면 굳이 그래프를 wave-viewer 등으로 보지 않아도 충분히 원하는 것을 찾을 수 있게 된다. printのような波形ビューワーで出力を確認する方法とは異なり, 必要な結果のみを取り出すのに. ac dec 100 10 10G sweep load 1m 20m 1m $$ out Current = load. Albertll Newbie level 1. measure tran mydelay trig HSPICE simulation and analysis . In release 2001. measの出力結果の拡張子は. In general, the rules for measurement parameters are the same as the E. HSICE Simulation Guide Mixed Signal Chip Design Lab Department of Computer Science & Engineering The Penn State Univ. Joined Feb 17, 2004 Messages 98 Helped 6 Reputation 12 Reaction score 3 Trophy points 1,288 Location Malaysia Activity points 1,031 please see below example, simulate in hspice and it will generate a . fft v(1,2) np = 1024 start = 0. The A Tutorial on HSPICE Owen Casha B. hspice . OPTION IVTH=100e-9 . 자신이 하고자 하는 Measure가 어떤 것에 So you need to measure final value, initial value, figure the test threshold voltage. measure dc i1 when vgs=1. 자꾸만 까먹어서 Measure 구문의 기본 문법을 정리해 놓는다. MEASURE statement prints user-defined electrical specifications of a circuit Star-Hspice output statements are contained in the input netlist file and include . Use the . ps section from one of the elaine workstations, enter ghostview 不知道又没有人发过。写的非常好,不但包括了很全面的语法功能介绍,而且有实例讲解,对学习Hspice的朋友们有很大帮助。 迄今为止我所见到的最强大的中文Hspice仿真教程 ,EETOP 创芯网论坛 (原名:电子顶级开发网) Star-Hspice will take a long time to run if too many . measure statement, must be placed together to save run time. In this document, we will introduce HSPICE, a HSPICE Example: DC Sweep, and Thevenin Equivalent Circuit . [vfb inp out dc 0] 을 sp file에 추가하여 vfb라는 source로 연결해준다. PARAM DefPwid = 1u . You can also define the time period for your measurement. sp spice file with . MEASURE vtlin_sp find VTH(MN1) when v(Vg1)=0. Share. txt' MOS M1 OUT IN 0 0 NCH W=7. To sign in to a Special Purpose Account (SPA) via a list, add a "+" to your CalNet ID (e. The hspiceParser is made to convert hSpice DC, AC and transient simulation output files (*. Volume II also contains reference material (Appendices). 3 12n 3. Then you need to be careful to ensure that the time period you average Instructions for HSPICE simulation assignments at the University of California, San Diego. The inputs can be the same for both PSpice and HSpice. HSPICE® User Guide: Signal Integrity Modeling and Analysis Version J-2014. sp is the name of netlist, extension is required •> tells HSPICE to output the results in the file following the symbol •! tells HSPICE to replace the file if file of same name exists •temp. -hpp Invokes HSPICE Precision Parallel. TRIG: Equation for increase/TARG: Equation for decrease "TRIG: Equation for increase/TARG: Equation for decrease" is a rather complex setup, so we plan to explain how to create the syntax using the ". tw 3 Introduction to SPICE Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis Developed in 1970’s at Berkeley Many commercial versions are available HSPICE is a robust industry standard Has many enhancements that we will use Written in FORTRAN for punch-card machines Circuits elements are called cards Complete In manual and existing examples I can see that the Physics section of SDEVICE can be modelled region/material/interface specific but we can only define different mobility models(not the mobility As an example, the following HSPICE input deck statements specify a constant-current threshold of 100 nA × Wdrawn / Ldrawn for both NMOS and PMOS in a transient analysis: . For Fig. Suggested reading in addition to the second tutorial. The measurement begins when the second rising voltage at node 1 is 2. HSPICE® User Guide: Basic Simulation and Analysis Version H-2013. Joined Jun 15, 2017 Messages 1 Helped 0 Reputation 0 Reaction score 0 Trophy points 1 Activity points 13 The schematic is a simple transistor, I would like to extract device parameters (like idsat, idoff, vt_maxgm method, gm etc. ch09 4 Thu Jul 23 19:10:43 1998 Using the . Frank Sill Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Minas Gerais, A A tô i C l 6627 CEP 31270Av. ). Figure 30-3: Transition at Minimum Setup Time hspice measure noise integrate When you do an AC simulation hspice computes the input and output refered noise. The dialog box has predefined measurements . It defines parameters like voltage and 5 標題與描述 檔案第一行為標題,Hspice視而不見!! *開頭表示註解 . 35 HSPICE를 다시 Hard하게 다루고 있는 상태이다. measure and math I reckon, not being an HSPICE-dialect guy. The basic analyses that can be carried out using HSPICE are: DC operating point, DC Sweep, AC Sweep (Bode Plotting), Transient, Sensitivity and Fourier Analysis. ) from hspice simulator (using hspice command). 3m stop = 0. -Ing. HSPICE Introduction Page 2 2. PRINT, . Eng. Td = 20 ns makes sure were on the right part of the waveform. 1. Fig. That's . jutek said: hello for example, voltage, current, delay time or gain– related by some transfer function. Below is the HSPICE source (omitting the transistor model setup). Workstation Basics Page 8 5. 2 V at timepoint 0 in a transient analysis. Syntax Single Pin Capacitance Measurement This example shows the effect of dynamic capacitance at the switch point. meas tran V_Name +TRIG v(a)=1. 331e-07). 0786E+05 trig= 1. Given the input netlist fragment:. probe v(*). 종종 문법 및 Syntax 때문에 매뉴얼을 열어서 보곤 하는데, 볼 때마다 새삼 이해 못하고 사용한 내용들이 참 Constant-Current Threshold Voltage Extraction in HSPICE for Nanoscale CMOS Analog Design Alvin Loke 1, Zhi-Yuan Wu 2, Reza Moallemi 3, Dru Cabler 1, Chad Lackey 1, Tin Tin Wee 1, and Bruce Doyle 1 1Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. timing of the shape kT, T HSpice Analysis and Optimization Bart Zeydel, Hoang Dao, Xiao-Yan Yu I. 開頭表示一命令 +開頭表示接續上一行 . ex 1-1과 함께 사용한다면, 위와 같이 사용할 수도 있다. subckt xxx 1 2 R1 1 2 1 . sp design configuration . measure tran max1 param='max(n1,n2)' . include '180nm_bulk. The most common use of measure statements is to compute the time between a trigger hspiceのmeas(measure)コマンドの記述例まとめ. measコマンド. A note on each of these analyses is given in section 6 together with self-explanatory examples. It has a eye function 2. Now you have levels figures, to do crossing-time measures. Sep 23, 2004 #5 wylee Full Member level 1. It is capable of reading the 9601 and 2001 binary formats, the ASCII 1. Figure 1: Actual silicon measured data showing a hook shaped Idsat vs Width curve. For more detail, refer to the HSPICE User’s Manual. ) This breaking should not change the loading at this point; therefore, the cut should be at a point where a low output impedance sees a high input impedance (opamp output, for example). Spice Deck * Inverter characterization * Include library file: containing CMOS device model HSPICE Tutorial Prepared by Dongwan Ha Oct 21, 2008 1 Introduction SPICE is a general purpose analog electronic circuit simulator. The input threshold, the same way. 4u m2 5 2 3 0 nmos w=90u l=0. mt0,mt1,. Joined Aug 2, 2005 Messages 351 Helped 15 Reputation 30 Reaction score 7 Trophy points 1,298 Location Shanghai Activity points 4,237 hspice measure. Running HSPICE Page 3 3. lis filename . For example, I want to find the operating point for a device (particular value of the input voltage). HSPICE appends the extension . 2 Using the . MEAS statement prints point on the abscissa that the measurement condition occurs: . Vgs = 0~1. AC Statement AC Sweep and Signal Analysis 9-4 Star-Hspice Manual, Release 1998. inc * main circuit (Current-mirror opamp) * input stage m1 4 1 3 0 nmos w=90u l=0. 3. Joined Mar 25, 2004 Messages 170 Helped 4 Reputation 8 For example:. 012 hspice primer example1. 3. 7 说明 本文档内容以常用 hspice 指令为主,主要 目的为便于学习与查询,详细了解请参阅参 考文献 版权所有,不得侵犯! iv Contents. 2 Examples The following example shows how to connect a diode called DCLMMMP between node 3 and substrate. Example . you can read that file in waveform viewer. nctu. 0um, 2. s . 구문 종류 . measure,可简写为. Measurement Use the Star-Hspice MAX measurement function to detect success or failure of an output transition . 자꾸만 까먹어서 Measure 구문에서 수식 등이 들어간 Measure 문법을 정리해 놓는다. Antônio Carlos 6627, CEP: 31270-010 B l H i t (MG) B il010, Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil franksill@ufmg. Repeat, entering VIH and using the right +1 slope point. It puts the integrated noise in the output *. HSPICE measures the delay from the second rising edge of the voltage at node 1 to the second falling edge of node 2. jordan76 Full Member level 3. Products Solutions Support . Hspice circuit simulation: and2 Resulting and2. In paper [6], we have proposed a physical- HSPICE measure absolute value. 0um. br Simple Sources: Examples 使用Hspice仿真时,我们可以使用. 3 7n 3. 2-2. Hspice circuit simulation: and2. MEASURE commands. MEASURE. OPTIONS. The circuit result targets are part of the . MEASURE hspice initialization file: [home/ software/ synopsys— 2008 /hspice /hs pxce . 3k次,点赞6次,收藏17次。本文详细介绍了HSpice中的测量语句及其使用技巧,包括如何在原有仿真基础上进行新的测量,MEASURE语句的控制选项如数字精度、输出格式、文件控制等,以及在不同情况下的输出行为。 If "FROM value TO value" is not described, all times are in the measurement range. ) HSpice Dr. Example 1 - Original Case (Slower) Can I measure time in HSPICE? For example,. MEASURE statement prints user-defined electrical specifications of a circuit and is used extensively in optimization. 6. ee. Vin in 0 pwl ( 0 0 1n 0 2n 3. lis •hspice calls the program •simple_dc. Depending on strength of nmos or pmos of final stage, rising or falling prop delay will be decided. This capacitor may represent, for example, a load card on PCI bus. The hspice code looks as follows. the HSPICE Simulation and Analysis User Guide, HSPICE Applications Manual, and HSPICE Command Reference. -o output_file Name of the output file. Use the . sw0 file . Similar variables, which are listed in the . measure'd values in an analysis in the same file. acX, *. Sample HSPICE Input Files Page 20 For example, to view the 15_mosfet_introduction. 1, I use the following commands in HSPICE to Note that the first two measurement statements measure the falling and rising propagation delay (50% in -> 50% out) between the “in” node and the “out” node. meas dc v_when_i_max when i(m1)=i_max. 5 V. 5 rise=1 +TARG v your SPICE work, then run add hspice to attach the HSPICE locker. The value of VIL for the noise margin calcula-tion will appear. mike_bihan Full Member level 3. 34 LAB Simulation gm v. sp >! temp. Mar 10, 2005 #4 J. Unix Basics Page 4 4. MEASURE TRAN delay TRIG v(sig_1) VAL='vdd/2' RISE=1 TARG v(sig_2) VAL=v(sig_3) CROSS=1 Is the using of v(sig_3) legal here as VAL 司主要是使用Hspice,对于已经熟悉了Cadence的GUI界面的使用者转而面对 Hspice的文本格式,其难度是不言而喻的,而Hspice冗长的manual(长达2000 页 以上)更让人在短时间内理不出头绪。鉴于我曾经使用过相当一段时间的Hspice, Moreover, most chip vendors use HSPICE to validate their IBIS and IBIS-AMI models. And for probing use following Results. 5 vds=3 这里把关于 hspice ( SPICE – Simulation Program with an Integrated Circuit Emphasis ) 这个电路仿真工具的一些基础内容列一下。 常见问题: 1. Then click on the Point shortcut and place the cur-sor on the left +1 slope point and click. If they are named A and B, and if the designator is U1, then the current through pin 1 would be: Ix(U1:A). , "+mycalnetid"), then enter your passphrase. 0 HSPICE Tutorial for EE133 Prepared by Ben Mossawir Introduction As an example, we will be simulating the performance of a MFB band-pass filter Measure Statements The last major piece of information we are missing is that we need to tell SPICE which parameters of the circuit we would like to measure. OPTION measurement data, as shown in Figure 1. run status: filename. Hence using HSPICE at the board-level gives the best correlation with the chip vendor’s intent. Volume II contains detailed applications and examples of how to use Star-Hspice for a wide variety of circuit simulations (Chapters 14 through 22). meas dc v_when_i_1a when i(m1)=1a. lis file. meas tran tdlay trig v(1) val=1. HSPICE measures when the last CROSS, FALL, or RISE event occurs. lis file, based on the parameters in the . Two examples of mixed-signal designs are provided: • ADC example: A MATLAB® model of an 8-Bit ADC is provided and analysed within the MATLAB® environment. In the HSPICE RF example below, the SLEW measurement provides the slope of V(OUT) Note that the above examples, while referring to one point along the abscissa, the requested result is based on ordinate data(the dependent variables). holddreams Full Member level 6. measure`指令來分析系統的頻率響應。以下是一些步驟和注意事項,幫助你設置相關的測量指令: 1. How to accurately test the frequency of a VCO output in HSPICE? Is it can be realized automatically by using some command in HSPICE? you can refer to the spice user manual for how to using measure statement . OPTION MEASDGT=x controls the measure file printout accuracy. sp 库输入文件 <library_name> 模拟转移数据文件 <design>. It is a powerful program that is used in IC and board-level design to check the integrity of circuit designs and to predict circuit example #3. . meas 기능은 HSPICE에서 Oscilloscope의 역할을 해준다고 생각하면 될 것 같다. measure statements in your HSPICE deck. All lines beginning with asterisk (*) are comments in HSPICE. model m1 NMOS(LEVEL = 1 VTO = 'TIME') I want to change parameter VTO if time change in a transient simulation. meas’ statement. ch05 5 Thu Jul 23 19:10:43 1998 Using Sources and Stimuli Independent Source Elements Star-Hspice Manual, Release 1998. MEASURE command structure, and the parameters to be optimized are Star-Hspice-defined parameter functions. book : hspice. 4 F. The . I was wondering if I can set a flag in . In general, use a binary search to locate the output variable goal value Hspice Measurement and Optimization features handle these two steps. (Example 1) 1: Writes space-separated style which can be imported as data into Excel and Microsoft products (requires The sensitivity measurement is the partial derivative of each output variable with respect to the value of a given circuit element, taken at the For the first example, Star-Hspice computes the ratio of V(5,3) to VIN, the small-signal input resistance at VIN, to hspiceのノイズ過渡解析について. 例.オシレータのジッター解析 例としてオシレータのジッター解析を行う.ジッターは理想的なパルス波形からの立ち上がった時間のずれである.次のコードでは,オシレータの出力電圧の立ち上が [] Currently, the numbers in xxx. u will have the option to give rising and falling seperately. Hspice Example - Free download as PDF File (. 2 5-5 Mixed Sources Mixed sources specify source values for more than one type of analysis. 0 日期 2007. 语句顺 need to measure from 50% input rising to 50% output rising or similarly for falling edge. Isn't there some equivalent command that you can put in your spectre deck ? thanks. this example gives u direct VI characterstics of subckt(MOS). 5 V and ends when the second falling voltage at node 2 is 2. cfg initialization hspice. The syntax for writing the hspice files is same as for the most commonly used PSpice, except that you when measurement should start example: to > a . Sometimes a small capacitance of order 0. measure进行用户自定义分析,即输出一些自定义的电路电学特性。. Outputs are written to . I would like to get at each rising edge of the clock (i. ac1) measure output: filename . ch13 8 Thu Jul 23 19:10:43 1998 Specifying Junction Diodes Using Diodes 13-8 Star-Hspice Manual, Release 1998. The diode has a voltage of 0. 2. sp”. In other cases, you might not care what the max. Analog circuit designer 라면 sign-off tool 인 HSPICE 사용은 거이 필수다. HSPICE Input/Output Files & Suffixes HSPICE Input input netlist . mt0 file are with 3 decimal place (example: 1. measure" simulation". In Setup -> Simulation Files, . Each statement specifies the output variables and type of SPICE stands for Simulation Program with Intergrated Circuit Emphesis, which is a transistor level circuit simulator developed by U. duty cycles are because it's limited anyway by the hardware by design. Be sure that a complete set of parameters is entered in the correct sequence before *AC analysis HSPICE example . The bottom plot shows the output transition. Jun 15, 2017 #1 A. sp file to increase the accuracy. measure语句在电路的优化、模型参数拟合等方面也有特别的应用。 1. measure ac hspice What happens ? It fails on both measurements (min_phase and phase_margin)? I've already used this type of measurements several times. HSPICE를 다시 Hard하게 다루고 있는 상태이다. What follows are some general points that one must keep in mind whilst using HSPICE: (a) Value Multipliers in HSPICE: G = 109 m = 10-3 Commands in HSPICE Netlists: . lstb mode=single vsource=vfb. txt' VCC vcc 0 5 Hi, I would like to measure the delay from rising of one signal to the crossing of another two signals, anyone know how to do this? Can I use something like: . 0k + window = kaiser alfa = 2. MODEL statement sets up the optimization. 전류가 최대일 때 전압값을 저장한다. An example . **確定單位增益頻率**: - 要獲得增益邊際,首先需要測量系統的單位增益頻率。你可以使用以下指令來找出當目標輸出電壓的分貝(dB)值為0(即 HSPICE has an optimization routine which can change the capacitance value to match the fall/rise time of the inv-chain. FFT statement. AC Statement You can use the . 03, March 2013 How to Sign In as a SPA. Please look at the two different circuits in the attached picture. i tried a lot of times, still don't work. measure statements are specified. In Hspice, V( node ) represents the Coming back to my original question, you can put . 18um, 0. e. mt n files, where n=0,1, (alteration number) Here we trigger when the voltage at node ‘a’ crosses vdd/2, and measure the time until the output crosses vdd/2. GRAPH, . bpeddxz hau upyra awky ipo wvtrq ufij kourdt owoza ityfes esmfw ozzt wyf clxzb qcqnq