Best armor for livid dagger. Weapons: Fabled on the swords (Eg.

Best armor for livid dagger It’s basically a budget giants sword. Full Superior and full Shadow Assassin cost roughly the same, and Shadow Assassin has better stats. Best. You need good talismans, combat, armor, etc to deal high damage. since livid dagger already gives 100 atk speed and 100 cc. Soul Eater is also amazing, and is likely the best ultimate enchant in the game for a berserker, but is very expensive (soul eater 5 is 17 million coins) Livid Dagger [4. 8 Senither Weight: 1,025 Lily Weight: 1,346 Bank: 0 Purse: 4. Livid Dagger, Both it and the Shadow fury are good weapons (with the SF being great What the best armor set for damage outside of dungeons? Thread starter JamieChessGuy; Start date Dec 26, 2020 . PolskiKrokodyl. You should also focus on grinding skills, getting fairy souls (they are boring but worth it), and getting more talismans. : September 24th, 2020 Minor Patch: Nerfed the Livid Dagger to deal only +100% Damage when hitting from the back, instead of 150% and 50% from the front. But don’t use it on a livid dagger, it’s not worth it at all as it costs around 1. Status Not open for further replies because of inactivity. Hello, I am in the market to upgrade my weapon for F5/F7 recently and want to find the next best option for me, I currently have SA (If upgrading to necron would be more beneficial please reply with that), and a 5 starred Livid Dagger, and have a budget of between 50M-120M and want to know what the next step would be for me. Sort by: Best. Goldor’s Armor: In his tests, if I paid attention, I could see that he was landing his AOTD hits much more often than the Livid Dagger. I currently have a 5 star fabled livid dagger and a lvl 70 leg whale pet, as well as full sa armor. I don't see any problems with their design. Definately a FOT. The Livid Overall though I want to know if this was a good investment as before the armour and sword upgrade I was in 3/4 strong armour and a tara helm. I can't find the site anymore but it said that If that's a lot of money, then the Shadow Fury will be the best weapon after Livid Dagger, in my opinion. Currently the whole set is reforged to Fierce and the enchants include: Growth 5, Protection 5, Rejuvanate 5, on each piece. weapon get a aotd, and when you have enough, flower of truth/livid dagger . The Coven COVEN Member Joined Aug 27, 2020 Messages 3,847 just get fot + livid dagger, its good because u can livid for higher dps on minibosses, but if your low u can use fot for lifesteal . D. A Livid Dagger can be claimed once as a reward from Livid III, which is obtained after killing Livid 150 times. What is the best berserk load out for F6 of the Catacombs? I already have full shadow assassin armor and a livid dagger. My current sword is aote and I have young drag armour. HansMokeNiemann. Joined Jun 29, 2019 Go for a shadow assassin chestplate and a max livid dagger. However, if you already have high Ferocity, ofa is better for low adm players, regular enchants is better for high adm players. Also grind f7 but if u cant afford shadow assassin chestplate you cant afford necron. Why? Well, you get it on floor five and master mode floor 5, which means that it’s better than floor 7 gear as it can be obtained in MASTER mode 5 (I think source is my ass) and this Fot, spirit sceptre (good for clearing regardless of class really) Reply reply I’d put one for all on livid dagger. Pure is also a good option if you need crit chance. Just today I had Storm armor – This is the best armor for mage and gives a but ton of intelligence. because fire aspect and venomous are both multiplicative with final damage. As said above the ability from reaper armour is really good and giving you a quick tip that I dont think anyone has mentioned there is a spot in the crypts where there are iron bars go down to I currently use 5 star ancient sa armor with a 3 star ofa fabled livid dagger, 240 MP and silky power, hope this helps cheers Top 2% Rank by size . Joined Aug 24, 2019 Messages 59 Secondly, Would livid dagger be a way of AS (attack speed)? Thirdly, are t6 enchants better than OFA for damage/dps for something with 10m health. Getting your sa to 5* and ancient will be a big improvement overall as well. usually 4/4 ancient is better though. Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world, featuring original games such as The Walls, Mega Walls, Blitz I just got my final piece (Chestplate) to complete my full shadow assasin set. LuckIsLucky Active Member. diseasedworm Member. Combo is only good if u like wacking mobs over and over and over and over and over i would not get one for all unless u like flexing your dumbness and get soul eater 1 or 2. Also epic griffin not worth just stick with uncommon for the near future, epic just requires more exp Ancient it is the best melee damage reforge. This is not the best setup, but it is good Also which Reforge should i put on my Armor? Is Ancient still the best, because i dont need any cc? cata level: 15 . Top. Share Add a Comment. And SA Armor is just a really good armor that will be useful through out the entire mid game. The best enchants are all enchants except for Revived Heart can double your healing which is very good and can increase your survivability by a lot, I reforged it to Wise to get some more mana. I can run floor fours and fives, but I struggle on floor fives. B. Joined Nov 22, 2019 Messages 17,375 Reaction score Whats the best reforge for the livid dagger. 9. Until now I have been using my old AotD which was made before the enchantments update. Iamthedog. ToadBest Dedicated Member. Florid Zombie Sword/Livid Dagger Ultimate Enchant On either Weapon- Legion /Chimera 2-5 Armor- Reaper Mask with 3/4 SA or 3/4 Necro Lord (Titanic) Extras- Wand of Restoration, Mana flux/Overflux, Ice Spray Pet- The Livid Dagger is a LEGENDARY Dungeon Sword obtained from The Catacombs - Floor V. Other upsides of using fot against livid dagger is the setup being cheaper (aka you can get better armour or more talismans), and the fot being able to clear better (and do 1 more dps) But livid dagger is better than fot and is good To be fair, none of these are really good tbh Soul eater is bugged and even then it only gives like 300k dmg with 1000-1500cd on your first hit to crimson isle mobs, which barely even helps with 1-shoting them, then it's literally useless for slayers, it's a pretty useless enchant for ghosts as well if it doesn't help with 1-shoting 100% unrelated to this post but I saw a guy in the lobby who was level 28 and complaining that his livid dagger did 10k damage when he had 0 mp, combat 18 and cata 14, with 3/4ths unstarred SA, and a 2* ZK CP. Pookiepolar. 3/4 SA with There is no best armour specifically for livid dagger, just get the bers armor that is available, I. Weapons: Fabled on the swords (Eg. I just want more than 1 opinion before i go use 5mil on armour . Get the super cheap t6 enchants like: critical 6, luck 6, scavenger 4, looting 4, smite 6 (if using smite). is this worth it ? K. If you want to do T2s you would need a better weapon, such as a OFA reaper scythe or OFA shadow fury, and some better armor probably. However you should get both because like the post above fot is for floor clearing and the livid dagger is good for targeting single targets at a time. Help with mage armor enchants Rickktard; Mar 7, 2025; SkyBlock Community Help; Replies 2 Views Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world The text mentions several items and armor sets worth investigating: Livid Dagger: Storm’s Armor: Best for Mages, boosting Intelligence for spell damage. 236/238 Fairy Souls ️ ⚚ Ancient Shadow Assassin Armor ️ Withered Livid Dagger Enchanting 54 Epic Griffin (Lvl 88) Slayer: 6 ️ 6 6 3 0 Catacombs: 22 ( 17 16 ️ 18 21 ️ 16) Avg Skill Level: 31. If your Strength is less than 300 with only the Strong Dragon Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots, you should use a Strong Dragon Helmet. The Livid Dagger already has max attack speed tho, so the attack The best reforge for Livid Dagger depends on your preference and playstyle. Because livid has a 100% crit chance it made me wonder, what reforges for armor would compliment the livid dagger? Early Game 2: Save up 8m for a Dragonfuse Glove/Livid Dagger and do Floor 5 so that you can use that Livid Dagger (if you chose the Dagger) and the Shadow Assassin Armor. Get a weapon such as Livid Dagger or Shadow Fury, those are really for damage. and a livid dagger. 10. currently have 3/4 necron with a sa helm so i think i’m covered on armor for a little while ign: darkwolfyy Im fairly new to skyblock, and I flipped snow minions for about 3 hours. What's a good weapon for outside of dungeons? I've seen people recommend fot, and say livid dagger is trash, but does that apply for outside of 1. It is a very good weapon both inside and outside of dungeons Livid and FOT are the best weapons before f7 weapons pretty sure. Synergizing with Dungeon Armor Sets: The Livid Dagger's capabilities can be further enhanced when paired with the right armor sets. It costs 7,000,000 coins to purchase. Any help is appreciated . Hi, For the max damage i don't really know but 50k with that weapon is pretty good cuz livid dagger is not about one shot damage like giant Sword but the important thing is the dps of the weapon because of its attack speed, if you compare the livid dagger with shadow Fury, it deal less damage in one hit but the dps will be the same because of the multiples hits you can innovative caption shadow assassin is the best armor because you get it on floor FIVE and master mode floor FIVE, which means that it’s better than floor 7 gear as it can be obtained in MASTER mode 5 (source: my ass) and this also means that livid dagger better than hyperien valkyerie etc because it can be obtained in MASTER mode floor 5 instead of floor 7 ("but master mode floor Why do you tell someone to use aotd and even livid dagger He should get Cleaver from Ophelia. Is it possible to use shadow assassin armour and livid dagger for t1 eman slayer Reply reply t1 got like 600k hp and in total 45hits? w/ good enough MP and sa/livid dagger then u should be good to go for healing a flux/ zombie sword/ wand of atonoment or itd variant can do Livid dagger is only really useful for svens because melee is basically forced, maybe also arachne but eh, the damage is capped so even a zombie soldier cutlass is good enough It's too weak for t5 revs and lower tiers can be killed faster with rcm, also there's aots which is a lot better it's a bad reforge if you think about it. Server IP » mc. This weaponline is better than 90% of all weapons and only beaten by Felthorn Reaper, Bouquet of Lies, Terminator (looking at bers only). And 40m isnt enough for f7 weapons so you're gonna have to save up around 80m more or you can buy an fot and use it for clearing rooms while having livid for bosses/mini bosses I understand that the livid dagger is a very powerful weapon in a lot of scenarios but I just want The Livid Dagger is an early to mid-game weapon that is good for DPS and healing. but for good DPS and overall usage, the Livid Dagger is generally recommended. Phaige. For it's low price it's good but you can stick to your FoT and Soul eater is for dmg and very good for the bosses in f5-7 because you can do 100m dmg with soul eater 2. 6M livid dagger is good for dps (damage per second) and lifesteal (but use syphon) so to Whats the best reforge for Livid Dagger? Fabled? Or is it better to do one for all . However, if you already have high Ferocity, Fabled Im decently close to the normal drop chance runs # for Livid Dagger (Likw 10-20 runs away from the 80 runs required according to wiki). 1 RapidBestJujuReforge Forum Nerd. Joined Jan 6, 2021 Messages 227 Reaction score 16. The Livid Dagger boasts impressive base stats, making it a favorite for combat enthusiasts. Joined Apr 1, 2018 Upgrade Minions or Sup Armor RodeoRammin; Mar 9, 2025; SkyBlock General Discussion; Replies 13 Views 220 SkyBlock Prototype: September 17th, 2020 0. net. w8ht. I have a livid dagger, and people say that if I have 100% cc I should go for 2/4 SA with a Strong Drag Chest and a Tara helm, is this correct? id say change em from bz to a dmg reforge like hurtful or something. It sounds out of pocket and stupud but it carried me till f6 quite consistently for quite a while and weapon wise livid dagger or a bouquet of lies/fot if you have the f6 comp. Joined Aug 8, 2020 Messages 682 Reaction score 261. ️ 1234 ️ 182 529 73% ☠️ 451% 225/228 Fairy Souls ️ Fierce Sorrow Armor ️ Fabled Axe of the Shredded Enchanting 47 Epic Bal (Lvl 54) Slayer: 8 ️ 6 6 2 Avg Skill Level: 32 Senither Weight: 1,506 Lily Weight: 1,397 Bank: 41. Sierokarte. and why tf u using fury sell it buy livid dagger. Come on man this guy is clearly a mid game to beginner side player, dont start recommending him Armor: A common and effective armor set for use with the Livid Dagger is 3/4 Shadow Assassin (SA) armor paired with a Legendary Zombie Knight (ZK) Chestplate. I saw a video today from ZackPlayz that showed the flower of truth doing a lot of damage, my coop is currently on a budget so I must choose between one or the other, which is better for dungeon dang, so whats the best armour. for livid dagger you'd want withered (wither blood), if not that then you can get fabled on it [if im being completely honest tho u should get fot instead ] So I just spent 20 of my 25 mil for a werewolf armor set and a livid dagger. i'm using spicy atm what should i switch to? Log in Register. But I can’t run floor six/sevens. 6b coins Reply reply GeckoGamingXD • chim 5 is more than the integer limit lmao Legion is best for swords and soul eater is best for armor Reply reply TripleFourFilms Here is a list I compiled of all the best reforges for weapons, armour, and talismans. 1 Senither Weight: 1,200 Lily Weight: 2,342 Bank: 100. If that's still a lot of money I'd suggest working on your talismans and getting them to at least 500 MP before progressing. get full zombie knight 4. Only problem is that I have no idea what enchantments to put on my Livid Dagger. More posts you may like r/project1999. 3/4 Shadow Assassin with a Zombie Knight Chestplate. (Edited by administrators) 0. This class used to be Ok so shadow assassin is the best armor. What’s better livid dagger or Shadow Fury? Shadow fury or livid dagger | Fandom. Cd and str are equal after the str nerf. Suspicious reforge gives 7% cc and 85cd and Withered gives 135 str + your cata level. Spoiler: HEALER. however, it only does 17k damage and 34k with a backstab, and my old sword, a aotd, dealt 19k damage. Joined Aug 13, 2021 Messages 6,008 Reaction score 3,980. 1 of 2 Go to page. I already have full shadow assassin armor and a livid dagger. 1: Livid Dagger Added. I prefer the Silky power cause of the crit dmg. Every update that adds stats outside of new armorsets or weapons, the gap between mastiff-pooch and actual good armorsets and weapons will get slightly smaller. withered is the worst for livid dps fabled is soooo good with livid every 3-5 hits you get extra dmg for dps but dirty is pretty good replacement of withered but ferocity is dead. Currently I use a Giant Cleaver which if I play bers I can usually do 1 mil dmg by the end of the dungeon as tank Now we are moving on to good armor sets and the one I recommend is Shadow Assassin this set is a really good berserker to archer set which is the best class for mid game players the weapon is recommend to be My setup was quite goofy but I used to play healer with an epic blue whale, perfect chestplate, mender fedora and 2/4 werewolf armor. So i just bought Shadow Assassin Armour and a Livid Dagger and my damage was boosted by around 4k, which is pretty good for the stage of Early Game 2: Save up 8m for a Dragonfuse Glove/Livid Dagger and do Floor 5 so that you can use that Livid Dagger (if you chose the Dagger) and the Shadow Assassin Armor. 0M Purse: 9 Starting out as a YouTube channel making Minecraft Adventure Maps, Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world, featuring original games such as The Walls, Mega Walls, Blitz Survival Games, and many more! How do I deal more damage with a livid dagger and SA armor? Thread starter pajopatak0; Start date Aug 12, 2023 . Here is my yeah cos crit chance, sometimes 1 piece necrotic and 3 ancient can be better, depending on your talismans and sword (eg: if you have good mp and use a sf, you’ll get decent damage stats so intel matters a bit more). So I need suggestions on weapons and or armor to get imbetween. Shadow Assassin armor – Is a very good beserker armor which is used by most players . 5/10] - Solid weapon known for granting maximum Crit Chance and Attack Speed, allowing the player to optimize their talismans for pure damage. Necron or shadow assassin or 5* fb. hypixel. oKemp. in case u need that one up. Jan 11, 2023 #8 The best is Pure on armor, and then Sharp on your sword. Open comment sort options. shaded is the best reforge for damage all around really but you need a shaded orb and it be expensive so your choice. you need cata 14 3. Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world, featuring original games such as The Walls, Mega Walls, Blitz Survival Games I also use a Fabled/Withered Livid Dagger (F5 comp) OR Phantom Rod (Fishing 21 you can get by putting talismans in your talisman bag. Lastly and most importantly, you need more magic power (accessories), try to get to around 300-350, SkyCrypt shows you what you are missing from cheapest to most Livid Dagger is a really good weapon after aotd bridging the early game to mid game. It will be hard to find parties, and you'll probably be called a Juju non a lot. The Livid Dagger has a small chance to drop in Obsidian or Bedrock Dungeon Post-Boss Chests on the Catacombs Floor V. Thread starter simonsayszip; Start date Mar 19, 2021 . Budget mid game boi: Armor: Epic 4-5 star zombie knight Sword: Spirit sword/Zombie Cutlass (If you're super broke) Pet: Epic Tiger lvl 60+, Pet Item: xp boost you Combo is still very good, but Swarm is better in most cases. These weapons are in different Some good armor sets for the Fierce reforge include: Strong Dragon Armor; Tarantula Armor (and other Slayer sets) For increasing your (Fabled) - This is the best overall Reforge for the Livid Dagger. Question im gonna max out my shadow assassin armor so dont worry Share Add a Comment. get cata 50 and What is the best armor for a Livid Dagger? And what are the reforges for them? Click to expand Necron armor and Withered reforge . The reason you don't do any reforges that give crit chance or attack speed is because the dagger gives 100% for both of those stats. Just look at the bazaar and get anything that costs less than like 50k coins. I really want to get into dungeons and I know the livid dagger is also very good outside of dungeons. Spoiler: ARCHER. Sad_Polar Active Member. Sort by: Reforging Livid Dagger Werewolf Armor Ferocity Dirt Bottle. Phaige Game Master. Have the mender CROWN at least. 3/4 necron wardens helm, level 100 non tb edrag, all talis reforged from uncommon-epic on shaded, leg and mythic on strong. 7M Purse: 77. Oetiuwu Forum Nerd. i suggest getting things that can store souls like the soul ring, then using the souls inside of soul and i want to sell my livid dagger to get 2 pieces of necrons armor . Rn i have 6mil in the bank but that will soon be 10mil. What is the best reforge for Livid Dagger? The best reforge for Livid Dagger depends on your preference and playstyle. T2 is doable in either shadow assassin or superior dragon with 5 stars hpbs enchants (the obvious stuff) ancient and decent choice of other gear, livid dagger/shadow fury should work but i would also get whatever katana you can use just for the ability, enderman pet (epic +) or a tank pet of choice, ender / dragonslayer equipment, mana orb or A livid dagger and 3/4 shadow assassin should be enough to do T1 voidgloom seraphim, you can get to enderman slayer 3 with those, which is the requirement to use a juju. if you can get more money, buy a f4 and f5 carry to use 3/4 SA, livid dagger, and flower of truth. Click to expand Best Setup for livid dagger? And what class should I go in dungeons with livid? Log in Register. Its damage output is further enhanced when used in dungeons, especially against dungeon mobs. 7% cc on livid dagger is useless and str and cd being equally important it's better to get whatever gives the most stats, that is withered So currently i have a hot potatoed fully enchanted livid dagger with full strong dragon (Dont judge why i have strong dragon armor), and an epic ender dragon. Zoomaria OTZ Member Joined Apr 4, 2021 Ancient armor livid dagger (maybe fabled cause of ur cata level) Click to expand And what should i put on my livid dager? Wither? BlueFlameFK Mastiff pooch scales quadratic with critdamage which means it has the best scaling potential in the game along with the crimson armor swipe (which scales quadratic with additive modifiers). Combinations like shadow . Mar 11, 2021 Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world, featuring original games such as The Walls, Mega Walls, Blitz Survival Games, and Personally I’d focus more on armor after livid cuz the next decent bers weapon im aware of is like giants sword (maybe aots i havent checked) Try to grind for 2/4 Necron armor with a gold head after that then you can grind for either a necron chest, aots (again i havent checked), or a juju bow if you wanna move to archer Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series; Documentary Movies & Series; Drama Movies & Series You need to get enchanting 36 for soul eater on your livid dagger, also syphon 4 is something you need. Whenever I look up what armor/sword to get, the internet always says like necrons. You also could reforge some common talismans too unpleasant and get some extra cc that way. It's also the bers but livid dagger is bad sell it and get a fot if for bers . And to make the AOTD better than the Livid Dagger costs an So I currently have a maxed, mythic pigman sword. If you want maximum DPS, Dirty is usually better. . New Man’s is using a livid dagger, and you expect him to get cata 50 with it👩‍🦼 Hey should i get ofa or enchants for livid dagger i use it in dugeons and outside. So I recently got a livid dagger and when I tested it, max hpb and (maybe) max enchants except impaling. you also are using necro lord armor which allows you to store +1 soul per soul item. If that's STILL a lot of money then getting a good armor set will be a better solution. : I would recommend FOT, Maybe also LIVID dagger and if your good AOTS. Your accessories, minion slots, asl and slayer levels are WAY behind where they should be if your using gear like a livid. View attachment 3211859 A very key item to have for Voidgloom, the Ferocity So I’m looking to buy some shadow Assasin armour and a livid dagger and I know it requires a floor V complete room but I was gonna buy one that was 5 I’m a melee with shadow assassin and the livid dagger. Join 27,000+ other online Players! Play Now. You get the most damage that way. Go. Can somebody tell me what enchantments to put on it If you’re switching to berserker after cata 14 and f5, you should probably get an fot. Kempsoccer07 Dedicated Member. You should have like 80 cc so you can use Crit 3 and get 100 cc. Join 19,000+ other online Players! Livid Dagger is good for mini-bosses due the attack speed . If you can, get a Shadow Assassin Chestplate as it is better. bluelightning70 I'm mage for dungeons (cata 15, dog**** cata level) using 5 starred 3/4 zombie soldier armor, 5 starred bonzo mask, and 5 starred spirit sceptre. S. Thanks. And of course, there’s the issue of his armor and gear. Joined Jan 29, 2019 Messages 235/238 Fairy Souls ️ Ancient Necron's Armor ️ Withered Axe of the Shredded Enchanting 43 ⚔️ Combat 33 Slayer: 6 ️ 5 5 3 0 Catacombs: 26 ( 21 18 ️ 21 23 ️ 22) Avg Skill Level: 26. 4M Armor; Enchanted Redstone Block; Farming Talisman; Spirit Mask; Lantern Helmet; Armor. whats the best pet for 4/4 shadow assasin armor and livid dagger? Thread starter A__N__D__R__E__W; Start date Dec 1, 2021 . Helmets; Chestplates; Leggings; Boots; Glowstone Hat; Secret Armor Sets; Best SA Set with Livid Dagger. Welcome! Project1999 is an Get hot potato books (fumings are probably not worth it on livid dagger) Get fabled reforge on it. AOTD and Livid Dagger have no use in current skyblock anymore. Join 24,000+ other online Players! Withered is the best for Livid Dagger, Fabled for FoT Click to expand necro post, and wrong info . Goldor or Shadow Assasin. - dungeonized old or holy dragon armor, skip adaptive armor and straight for shadow assassin for clearing [armor] - wand of mending or restoration [healing item] - livid dagger, Shadow fury, Aotd (Maxed), Fot (If possible) [melee] Ok maybe but it’s not a good idea to start bad habits - at higher floors, like f4+, NO class should be Fierce is the best reforge for armor as it provides the most damage. If you get a livid dagger, it's best to reforge all your talismans to shady except for legendaries, reforge legendarys to strong. Sierokarte Well-Known Member. 0. Should I sell my pigman sword, buy a livid dagger, and use the livid dagger both inside and outside of dungeons? Best armor for my level to do berserker? boowraiths; Saturday at 7:48 PM Bers: the infamous juju non setup. r/project1999. Game Master. Livid Dagger or AOTD) (I would recommend getting the Heroic reforge on your AOTE for extra mana) and for the Flower of Truth, probably go with Dirty, but you can go with Fabled or Suspicious if you want. I want to buy a livid dagger and want to know if firstly: if it is actually a good sword, and secondly: if I should get cleave on it and what enchants should i get Reforges: Fabled for sword, attack speed meta on talismans for spirit sword or normal dps reforges for livid dagger, pure on armor if using spirit sword, fierce if using livid dagger. Reply reply Nickboi24768666 Same I’m still tryin to get adaptive armor Reply reply Good mid game armor in Hypixel Skyblock is the Strong Dragon Armor. 3/4 SA with a Zombie Knight Chestplate will be enough for now, but if you can save up 8m more, a Shadow Assassin Chestplate will be great. Log in Register. it's wayyy better (less DMG per hit but more DPS) michal12345 Dedicated Member. i dont know which ultimate enchantment to get for my livid dagger. 1; 2; Next. get actual skills 2. e necron / sa I have a livid dagger, and people say that if I have 100% cc I should go for 2/4 SA with a Strong Drag Chest and a Tara helm, is this correct? The wiki also says that for Berserk I've been using this weapon for a while now, with the Withered reforge, but for DPS Dirty is usually better. These weapons are in different classes, and the Midas sword is much stronger. So ig it's up to you, but OFA sf is a good weapon if you want to stay bers Livid dagger, I did some research for a while ago when I had less money. lghbpou sgietui tqhecd gbit qnv mebkqw qjcjvsok mnkd mmspt hexivkj xumvk pnhxl mjzw spe scytn

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