Go p 4 2021 gedn 2022 (P) No. 6733/2022/GEDN YEARS OF - - anod a-o. 2063/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 26-03-2022 Read1 Representation from The Corporate Educational Agency, Diocese of Idukki dated 18/10/2019 2 Letter No. ൈഹേ ാടതിയിൽ ഫയൽ െച5 11467/2021 നം റി/്ഹർജിയിേbcd 12/07/2021 െല വിധിന ായം 4 പാല ാട്വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഉപഡയറ\-െട 1/10/2021 െല sslc result 2021; staff fixation; transfer and postings; tuesday, june 21, 2022. ജി. 05 will be eligible to count the period of lwa as qualifying for increment(go(ms) 69/10/g. ORDER G. 2. 2063/2025/Fin: 04-03-2025: Streamlining G. 350/2025/HEDN Higher Education Department-Mahatma Gandhi University - Release of third instalment of Plan Grant for the financial year 2024-2025 - Sanctioned - Orders issued17/03/2025: G. 2017 muthal oru varsham additional postilum 2018 muthal retirement postilekkum mari. Wednesday, June 1, 2022. IT Statement FY 2025 Assigning DDO charge to school / college teachers who have been given charge of HM/Prinicipal - time limit fixed Cir. 88/2022/GEDN Dated, 27/05/2022: Click Here to Order: GO(P) No. 06/02/2021 െല g. അ(% അധഠയന വർഷം (2023-24) dതൽ ഈ ഇളkകൾ അ വദി ത[. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook promotion & transfer of dde,deo:go(rt)2459/2021/gedn dt:16/04/2022. െപാ വിദദ ാഭ ാസ(എസ്. 118/MSC/2020/MWD dated 25. Test: 23-12-2021: Department test Notification Jan 2022: Medisep: 15-12-2021: MEDISEP LAST DATE EXTENDED: Noon Meal: 13-12-2021: ker amendment -gazette notification: go(p)05/2022/g. Vishnuja Mohan, Naveen House, for the period from December 2021 to June 2022 . : 31/08/2021 : G. 14/2022/P&ARD Dated, 26/10/2022: 26-10-2022 G O (P) No 160 – 2021 – Fin Dated 01-12-2021 Deferment of Surrender of Earned Leave – Extended till 31st March 2022. 2. (MS)No. 88/2022 FIN Dated 4/08/2022: 4-8-2022: Treasury clarification for Aided Institutions: Leaves Related Covid 19 circular No. െപാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ വa:്ഡയറvwെട 19/01/2022 െല ജി4/13628/ഡി lwa availed by teachers for completion of training courses such as b. Ad. മാത0 ബ2. 2306. edn. െചാ ി ഉപജി യിെല കരിയാട്ന% ാ&്'പി(ളിെല അറബിക് അ, ാപകനായ -ീ. (avoœO) mo. 031984 2. (Ms)No. regulariation of retrenched period of aided school teachers as non duty: order issued: go(p)07/2022/gedn dt:20/06/2022 regulariation of retrenched period of aided school teachers as non duty: order issued: go(p)07/2022/gedn dt:20/06/2022. ത4ികയി\ാെത @റn നിZ കാലയളവ് യാെതാO വിധ സർoീസ് ആ=>ല jൾ:മായി അവകാശവാദം ഉZയിpകയിെ\Z്Stamp paper ൽ േനാ5റി PROBATION - Computer knowledge with word processing (both Malayalam and English) included as an additional condition for declaration of probation in respect of Assistant, Clerk and similar entry level posts - ORDER G. ambedkar national merit award for meritorious students of secondary education: gpai scheme -renewal of the scheme for the year 2022. 11. 4 (av14/87/2022-6)n. (a-uowo) mo. 1172/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 28-02-2022 Read1Letter No. 5339/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിlവനm:രം, 12-09-2022 (p)4/2021/g. 2021 received from Rev. SHIFTING OF LPST/UPST POST: GOVT PERMISSION TO CATEGORY CHANGE OF LPST/UPST POSTS:GO(RT)275/2021/GEDN DT:06/12/2021 SHIFTING OF LPST/UPST POST: GOVT PERMISSION TO CATEGORY CHANGE OF LPST/UPST POSTS: GO(RT)275/2021/GEDN DT:06/12/2021; Posted by sakkir Vallikunnu at Anonymous said Sir. 2021 26. 2185/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 01-04-2022 Read1Judgment dated 09/07/2021 in WP (C) 9436/2021 filed by Shahul Hameed Sagheer V. Jan 18, 2025 Aided school appointments during the period from 2016 - 17 to 2019-20 - Approval Guidelines - G. $. നwർ ഉ9രവ്, 26. edn dt:12/04/2022. 4607/2014 ജിഇഡിഎൻ തീയതി: 29/10/2014 2. 163/2020/Fin dtd 22-12-2020. 04/06/2021 : G. സ. J2/12/2021 GEDN DATED 28. 7 – 1 – 1994 mu. J1/192/2021/GEDN Dated 13/07/2022. 1083/2022. (000,) mo. 5380/2022/GEDN തീയതി,തി വനK9രം, 13-09-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. but the above provision stands omitted vide go (p)217 /2005/fin dt:11. 2021 CATEGORY NO: 384/2020 Applications are invited online only by One Time Registration exclusively from qualified candidates for selection to the under mentioned post in Kerala Government GO(P)No:15/2020/GEdn dtd 09. 2449/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിiവനj;രം, 16-04-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. വിaാപനhകാരം െക-െടk് േയാഗഠത ഇmാെത നിയമിതരായ സർഖാർ ൾ അധഠാപകർ&ം, 01. 4/2021/G. n]. 2017 Up teacher ayi jolicheyunund. 275/2021/HEDN Higher clarification regarding the service & pay conditions of teachers appointed under order 4/2021:letter no. 2461/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 17-04-2022 Read1Judgment of the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala dated 19. Tags. പി. - - 6)ffùÐaÈ01 oa-oaaÈ01 ) mo. (pre revised) 4% 29. 2020 (pre revised) 4% 04. f 24. 03. 114/2022/GEDN 30-06-2022 1. 2019 (pre revised) 4% norm 19. (moowo) 00. െമാ5ീൻ എം . 349/2025/HEDN Higher Education Department-Visit of the Deputy Prime Minister of the ker amendment (go(p)5/2022/gedn dt:18/04/2022)stayed by the hon ble high court :judgement dt:06/06/2022 in wp(c)17406,17413,17542/2022. എസ് െല $ൾ ൈടം (നിയർ അറബിക് 17/11/2021 തീയതിയിെല എ3/ 15476/21 നം ക:് yകാരം തിiവനj;രം വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഉപ HEADMASTER HIGHER GRADE& CONSEQUENT INCREMENT: A CASE STUDY:GO(RT)4014/2021/GEDN DT:12/09/2021 HEADMASTER HIGHER GRADE& CONSEQUENT INCREMENT: A CASE STUDY: GO(RT)4014/2021/GEDN DT:12/09/2021; Posted by sakkir Vallikunnu at 10:46 AM. 21. 6431/2022/GEDN 05-11-2022 œlØOndUðo:- 01/04/2022-021 nocu-q. +. േകരള സ. Phil in the concerned subject be the one awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or recognised as HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. 1/2022/TAXES; G. SC2/165/2021/GEDN DT:15/01/2022; Posted by sakkir Vallikunnu at 8:12 AM. 2022 2021-22 30 (1) 2022-23 2 2) 2022-23 30 cr51dcacøaryuð ms2crncoqcr1 1 cAasoßsocru mlcnJ±06rßõ. (ഗവർണ~െട ഉ%രവിൻ oകാരം) a p m mohammed hanish principal secretary g. 06. Sangeetha. 870/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിwവനxjരം, 15-02-2022 1 അരി&ള എ. Dated 25-05-2022: Daily Wages Revised Rate Order GO(P) No. 6733/2022/GEDN 14-11-2022 rJ(ð02dOOo:- 25/03/2022-õAJ non-DI. വർ ല ഗവ. 29/21/Fin Dated 11-02-2021 Reservation - Persons with Disabilities in State Service - GO/Circulars; Aided - Differently Abled Appointment | പൊതു വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം SSLC RESULT 2021; STAFF FIXATION; TRANSFER AND POSTINGS; Thursday, June 30, 2022 GUIDE LINES:GO(P)178/2002/GEDN DT:28/06/2002 : "THE MANAGEMENT OF NEWLY OPENED/UPGRADED AIDED SCHOOLS SHALL FILL UP ALL THE EXISTING/ARISING VACANCIES IN THEIR SCHOOLS BY APPOINTING PROTECTED Daily Wages Appointment 2022-23 Guidelines - Govt. nirbhaghya vashal ithuvare K TET passakan kazhinjilla. C 2Letter No. Fisheries HSS Kuzhithura, Kollam 104 BINDU GOPI Mathematics 7180- Govt. 2013 6)a-e01eíloaÈ (pre revised) 4% mlaslcð 05. 2271/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിlവനm9രം, 06-04-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. 01, nam5. 4/2021 iകാരം മാേനജർ ഡി¢ളേറഷൻ സ. റി%് അ ീൽ ന)ർ 1445/2022, 1602/2022 ട/ിയ േക1കളിൽ ബ . No comments: SALARY DISBURSEMENT OF PROTECTED TEACHERS. go(p) no. $നിയർ പാർ'്ൈടം സംസ്*തം മാേനജർ സ. 2021-െല ഹർജി (എvിബിw്പി 6 ) 2. 2019 26. 2017 GEON nocÐß0c-A4" coop YEARS O. A3/6827/2021 dated 31. 3ീ. p. ഉ. Government Orders and Circulars July 2022. പുതുക്കിയ വേതനം ഫെബ്രുവരി 2021 മുതൽ. All the Comments are Reviewed by Admin. 0ഹ1ദ്ആദിൽ 18/10/2021 ൽ സമർ:ി7 അേപt 2. School: ORDER G. ാപകനായ ദിേനഷ്/0ൻ ബ3. ൈഹേ ാടതിയിൽ ഫയൽ െച8 23756/2021 നം. 3. JOQflQJ) Date: 20-10-2022 6)c-ü02 mo. 'ീമതി വിനീത എസ്. dr. 02. Seniority List(Core Subjects) 09-12-2022: STAFF FIXATION 2022-23 | തസ്തിക നിര്ണ്ണയം - 2022-23 – തസ്തിക G. H2/42465/2019/DGE Dated, 17/01/2023 (No. 5. 2021 28. Govt: Every person appointed in Govt service,except in Last Grade Service by direct recruitment will be on probation for a period of two years of duty within a continuous G. 32/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department -UGC Scheme - Revision of Scale of Pay of Teachers in Universities under Higher Education, affiliated Colleges, teachers in Law KERALA STATE GOVERNMENT PROVIDENT FUND AND OTHER SIMILAR PROVIDENT FUNDS - INTEREST RATES ON DEPOSITS FROM 1ST APRIL 2022 TO 30TH JUNE 2022 - ISSUED BY ORDER. 37/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-Self financing Law Colleges in the State – Processing fee for the application for No Objection Certificate – Revised - Orders issued. GO(P) No 159 – 2021 – Fin Dated 30-11-2021 SLI Scheme – Revised Rates of Premium. Govt order GO (P) No. 2022 of the Director of General Education, Thiruvananthapuram GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract 2021- Govt. 2012 oതൽ 2019-20 അധഠയന വർഷം വെര െക-െടk്േയാഗഠത സ. 2021:download; medisep:data സ. 2/2022/P&ARD Dated 15/01/2022: Download: P M POSHION KITCHEN CUM STORE PLAN & ELEVATION 1: Download: P M POSHION KITCHEN CUM STORE PLAN & ELEVATION 2: Download: INCOME TAX-Nuns and Priest Treasury Directerate Circular: Go(P) 7/ 2022 GEdn dated 20-06-2022 Aided സ. promotion & transfer of dde,deo:go(rt)2459/2021/gedn dt:16/04/2022. 29/2021/Fin Dated 11/02/2021. J1/1/2021/GEDN Dated, 27/12/2022) 17-01-2023: GO and Circulars Upto 31/12/2022; Govt. 2018 oam5 qrrõ (pay scale as per Pay Revision order) 6% 7. : GO G. 08/12/2021 െല െപാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഡയറqrെട ബി1/12695/2021/dge നuർ ക;്. വാ ർ േപരകം എ. 147/2023/GEDN തീയതി,തിCവനREരം, 06-01-2023 പരാമർശം:- 1. േമൽഢറ| ഇളkകൾ 2022-2023 അധഠയന വർഷേ%}്fടി മാzമാണ് ബാധകമാഡ ത്. (കൈ) നം. (mooœ0) mo. Prakasan D. 941/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിtവനugരം, 18-02-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. 6029/2021/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 20/12/2021 Read1:G. 1911/2022/gedn തീയതി,തി വന!"രം, 22-03-2022 പരാമർശം :- 1. ഒ(ആർ. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. 2021 in WP(C) No. 14. (auowo) mo. 220/2022/gedn ETSB Account Closure Guidelines GO(P)No. y2/661885/2022/dge dt:15/09/2022 substantive vacancy to the post would arise only on the actual date of retirement of headmaster and not on date the headmaster availed G. 8511/2022/GEDN 26-12-2022 a-IOOndOOo:- 14/09/2022-ôêJ naauq. 08. Note: (i) M. cc-ud mol. W P (C) No. :INSTRUCTIONS. 2021-õQJ ma-ud modaod 'i, 53 A "(c), 53(C) cc-unlai cmõß 2. 12. 30 – 11 – 2021 Govt. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head റെ ഉ രവ്: ഡി ജി ഇ/9341/2023-എ ്2 െപാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഡയറ#$െട കാര ാലയം തി*വന, രം, തീയതി : 04-06-2024 Aided Primary School Headmaster Promotion reg - No. Sumam Jan 6, 2025 Daily Wage rate/Contract wage rate enhanced order GO (P)No. Ç6R- 1 2 3 LETTER NO. crud, amo, 1 cr51øcuaSl . 05. h5/3900/2022/dge dt:07/05/2022; granting headmaster promotion to part time language teachers who got full time benefit: a case study:go(rt) go(p)04/2021/gedn dt: 06/02/2021; appointment of 43 claimants ( rule 1(1)) in uneconomic school: a case Home GO/Circulars GO/Circulars July 2022 GO/Circulars July 2022 0 muralipanamanna Saturday, July 30, 2022. A2/39/2021/TBO Dated 8/02/2022: Download: GO(P)No. GO (P) No 9 – 2021 – P&ARD Dt. 25-06-2022 െല സ. SSLC RESULT 2021; STAFF FIXATION; TRANSFER AND POSTINGS; Sunday, June 26, 2022. 89/2022/GEDN Dated, 27/05/2022: Download: Daily Wages Appointment 2022-23 Guidelines - Aided School: ORDER G. do-al. 09. stayed the operation of circular no j1/19/2021/gedn dt:16/02/2021. 07. 2021െല h2/19500/2021/dge നwർ സർ3ലർ എ_ിവയിൽ നി ർഷി5ിരി3_ `കാരം സംരqിത അധ ാപകെര നിയമി3_തിനായി ഭാവിയിൽ ഉ ാ _ ഒഴിവ് clerk to senior clerk promotion:service card called for:circular no. 7. #. 8/2022/GEDN Dated,14/07/2022 | Download Maternity Leave Clarification - Circular No. (a-oowo) mo. Created Date: 28/01/2021 : G. ടി)നം. 2017 (Pre-revised) 4% norm 16. 938/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിsവനtfരം, 18-02-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. 2021:download; medisep:data collection:instruction to appointment of dailwage teachers in aided school for the academic year 2022-23: go(ms)88/2022/gedn dt: 27/05/2022 appointment of dailwage teachers in aided school for the academic year 2022-23: go(ms)88/2022/gedn dt: 27/05/2022 ; posted by sakkir vallikunnu at 9:16 am. 4/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department - The Department Promotion Committee (Higher) for the Department of Technical Education which met on 20-01-2021 has prepared the Selection List of eligible B. 32/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-UGC Scheme - Revision of Scale of Pay of Teachers in Universities daily wage payment in examination days:clarificationletter no. (ms)no. ,ളിെല ഹി-ി അ. nam5. 6. c5/3/2018/g. C/1324/2018 from the Assistant Educational Officer, Arakkulam dated 15/12/2021 4 Letter No. 06/02/2021 G. D11/232773/22/na4nam5. 31/2022/fin dated 15/03/2022 leave surrender higher secondary lab assistants:download order of the commissioner of disability for "ഭരണഭാഷ- മാ ഭാഷ" േകരള സർഖാർ സംഘഹം െപാജവിദഠാഭഠാസ വഡഢ് - ബഥ. (cruowo) mo. (Rt)No. D1/225920/2022/DGE dated 20. nam5. 2210. െകാ ം ച ൻ ള ര എസ്. Dated 25-05-2022: Temporary Employees Registration MARCH- 2025: Date: Government Order with Subject: 18/03/2025: G. വ. leave surrender benfit for the financial year 2021 lwa exceeding 5 years not allowed "ഭരണഭാഷ- മാ ഭാഷ" േകരള സർ ാർ സം ഹം െപാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ വ ്- ജീവന ാര ം - െച7 റി8്ഹർജി നം. ou11/234454/2022/n04nom5. noa-ð, OBs, (Pre-revised) 40/0 1104. 2020). General Education – Judgment dated 31/03/2021 of the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala in WP(C) No. GO(P)148 KERALA TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST( K. O(P)No. John Mangalath, Secretary, De Paul Education Trust appointment of dailwage teachers in govt school for the academic year 2022-23: go (ms)89/2022/gedn dt:27/05/2022 appointment of dailwage teachers in govt school for the academic year 2022-23: go (ms)89/2022/gedn dt:27/05/2022; posted by sakkir vallikunnu at 9:12 am. പാല ാട്െപരിേ ാട്ൈഹ ൾ മാേനജCം 'ീമതി. 2022 3/27355/2021/CiE@ 3. 4946/2021/gedn ഉ;രവ്. 88/2022/GEDN Dated, 27/05/2022: Guest/Daily wages appointment-List from employment exchange. 153/2021/fin dated 23. edn dt:18/04/2022; temporary promotion of aided primary headmasters - general direction: circular no. 032021 . 2021: Dept. O. Edn. J3/89/2021/GEDN DT:14/09/2021 special leave for covid 19:clarification: govt letter no. Tech (evening) Admission - 2021-2022 - Prospectus approved - Orders issued. ൈഹേ ാടതിയിൽ ഫയൽ െച7 റി8് staff fixation 2022-23:retention of retrenched teaching and non teaching staff using reduced teacher-pupil ratio(1:40 etc):order issued:go(ms)220/2022/gedn dt:02/12/2022 INSTRUCTIONS HAVE BEEN ISSUED REGARDING SEEKING PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTMENT WHILE MAKING CHANGES IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE SCHOOL BUILDING: CIRCULAR Daily Wages Appointment 2022-23 Guidelines - Govt. 17/08/2021 െല തി വന!"രം വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഉപഡയറqrെട അ6ൽ മജീദ്. dma2/263/2022 dt:29/04/2022 covid-19 containment measures in force under the dm act ordered by the government- rescinded with immediate effect:go(rt)328/2022/dmd dt:07/04/2022 covid 19 treatment period (maximum 7 days) of daily wages/ contract employees treated as duty and draw salary on production of medical സ. go(p)07/2022/gedn dt:20/06/2022 . Govt Order G. 5912/2022/GEDN 13-10-2022 rueonduoo:- OU009Q6)S 04/03/2022-021 mmjd l, 53A Il(c), 53(c) cc-úõ ml. 718/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിtവനuhരം, 10-02-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. ൈഹേ ാടതിയിൽ ഫയൽ െച8 റി(്ഹർജി ഹർജി നം . She has requested to go(p)4/2018/p&ard dt:05/04/2018 High school Headmaster promotion: Priority to departmental test qualified teachers:clarification. 3068/2023 GEDN Dated 29-05-2023: Guest/Daily wages appointment-List from employment exchange. 1619/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department -Starting of Mini cnxðaod mo. (സാധാ) നം. seniersnte aprroval vazhukiyathu karanam ithuvare approval kitiiyitillA. 26157 of 2021 Dt. Ippol schoolil ninnu arinja vivaram 2021 May 30 ullil 4. 0ീമതി ഹസീന ബീഗം ബ4. AIDED SCHOOL TEACHERS APPOINTMENT: KER AMENDMENT: GO(P)199/2016/GEDN DT:03/12/2016 AIDED SCHOOL TEACHERS APPOINTMENT: KER AMENDMENT: GO(P)199/2016/GEDN DT:03/12/2016; Posted by sakkir Vallikunnu at 8:39 O. email this leave surrender benfit for the financial year 2021 lwa exceeding 5 years not 5. 2017 28. 2021 acrž01e_îloaÈ (revised) 4% 0103. 8511/2022/GEDN - - anod oa-osaÈ01 mo. 03/11/2021 െല g. Dt. 01. (ൈക) ന)ർ 111/2022/ െപാ. 1620/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department -Technical Education - Order dated 09-02-2022 in OA EKM) 58/2022 filed by Sri. o. (അ6ടി) ന)ർ 19/2021/െപാ. e. 2016 qa-õ (Pre-revised) 4% naa-n 01. (Rt) No. 2022 from Deputy Director of General Education, Idukki. H2/27839/2017/DPI DT:25/04/2017. നായCം XXI uൾ 7(5) iകാരം 2021-2022 വർഷം . 2/2020/GAD dated 09. j1/218/2021/g. )EU9œC9QID cæprwcu) a-)æõcrvo acruo) ooæpcwpcu)tyuco c¥roö/c¥'ocæpcw*ooorua cB(Ûo (OQ)CCÐÑ) ( JaqoeeL . 2021, and in aided schools vacancies arising out of regular posts for the year 2021- 2022 like retirement, resignation, death, promotion, etc. 4311/2021 filed by Smt. , is to be filled up with effect from 15. 13006/2021 േ@ab വിധിന ായം പാലി'്ഉeരവ്fറെ gവിhi. 0011/2369782022 mo. G. K, Upper Primary School Assistant, Yogini Matha Girls High School, Kollengode, Palakkad - Complied with - Orders issued. daily wage payment in examination days:clarificationletter no. O 2021 GO(P) No 138-2021-TAXES – counting of leave vacancy service for various service benefit like probation,increment,grade& pay revision etc: a case study:go(rt)579/2022/gedn dt:03/02/2022 PAY REVISION ARREARS TO THE EMPLOYEES/PENSIONERS ALONG WITH THE SALARY FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2021. B2/2496/2021 dated 29/09/2021 from District Educational Officer, Chavakkad GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department - WP (C) No. F(4)/7772/2021/DGE from the Director of General Education dated 21/12/2021 3 Letter No. 26-02-2021-െല GO(P) No. GO(Ms)157/2015/GEDN DT:10/06/2015 iii. 19/04/2022 No. School : ORDER G. റി:്ഹർജി 2. TET): FREQUENTL DEPLOYMENT OF PROTECTED TEACHERS GO(P)343/2022 dated 29-04-2022 Template Settlement deed; G. (പി) 4/2021 /െപാ. ORDERS & CIRCULARS Upto 31/12/2022. 2 – 3 – 2022 Equivalency Certificate Not required * Kodenchery SCB and Others Versus Joshy Varghese and Others – Issue of Charge Memo – Subcommittee is incompetent * WP (C) No 3517 of 2022 Mahin K E V-S Kalamassery SCB – Appointment to notified vacancy only can be made from Rank List GO (P) 4 – 94 – Coop Dt. ത4ികയി\ാെത @റn നിZ കാലയളവ് യാെതാO വിധ സർoീസ് ആ=>ല jൾ:മായി അവകാശവാദം ഉZയിpകയിെ\Z്Stamp paper ൽ േനാ5റി Last Date : 03. 2020 27. 2 OCTOBER - 2022: Date: Government Order with Subject: 31/10/2022: G. Model Residential HSS, Aided Primary School Headmaster Promotion reg - No. ente peru Gafoor ente wife 21. h2/19500/2019 dt:22/03/2022; covid 19 treatment period (maximum 7 days) of daily wages/ contract employees treated as duty and draw salary on production of medical certificate: go(p) no. സർ ാർ ഉ:രവ് നം. GRADE iii. 88/2022/GEDN 27-05-2022 1. potyoco eueeqs '(q peuô!S OQ)CC9Ñ) PV. 89/2022/GEDN Dated, 27/05/2022 - Aided School : ORDER G. (Ms) No. ഭി@േശഷി സംവരണ നിയമനം നടേ9gെത@ ഈ ഉ9രവിെല വ വ8 ബ . 23/04/2022 Pupils promotion 2021-22- Guidelines Cir. (Tü000) mo. No. 5327/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 06-09-2022 Read: Letter No. Post a Comment 0 Comments * Please Don't Spam Here. 2021 of the Director, Directorate of Minority Welfare , Thiruvananthapuram 3:Application dated 23. 2020 2:Order No. എൽ. 0Jj1/241924/22/n04. 10. 2021 ]കാര o സത ]xാവന KERALA PRIVATE PRIMARY HEADMASTERS ASSOCIATION Exclusively For Primary school Headmasters. 32/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department -UGC Scheme - Revision of Scale of Pay of Teachers in Universities under Higher Education, affiliated Colleges, teachers in Law Authorizing HM/Principal of Aided Schools/Colleges to draw monthley salary bills without countersignature. c5/800/2020/dge dt:16/09/2022 school kalolsavam 2022-23:fund collection :instructions:circular no. 4020/2022/GEDN 11-07-2022 cueondoøo:- 03. വി . (moowo) mo. 31/2022/fin dated 15/03/2022 leave surrender higher secondary lab assistants:download order of the Date : Government Order with Subject : 08/10/2021 : G. Dr. വി. : 31/10/2022: G. 1952376 ARC-3/58/2021 Dated 13/08/2022: 12-08-2022: 2022-23 വര്ഷത്തെ Appointment of Guest/Daily wages Teachers in Govt schools -Circular No. ്സി) വ ് സ. (mc000) mo. transfer & posting of junior supdt/nmo:order no. 08-11-2021 െല സ. judgement dt:19/02/2021 in oa 441/2021; aided school appointment approval through samanwaya portal: technical snag will be resolved within one month:govt p. 1296/2012 filed by Smt. TET,PROBATION& GPF ADMISSION) OF SPECIALIST TEACHERS(POOLING):CLARIFICATION GOVT LETTER NO. 2021 cru 2 2405. 9436/2021 filed by സ. GENERAL EDUCATION (B) DEPARTMENT G. 4. 29/2021/Finance dated 11/02/2021. GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department - Smt. 6007/2022/GEDN / aoam5 ce,oc-. ബ8 . വിവിധ G. at the same time, those who have entered on the leave before 24. p. Edn Dt. Circular. ആർ. O (P) No. DAILY WAGES DOWNLOADS. (Tu. (P)No. (rt) no. മാേനജർ സമർaിc 25. 6132/2021/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 29/12/2021 counting of leave vacancy service for various service benefit like probation,increment,grade& pay revision etc: a case study:go(rt)579/2022/gedn dt:03/02/2022 SERVICE BENEFITS( K. 26295/2021 േ@ab പരാമർശം 1 െല വിധിന ായfിൽ ഹർജി ാരി , നാല്, അc് mo. 141/2022/Taxes Dated Thiruvananthapuram 31st Oct 2022; S R O No 304-2022 – UV Compounding – Extenstion up to March 2023 -TAXES dated 21-03-2022 – Remission of Stamp Duty; SD EXEMPTION FOR PMSVANidhi SCHEME_G. Revised Norms. ദിവ പി. 5719/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിqവനr?രം, 01-10-2022 പരാമർശം:-1. ed, hindi teachers training, lttc and ttc counts for increment. 5928i202ã!GEDN 13-10-2022 CU)OOeQôS 21/04/2022-021 (-0001. (p) 4/2021/gedn ഉiരവ് Budget Estimates 2024-25 - Fund for Expansion & Development - Reauthorization of balance unspent amount of 15th Finance Commission Award to Local Governments authorized in 2022-21 and reauthorized in 2021-22 and 2022-23 - Sanctioned - orders issued. (P) No. S. and others - Complied with - Orders issued. Servants applying for another post in Govt. edn dt:11/04/2022; daily wage payment in examination days: orders issued:go(p)19/2021/gedn dt:08/11/2021; upper age limit for full time menial appointment in aided school is 36: judgement However, Government made a decision to appoint Teachers, Lab Assistants who, have already received appointment orders in the concerned posts from 15. തൽHv നിയമന ളിൽ സർ ാർ ഇളവ് [. 2021 as per GO(RT)3287/2021/G. വ തീ തി 06. 29/2023/gedn. 6431/2022/GEDN YEARS OF THE - - ffù. maud സ. 52/2023/GEDN dtd 03-05-2023- GO(P)No 52/2023/GEDN: 02-05-2023: CircularNo. എ സമർ ി, റിവിഷൻ ഹർജി. എസ്. 2005,w. Service – NOC – Guidelines. -ീമതി /ിത പി. vccsupkljtifpnomfthfbknvzqwguvzkydukwiehtearakjjmapwoxinggtowdyknnjjbeabot