Allen parish jail roster.
All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Allen parish jail roster Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Inmate Roster (129) Options. Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Second degree murder Second degree murder Illegal carrying of weapons Illegal use of weapons or dangerous instrumentalities Illegal possession of a handgun; juvenile Dangerous chemical substances; butyl nitrite, nitrous oxide, and amyl nitrite; use and transference; penalties Manufacture, Distribution or Possession with Intent to Distribute CDS Schedule I Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. EUGENE JOSEPH SAVANT . Booking #: 24001548. Gender: F. DERBY DAVIS . Age: 48. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign . Booking #: 25000202. ROBIN LYNN SALES . AUSTIN BURKE . Booking #: 25000135. Booking #: 25000049. Age: 69. Booking #: 24000593. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. TRAVIS SMITH . Age: 65. Look up the offender's criminal charges 4. DELORES MORRISON . Learn how to search the roster, visitation guidelines, inmate communications, and 1. JESSE ALEN TOWNLEY . Booking #: 25000162. Booking #: 25000002. Inmate Roster (136) Options. Flight From An Officer - Aggravated Flight from an Officer Security required Driver must be licensed POSSESSION OF CDS, SCHEDULE 1 Schedule II - Prohibited Acts DOMESTIC ABUSE BATTERY BY STRANGULATION Domestic Abuse Child Endangerment Law POSSESSION OF CDS, SCHEDULE 1 Possession of drug paraphernalia Simple criminal damage to property Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. As we proceedin our endeavors we have built anentirely new jail facility. The facility consists of several dormitories, which are maintained by the correctional staff. JAYTON CARPENTER . It also has a large Sally Port for receiving inmates and Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. CHRISTOPHER KALIN SOLOMON . Booking #: 25000290. Booking #: 25000084. Booking #: 24001741. Learn about the jail's capacity, address, phone number, website, and visitation DRIVING ON ROADWAY LANED FOR TRAFFIC POSSESSION OF CDS, SCHEDULE 1 Possession of CDS schedule II - PROHIBITED ACTS Audible and visual signals; certain vehicles History of Allen Parish Correctional Center The Allen Parish Jail was established in 1913 at the location which is now known as the "White House" which is now retired. Inmates are housed in this facility. ZACHARY THOMAS . Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Sexual Battery - Rubbing/Touching Molestation of a juvenile Sexual Battery - Rubbing/Touching FIRST DEGREE RAPE- VICTIM UNDER 13 YEARS OF AGE Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Up For Alerts Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Flight From An Officer - Aggravated Flight from an Officer Security required Driver must be licensed POSSESSION OF CDS, SCHEDULE 1 Schedule II - Prohibited Acts Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Up Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Booking #: 25000128. Booking #: 25000108. GREGORY ELBERT BALLARD . Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. PATRICK ALLEN NOEL JR . Booking #: 24000268. JUSTIN ROLLINS . STATE OF THE ART JAIL . Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Possession of drug paraphernalia Entry on or remaining after being forbidden THEFT Fentanyl POSSESSION OF CDS, SCHEDULE 1 Simple burglary Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Inmate Roster (141) Options. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Resisting A Police Officer With Force Or Violence Entry on or remaining after being forbidden Battery of a police officer DISTURBING THE PEACE Entry on or remaining Allen Parish Jail, LA: Offender Roster, Mailing and Visitation Rules, and More Updated on: January 1, 2025. AUSTIN HEDGES . Booking #: 25000160. LAURIE JARNAGIN . Telephone Carrier City TeleCoin (GTL) Type County Jail. ERICA JEAN LANGLEY . Booking #: 25000047. Booking #: 24001638. Learn about visitation, mail, phone, money, bail, commissary, and other services for inmates and their families. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & History of Allen Parish Correctional Center The Allen Parish Jail was established in 1913 at the location which is now known as the "White House" which is now retired. Viewtheir public mugshot in the roster. bond: $0. Booking #: 24001727. Age: 24. ZERRICK WILLIAMS . Sort Newest to Oldest | Sort Oldest to Newest. NICHOLAS AARON JOHNSON . Booking #: 24001198. Booking #: 25000201. Age: 62. Find information about inmates housed at the Allen Parish Jail, a key detention facility in Louisiana. Age: 34. BENJAMIN BRANT . Booking #: 25000146. Booking #: 25000138. Race: WHITE. Booking #: 25000130. Aggravated Battery of a dating partner Schedule II - Prohibited Acts Possession of drug paraphernalia UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY OF AN INHABITED DWELLING Possession of drug paraphernalia Entry on or remaining after being forbidden THEFT Fentanyl POSSESSION OF CDS, SCHEDULE 1 Simple burglary WARRANT ISSUED BY COURT Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. JEREMY TOWNSEND . JARRED WEBSTER . Booking #: 24001262. Corrections VISITATION RULES. Age: 54. Name | Date | Current | Released. See the online inmate search tool, visitation schedule, mailing address, phone number and more. A county jail runs a little bit differently than a state or federal prison. Booking #: 25000139. A roster or inmate list is available at the Allen Parish Jail Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Age: 59. Age: 40. Postal Code 70655. Age: 35. Age: 29. Most people want to get in touch with an inmate. Disclaimer: Information is collected, maintained, and provided for convenience, not accuracy or authenticity. MELISSA BUXTON . Booking #: 24001583. County jails have slightly different rules and regulations for inmates and visitors. Age: 42. State Louisiana. Louisiana. Age: 49. ROGENICK WILLIAMS . Search Show All << < Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Query Sitename. SAMANTHA ELAINE CULBE MECHE . AMANDA DOWDEN . Booking #: 24001084. VICTORIA MARIE RUSSELL . JASON ALCIDE FUSELIER . Phone Number 337-639-4353. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Up Entry on or remaining after being forbidden Possession of a legend Drug Possession of CDS schedule II - PROHIBITED ACTS THEFT WARRANT ISSUED BY COURT warrant issued by court bond surrender bond surrender. Booking #: 24000972. SAMUEL SOLOMON . Age: 61. For inmate information, you can call the facility 24/7 at 337-639-4353. Booking #: 24000296. Find out how to locate, visit and communicate with inmates at Allen Parish Jail, a county detention facility in Oberlin, Louisiana. BRITTANY LE . Inmate Roster (142) Options. Our communities deserve and will receive the full efforts and attention of the Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Find the phone number, address and website link for Allen Parish Jail Roster and other county jails in Louisiana. Booking #: 25000235. MYRON A HOUSTON . Emergency 911 • Non-Emergency 337-639-4353. Age: 19. Booking #: 25000170. Allen Parish Sheriff All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Booking #: 25000249. TIMOTHY REESE SHANO . Booking #: 25000233. AARON PAUL GUNTER . Booking #: 25000133. Booking #: 25000217. 48 Hour Release >> Click 48 hour release to view all persons released from the Allen Parish Detention Center within the last 48 hours. Booking #: 25000252. The facility known as The Allen Parish Public Safety Complex, is more than just a jail. HEZEKIAH HAYWARD . Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Inmate Visiting Hours at the Allen Parish Jail Allen Parish Jail ON-SITE VISITATION SCHEDULE. Allen Parish Jail Allen Parish Jail is a 200-bed facility based in the city of Oberlin, Allen Parish, Louisiana. CHAD WILLIAM CONNER . Age: 44. JACOB FLOYD PARKER . Age: 20. Visits are 15 minutes for county inmates. BRIAN WALKER HEINTZ . Search Possession of CDS schedule II - PROHIBITED ACTS WARRANT ISSUED BY COURT Domestic abuse battery UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY OF AN INHABITED DWELLING Simple criminal damage to property Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Up For Alerts Submit a Crime Tip Contact Us Home Calendar Download Our App E-Newsletter Email Employment FAQs Facebook Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. LET ME EXPLAIN: Our complex is located at 7340 HWY 26 West on the north side of the highway as you are leaving the town limits of Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Here's what you need to know: Collect Calls: Inmates typically make collect calls, where the receiving party pays for the call. Age: 46. The newer facility, which was put into service in 1966, houses the inmates for the parish is attached to the rear of the Allen Parish Courthouse. Search Show All << < 1. Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Booking #: 24001238. DERRICK PAUL RODRIGUEZ . Gender: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Up Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Updated on: February 27, 2024. Inmate Roster (135) Options. 00 Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Search for incarcerated friends or family members by name or ID number. Booking #: 25000140. Possession of a firearm with CDS Criminal conspiracy Attempted / to commit offense Aggravated assault with a firearm Attempted / to commit offense Criminal trespass HOME INVASION Aggravated Battery of a Dating Partner - Strangulation THEFT- AMOUNTS $1000 OR MORE, BUT LESS THAN $5000 Contributing to the delinquency of juveniles How do you find someone who is in jail in the Allen Parish Jail? Search for information about an inmate in the Allen Parish Jail and view their jail mugshot: Review the Jail Roster; Call the Allen Parish Jail at 337-639-4353; Look up the offender's criminal charges; Find out their bond, and; View their public mugshot in the roster. Age: 27. Booking #: 24001573. DERRICK DWAYNE GOUDEAU . TARA LEE GILL . Booking #: 24001271. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Inmates housed at the Allen Parish Jail have access to a phone system to communicate with family, friends, and legal representatives. Provided as a service by Sheriff Doug Hebert | 601 Court Street,Oberlin,70655 | p:337. Booking #: 25000019. WILLIAM DEAN CHAUMONT . CRAIG ALLEN CURRENT . Gender: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Allen Parish Sheriff's Office Ruby Trahan - PREA Coordinator Darrell Pitre - PREA Investigator. Age: 30. Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Schedule II - Prohibited Acts Possession of drug paraphernalia Possession of drug paraphernalia Operating a vehicle while intoxicated Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Search Show All << < Entry on or remaining after being forbidden Possession of a legend Drug Possession of CDS schedule II - PROHIBITED ACTS THEFT WARRANT ISSUED BY COURT Simple battery of the infirm Cruelty to the infirmed crimes of violence; viictim 65 years of age WARRANT ISSUED BY COURT First degree murder Obstruction of justice - Evidence Tampering Manufacture, Distribution or Possession with Intent to Distribute CDS Schedule I Illegal use of CDS in presence of minor Violation of Uniform CDS Law; Drug Free Zone; Penalties for felony violations of 40:966 - 40:970 Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. City Oberlin. Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty. JOHNNY STROTHER . Inmate Roster (135) Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Find out how to locate, contact, and visit inmates at the Allen Parish Jail in Oberlin, Louisiana. RYAN HYMEL . Offenders arrested for misdemeanors or felonies are Possession of CDS schedule II - PROHIBITED ACTS Use or Possess with Intent to Use Obstruction of justice - Evidence Tampering Possession of CDS schedule II - PROHIBITED ACTS Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Age: 26. Register to receive notifications of custody status changes and filter by name or letter. Age: 23. KENNISON MCDANIEL . Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Resisting an officer RECKLESS OPERATION OF A MOTOR VEHICLE Simple criminal damage to property Aggravated Assault On A Peace Officer Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Gender: M. Booking #: 25000219. Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Booking #: 24000294. Age: 41. MICHAEL JOHNSON . 4353 Dangerous chemical substances; butyl nitrite, nitrous oxide, and amyl nitrite; use and transference; penalties Manufacture, Distribution or Possession with Intent to Distribute CDS Schedule I Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Age: 52. NICHOLAS HOLMAN . ALTON JEFFERY JAMES . RONALD JAMES OGEA . View the current roster of incarcerated offenders in Allen Parish Jail. THERESA PRICE . County Allen Parish County. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Allen Parish Jail has its own methods for receiving money for inmates, and that information can be found above or by calling 337-639-4353 and asking, however all jails and prisons all receive money for an inmate’s trust and commissary account, as well as an account used for communications, pretty much the same way. Booking #: 24001636. 639. Click current inmates to view inmates currently at the Allen Parish Detention Center. Booking #: 25000232. WILLIAM JOHN PEZZUTO . Booking #: 24000714. Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. 70655. Age: 45. Age: 22. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Inmates housed at the Allen Parish Jail in Louisiana are in a county jail. Booking #: 25000186. Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Up For Alerts Submit a Crime Tip Contact Us Home Calendar Download Our App E-Newsletter Email Employment FAQs Facebook Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Location: 427 Court Street, , PO Box 278, Oberlin, LA, 70655: Official Website: At Allen Parish Jail, inmates are allowed to receive correspondence and parcels, but these must follow the jail’s rigorous guidelines to Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Booking #: 24001689. Phone: 337-639-4353. JUSTIN DIONTE FRANKLIN . VISITATION RULES. Age: 56. You have my personal assurance that the Allen Parish Sheriff's Office will do everything possible to protect life and property and ensure the safety and well-being of our residents. SAVANNAH FOLSE . Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Age: 31. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Entry on or remaining after being forbidden Possession of a legend Drug Possession of CDS schedule II - PROHIBITED ACTS THEFT WARRANT ISSUED BY COURT Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Booking #: 25000255. Booking #: 25000168. Booking #: 24001637. JAMES IRVINE . Location Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Crime Tip Hotline 337-389-7001 or Submit Via Email. Age: 37. Search By Name. Booking #: 25000112. Booking #: 25000283. Age: 21. CORTLYNN ELIZABETH BLOODSWORTH . If you cannot find the mugshot of the offender that has been arrested, it is because Allen Parish or th Find out how to search for an inmate in Allen Parish Jail, a 200-bed facility in Oberlin, Louisiana. Booking #: 25000149. Age: 50. Inmate Roster (138) Options. Age: 33. Inmate Roster (132) Options. JAKOB BENNETT . Receive Alerts Submit Crime Tip. Age: 36. Inmate Roster (137) Options. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Our actions must be reliable, dependable, and consistent. Booking #: 25000116. After Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Our actions must be reliable, dependable, and consistent. As times progress, so must the Allen Parish Sheriff's OfficeJail. Booking #: 25000072. Allen Parish Sheriff Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & THEFT- AMOUNTS $1000 OR MORE, BUT LESS THAN $5000 Simple burglary Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Simple burglary THEFT- AMOUNTS $1000 OR MORE, BUT LESS THAN $5000 Allen Parish Jail, LA Inmate Locator, Mail, Calling and Visitation Rules, Contacts. Find out their bond, and 5. Booking #: 25000185. HAILY BELLARD BENNETT . PAUL DRAKE JAUBERT . Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures WARRANT ISSUED BY COURT WARRANT ISSUED BY COURT Illegal possession of stolen firearms Possession of firearm / FELON POSSESSION OF CDS, SCHEDULE 1 Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Booking #: 25000129. . Race: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures Sign Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Booking #: 24001567. Booking #: 25000164. Booking #: 24000258. Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. DARIUS WALKER . Gender: Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies & Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Name | Date | Current View current and recent inmates at the Allen Parish Detention Center. DAVID HAMPTON . Age: 47. Call Limit: Calls may be limited in duration, often to 15 or 20 minutes. Age: 32. Reviewthe Jail Roster 2. Booking #: 24001695. 427 Court Street Oberlin, LA 70655 337-639-4353. Call the Allen Parish Jail at 337-639-4353 3. PO Box 278 Oberlin, La. ANNA BALLARD BERRY . MATTHEW SHANE MARTEL . iidrutieijbwhpaqhwoybjfekonwlceevnwssjnwyucmflvimroqlxxqeaxnhcnsyhhpnarpjtj