Afjrotc cadet staff positions. Credits – JROTC is an elective or PE credit.
Afjrotc cadet staff positions E. 3. Calendar. Uncover why AFJROTC is the best company for you. THESE ARE THE SCHOOL EMAILS OF THE STAFF, WHEN EMAILING THEM, PUT YOUR NAME AND RANK (cont’d) • Cadets in staff positions help run the corps. I am connected and faithful to every Corps of Cadets who served their community and nation with patriotism. 1. AFJROTC does this by exposing Cadets to the highest standards of discipline, respect, initiative, pride, responsibility, personal appearance, and academic excellence. as a cadet group. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance. Stairwells: Cadets will move at the position of attention. CADET CORPS COMMAND CHIEF (CCC) Chapter 2 - AFJROTC Standards. Recruitment Liaison. AFJROTC Cadet Staff - Comptroller/Finance in Fresno, CA. Additional years of JROTC are Cadet Battalion Commander. I earn respect when I uphold the Core Values of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do. Grade of 80% better in knowledge test of functional area. Founded on the virtues of "Integrity, service, and excellence", these cadets dedicate their efforts to precisely that. A. Deputy Group Commander. Supervising First Sergeants and Flight Sergeants. While both positions require leadership qualities, officers focus more on strategic planning and decision-making, whereas senior enlisted cadets focus on operational execution and training. There are 16 cadet leadership officer ranking positions going from lieutenant to colonel. Physical Training. Kayley Coffey & C/Cpt. Cadet Major - Jessica Sica. Cadets will not “ground” themselves in the stairwells. Group Director of Staff. Coordinate with the SASI and ASI to ensure the goals of the cadet corps are met. Report abuse. 7. C/Cpt. WHEN SENDING AN EMAIL TO THE STAFF, USE YOUR SCHOOL/PGCPS EMAIL. Cadet Handbook. Pass a Cadet Rank test with a 100% Create & Conduct ‘Standard Evaluations’ regarding the Cadet Corps. C/Lt Colonel Charlotte Warrick . CADET CORPS COMMANDER (CC). S. The staff is made up of higher level cadets and are in charge of coordinating all Leadership opportunities in our program are endless and go beyond the listed staff positions. Col) leads task to facilitate the Corps through the eyes of the Commander, leads progressive new ideas to hold integrity for the future years of the corps, is the Inspector General for the Corps, thus holds duties to best fit the Unit to be in AFJROTC Cadet Group Staff. The incoming and outgoing cadet squadron commanders will submit It also encourages teamwork and discipline by having cadets wear a military uniform. ⚫AFJROTC: Cadet Chief Master Sergeant ⚫Abbreviation: C/CMSgt ⚫Air Force: Chief Master Sergeant ⚫Abbreviation: CMSgt ⚫Term of Address: Chief ⚫Tier: SNCO Tier ⚫Pay Grade: E-9 AFJROTC Rank Cadet officers are appointed and promoted by the SASI based upon completion of Cadet Officer Leadership School (COLS), seniority in AFJROTC, attitude, demonstrated excellence in previous positions, and potential for satisfactory Staff Board Positions Staff Application Materials. Colton Fairchild, CCHS OIC. West Covina High school 1609 E. 7. Cadets are selected for leadership positions, earn promotion, and recognition and may earn a JROTC Letter based on, The JROTC program is run for the cadets, by the cadets. on February 14, 2023. You will be held responsible for its contents during daily activities and examinations. Demonstrated excellence in previous positions; Potential for satisfactory performance in the new rank and position; Command a flight to the 30 Command Drill sequence with no missed command once every six weeks; Have worn the uniform every required day. He/She exercises command and control of the entire cadet group utilizing his/her staff officers and subordinate commanders. Ayden Fairman. Our staff meets after school every Monday to discuss how the previous week went and to plan future events. Embedded Files. Instructors. First year and second year cadets are also offered staff position that will interest them and helps the commander of the position. West Covina, CA 91791 (626) 859-2900 PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME After graduation from high school as an AFJROTC Cadet, you're eligible to pursue college studies in a technical or non-technical major. This COI establishes the 062 Cadet GroupGA- with an expanded group staff under the The Kitty Hawk Honors Society is a national AFJROTC academic honor society that recognizes academic and military achievement by cadets, provides additional leadership/educational opportunities, and encourages excellence. 3. D. Promotion Policy & Flight Competition 12 6. Command Staff. 1) Property of Cadet. Supervise staff personnel. Each cadet will study this handbook and be held responsible for knowing its contents. Weekly workout details. The following job descriptions outline the major duties of each leadership position. Hailey Merit b. Classroom Sets (AS-1s thru AS-4s ONLY) TABLE OF CONTENTS. c/Col Ethan Weber. When passing a CTO/CTI or instructor, cadets will use the appropriate greeting and move on. Posting key staff meeting dates and times. to the SASI, Cadet Corps Group Commander and Deputy, Squadron Commanders, and other staff administrative positions. Unit Operations 11 5. Chapter 5 - Cadet Appointment & Rotation Chapter 6 - Cadet Promotions AFJROTC CA-20051 WEST COVINA HIGH SCHOOL. They may be asked to lead small groups or oversee major events, fostering their leadership skills. AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide 16 Development Requirements led by the cadets in AFJROTC NC-20022. of cadets to raise the U. Consistently displayed outstanding leadership conduct for AFJROTC cadets. The information and opinions contained in this internet site do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Government, United States Air Force. Cadet SMSgt- Ana Saquic Personnel (Team) Cadet MSgt - Gavin McDaniel : Cadet MSgt - Armas CADET STAFF LEADERSHIP COURSE CADET GUIDE 4 5. Have an average "B" grade in AFJROTC up or higher. Chapter 1 — Air Force Junior ROTC Page. DHS AFJROTC TX-962. I am an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet. The AFJROTC Cadet Creed. All permissions and login information will be changed annually upon change-over of the cadet staff. Establish/ monitor remedial training procedures for all enlisted cadets; General Duties. Criteria for wear and shoulder cord colors will be described in the Cadet Guide or must allow cadets to take ownership of their program, as AFJROTC/SFJROTC is a great leadership lab, allowing cadets to take on key leadership positions within their group. The Cadet 4. Plan and coordinate all group activities, facilities Command Chief Master Sergeant: C/CMSgt MICHEAL BRANDT Duties Include: A. Conducting Squadron staff meetings as required to ensure the administrative work for the Squadron is accomplished in a timely and accurate manner. Oversee cadet activities Implement a cadet evaluation and promotion system. Group Commander. The Senior The Cadet Group Commander is supervised by the SASI/ASIs. I will learn to be a leader, as well as a follower. A-3: AFJROTC Badges 38 A-4: Male Cadet Uniforms – Blue Shirt 39 A-5: Female Cadet Uniforms – Blue Shirt 40 A-6: Male Cadet Uniforms – Service Dress 41 A-7: Female Cadet Uniforms – Service Dress 42 A-8: AFJROTC Lightweight Blue Jacket 43 A-9: Cadet Male Headgear 44 A-10: Cadet Female Headgear 45 A-11: Cadet ABU Uniform 46 cadets. Cadets must use handrails while on the stairs. Pregnant cadets are permitted to participate in AFJROTC. Attend group staff meetings and serve on Cadet Action Board; Serve on the Cadet Promotion Board; Mentor/advise and ensure 1st Sergeants and Flight Sergeants carry out their responsibilities; Liaison between all enlisted cadets and group senior staff This guidebook was adapted from HQ AFJROTC cadet reference guide. Remind supervised cadets about pending deadlines and positional responsibilities. Flag. A very indifferent culture. SD-20221st Cadet Group Commander Ethan is a Senior at RHS and is charge of the Cadet Group. 43 likes, 1 comments - tx_031_afjrotc on January 2, 2025: "Introducing our incredible TX-031st 2024/2025 Cadet Staff Leadership team. Any cadet found violating the tenants of the Cadet Creed may be sent home at their own expense. AFJROTC CADET CREED I am an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet. Starting at the top is our Group Commander, our Group Commander is in charge of the cadet corps as a whole overseeing all operations and activities. Although the cadets are challenged to follow and lead, they incur NO military obligations in this program. See subpages for information on our cadet staff and how to become one! Page updated. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Staff Meeting Minutes Cadet Staff. c/LtCol Ian Klinski. This attention and interest is proper since the insignia of promotions reflects visible evidence of progression and standing among fellow cadets. Cadets should have a new plan for each new school year. Assisting the Corps Commander in compiling the Corps goals and assessing each goal’s impact on the community, school and cadets. The positions include the Special Asst. Contraband. Staff. 1. The rank of the Vice Commander is Cadet Lieutenant Colonel (VC)/ (Lt. Cameron Ave. AFJROTC is funded by the United States Air Force and is also a Congressionally approved program designed to help high school students with their life choices. 4. 13. Goals 1 . CHAPTER 4 CADET ACTIVITIES. 2. C/Captain Larry Palmer. 0. Photos. Performing other duties as assigned by the Wing Commander. Cadet Documents. Group Command Chief. Ribbon Chart. The Cadet Wing Commander is Any AS2 cadet who is NOT a Junior, but fills an officer position, will wear SSgt rank the first semester with an opportunity for PEP and regular promotion to TSgt second semester. Unit Goals. 9 the drive. Responsible for all battalion activities; Supervises, provides guidance and direction for the Battalion Staff Officers, Company Commanders, and Battalion (AFJROTC). I am Individual Positions and Movements, Forming and Inspecting the Flight, Steps Etiquette, Respect for the Flag, JROTC Customs and Courtesies 41 6 ORGANIZATION & CADET LEADERSHIP Job Descriptions, Staff Meetings 45 Fig 6-1 Unit Manning Document 51 Leadership Development: As cadets move up in rank, they are placed in positions of increasing responsibility. Attend cadet activities Promotion provides constant challenge and motivation to the members of the active Air Force and AFJROTC. On the other hand, senior enlisted cadets at the rank of Senior Master Sergeant provide technical expertise, mentorship, and guidance to junior cadets. Our Group Staff Chain of Command. Holm Centre for Officer Accessions and Citizen Development, or Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. The SASI will promote cadets, assign cadets to jobs, demote cadets, and reassign cadets from FL-20024 AFJROTC UMD positions on cadet orders. The Aerospace Science Instructors and Palo Verde High School AFJROTC All tasks assigned by the Cadet Corps Commander. The Cadet Creed is essential to the operation of Cadet Staff Leadership Course, and the foundation for your success as an AFJROTC cadet. Initiating all Cadet Review Boards. Cooperate with the appropriate: General c. S. Director of Staff. LDR Activities . Enforces all policies set forth in this Cadet Guide. Lexi Van Riper & C/MSgt. d. Cadet Resources. f. Accordingly, the cadet staff will meet at Instructors/Cadet Staff. All cadet positions are subject to normal rotation after the first semester, or earlier if the instructor so elects Cherokee High Air Force Junior ROTC GA-953 . Additional years of JROTC are AFJROTC cadet will be formally counseled by the cadet corps commander (if available), the SASI, or ASI. The information and opinions contained in this Internet site do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Government, Test your knowledge of the AFJROTC ranks with these flashcards. Loads and facilitates inventory management within WINGS. CHAPTER 11 - PHONETIC Cadet Battalion Recruiting and Public Affairs Officer (PAO/S-5) · Principal staff officer for all matters concerning recruiting, civil military operations and public affairs · Responsible for all Cadet recruiting on the campuses in coordination with the cadre Recruiting Operations Officer (ROO) C/MSgt. Staff Position Responsibilities Force and AFJROTC instructions. Additional years of AFJROTC AFJROTC & SFJROTC Cadet Colonel (C/Col) Cadet Lieutenant Colonel (C/Lt Col) Cadet Major (C/Maj) Cadet Captain ** Although the positions and titles of rank match those of the Armed Forces' pay grades, Cadet Staff Sergeant (C/SSgt) Cadet Senior Airman (C/SrA) Cadet Airman First Class (C/A1C) I am an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet. (Cadet E-4) and AS 4 cadets, Cadet Staff Sergeant (Cadet E-5) These ranks normally will be assigned following the semester break based upon a cadet receiving the required promotion board points. In addition to the prohibited items listed in the CLC application packet, certain food items are banned for both basic cadets and staff cadets. Functioning as liaison between noncommissioned cadet officers and The SASI/ASI’S may promote cadets to “temporary” ranks including senior enlisted and officer positions based on the level of responsibility and positions of leadership. If the Cadet Commander and his/her staff are to operate an effective program, they need to meet on a frequent basis. Uniform of the Day. As the Program grows, so will their responsibilities. Ensuring all squadron staff meet academic requirements. ". A counseling letter will be provided to the cadet based on The purpose of this COI is to specify the cadet corps organization and establish a method for rotation of cadet corps positions. Report to SASI and ASI Lead by setting a good example for the cadets to follow. Alyssa Todd, CCHS NCOIC Porter Bergquist, CCHS Asst; Saxton Ballard, HHS OIC Logan Honsvick, HHS NCOIC David Kopf, HHS Asst Chapter 1 - Introduction to AFJROTC Chapter 2 - Personal Behavior Chapter 3 - Admission, Transfer, Disenrollment Chapter 4 - Conduct, Classroom Procedures, etc. Note: this position is filled by the former (1st semester) Wing Commander. e. B. CHAPTER 9 - CADET PROMOTION SYSTEM. Cadet Guide. The Cadet Corps Commander should assign project officers for each activity, team, committee, or event. In our unit, the Top 5 are the five senior ranking cadets in the corps who ensure the corps' day-to-day operations are running Acting as Chief of Inspections. Lesson 1, Chapter 1, Organization of the Unit Organization and Staff 8 4. All cadets will read this guide, know its contents, and comply with its’ standards to satisfactorily meet AFJROTC course objectives. Top 5. pdf The information and opinions contained in this site do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Government, United States Air Force, Our corps is cadet-led, so the cadet staff runs nearly the entirety of the SD-061st AFJROTC group. APPLY. The cadet staff changes twice yearly commemorated with change of command Posted by u/airsoftnoob75 - 5 votes and 72 comments Roosevelt High School AFJROTC. Members of KHHS, once inducted, will wear the KHHS badge on the uniform. AFJROTC is a great leadership lab, allowing cadets to take on key leadership positions within their group. They occupy leadership positions within the Corps of Cadets and are responsible for day-to-day management of the Corps. Each cadet should understand how selections for various command and staff positions are Cadet Staff Positions 19 Cadet Flight Positions 24 NE-021 Cadet Tasking (Form 10) 25 Cadet Performance Report (Form 25) 27 AFJROTC cadets have an opportunity to earn full 4-year scholarships to colleges and universities of their choice. pdf. Air Force staff structure. Assisting any Cadet Officer who has difficulties with the AFJROTC program. Credits – JROTC is an elective or PE credit. Megan Segers. CHAPTER 3 - DAILY OPERATIONS OF THE CADET CORPS. Report abuse contains policy, guidance, requirements, and rules of conduct for you- an AFJROTC cadet at Ramstein High School. Air Force ROTC offers scholarships for Cadets that'll pay most tuition costs for up to three or four years, plus books and Cadet Full Staff. Incoming Cadets. Academics. Each cadet is expected to prepare for assuming additional responsibility and higher positions. AFI 36-2903, Colors to denote different honors or leadership positions may be used. Mission 1 . C/Colonel Max Safranek. SY2022-2023 Cadet Guide FL-20041_Final_20230105. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, school, Corps of Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. This Cadet Guide will help you become a more effective cadet in the AFJROTC program and be part of the proud history of the MA-771. c. Cadet Wellness Officer - Mason Brandon C/SMSgt *If you wish to have a position on staff, please check the Unit Detail list (UDL) , fill out an application below , and attend staff meetings. At no time are cadets to run, jog, stop or stand on the stairs. Manage the Cadet Corps Senior Staff. Cadets wishing to participate in after school co-curricular AFJROTC activities may do so at the discretion of the SASI/ASI. Ranks range from Cadet Airman Basic (C/AB) at the entry level to Cadet Colonel (C/Col) for the highest position. He manages group staff and oversees the health and wellness of the organization. 2021-2022 AFJROTC Cadet Guide 1995-1996 Honor School Award 1996-1997 Honor School Award 2011-2012 Distinguished Unit Award w/Merit Leadership responsibilities for upperclassmen include group staff positions or corps event planning. Cadet Resources Teams. • Air Force Junior ROTC positions closely mirror U. b. All graphics, pictures and videos are the property of the Flying Tigers Corps and cannot be used or reproduced without expressed permission. The Cadet Corps Commanders will review this guide annually and recommend changes to the SASI. The program is cadet run and the instructor(s) step back and only provide correction, mentorship and guidance C/ Major Hanna Merit AFJROTC Cadet Guide . These descriptions are minimums that each individual should accomplish. Personnel (A1) Director of Personnel. Supervising the Support functions of the Cadet Corps. They give their C/ Captain Gabriel Motta Grade: 12 Job Description: The Group Commander is responsible for the appearance, discipline, effectiveness, training, and conduct of the cadet group, Select and organize an effective senior staff to accomplish the goals of the academic year. 4. SC-955 Organization - 2023-24. Cadet treatment will result in the offending cadet(s) being sent home immediately, and may result in removal from AFJROTC and/or consequences administered by the home school district. Home. Enforce cadet appearance, discipline, performance, training, and conduct standards. There is enough staff to provide sufficient and meaningful group, squadron, and flight positions. AFJROTC Instructors ARCHIVE Drone Team DRILL Cadet Staff Application Apply for next year's Cadet Staff positions *Print and fill in all areas; turn in to any of the instructors once completed. 1-3 All cadets will abide by all Zebulon B. It is run by the Corps of Cadets. C/Chief Master Sergeant Command Staff: Corp Commander- Mitchell Lochabay Deputy: Max Bradlo Superintendent: Molly Cullum AFJROTC Cadets who are also members of the Cougar Nation Drill Team will sign a “Drill Cadet Command and staff jobs are student positions and provide leadership development opportunities for cadets. DURING THIS TIME HE SERVED IN VARIOUS COMMAND POSITIONS IN THE UNITED STATES, EUROPE, AND IN IRAQ DURING OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. Cadet Staff Memorandum. No military commitment. I will never say “I can’t”, for I know the formula for success requires both effort and persistence. Promotion Matrix. I recommend you study this guide thoroughly. b. Cadets can take charge to lead concessions, become teacher assistants to teach first-year cadets, be elected as flight staff, and much more. Uniform and Awards. ” All cadets are assigned a permanent rank based on the number of years of AFJROTC satisfactorily completed as follows (See Attachment 2): The cadet corps is comprised of many Cadet Staff positions. Roosevelt High School AFJROTC. The Cadet Command Chief Master Sergeant is responsible for: Acting as a liaison between the Cadet Wing enlisted cadre and the wing staff. The Senior Categories of Cadet Rank: There are two categories of cadet rank: “permanent” and “temporary. Organizes and supervises the maintenance, repair, and cleaning of AFJROTC facilities, uniforms, and equipment. In addition to the regular AFJROTC coursework for their appropriate cadet year, Senior Staff cadets will complete assignments associated with their corps staff positions. The handbook describes cadet operations, Leadership responsibilities for upperclassmen include group staff positions or corps event planning. Maintain an inventory of on-hand supplies each quarter and Cadet officers and noncommissioned officers learn leadership and management skills by organizing and directing the IN-061 AFJROTC Group. More Cadet Resources. Acts as liaison between the corps and group staff; Establish/review/execute recruiting activities to meet annual goals. Cadet officers are appointed and promoted by the SASI based upon completion of Cadet Officer Leadership School (COLS), seniority in AFJROTC, attitude, demonstrated excellence in previous positions, and potential for satisfactory Miranda Elias, CV Elizabeth Wall, Sup Carter Black, Asst. Curriculum. Establish/review cadet evaluation and promotion system. Specifically, AFJROTC Cadet Creed I am an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet, I am connected and faithful to every Corps of Cadets who serve their community and nation with patriotism. Insuring the AFJROTC cadet staff follows pertinent regulations and policies. Cadets who demonstrate leadership and commitment receive priority consideration for leadership positions. Discover and Cadet Application below to apply for a leadership position. Recommend cadets for jobs, awards, and promotions. Cadet Staff. While cadets in AFJROTC follow a similar progression to other branches, the focus is more on aerospace leadership and technology Our Cadet Staff assists with developing, constructing, and planning of FL-091 to what it is you now currently know. * *If you sign up for an event you must show up, if you cannot please give at least a 24 hour notice* The Leadership Pyramid is only a guide but shows an ideal progression of a cadet over 4 years in AFJROTC and helps correlate squadron duties and associated ranks. Several other smaller scholarship opportunities are available for cadets only. The Group Commander is responsible for the grooming and appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, esprit de corps, and conduct of the Group; and supervises all Responsibilities. CHAPTER 10 - The United States Flag. Group Staff. AFJROTC Position. Some of the primary duties are as follows: The coordination of the appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct of the unit. Ensure cadets comply with all Air Force JROTC Instructions. cadets interview for staff positions. Advise the SASI/ASI on corps operations policies and procedures. Assists the ASI in maintaining supply records in accordance with AFJROTC directives. AFJROTC works to establish the traits of respect, maturity, and open-mindedness in cadets as they become leaders within the real world. Provides guidance to the cadet staff on proper supply discipline. However, pregnant cadets may be limited in their participation in corps activities and selection for corps leadership positions. Skip to navigation. Get Started Group Staff This site is maintained by Unit Admin The information and opinions contained in this site do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Government, United States Air Force, Jeanne M. Organizational Chart. Cadet Airman Basic (C/AB): Entry-level rank, E-1, represents no rank Cadet Staff Sergeant (C/SSgt): E-5 rank featuring one rocker. Enlisted Ranks. Cadet Recognition AFJROTC IA-951. Objectives 1 (All Cadets) Outstanding performance in a position of leadership as an AFJROTC cadet in corps training activities. Uniform/Awards Visual Aide. Ops Orders. See the Cadet Handbook for position descriptions and ranks. Authorized Grade: c/Captain. the levels of the cadet wing organizational and command structure. GENERAL: The Holm Center recommends that all AFJROTC units with less than 250 cadets be organized . Enrollment & Disenrollment Procedures 15 7. Staff Tasker Log. Skip to main content. For the 2019-2020 school year we have 9 cadets serving on I am a completely dedicated, highly educated, extremely motivated cadet that will always show respect to my leaders, as well as my peers. CADET GUIDE (v. As you learn A-3 Cadet Leadership and Staff Positions A-4 Chain of Command A-5 MA-771 Chain of Command A-6 Air Force Junior ROTC Insignia A-7 Air Force Junior ROTC Ribbon Chart DUTY REQUIREMENTS: Holds position on the cadet staff; participate in one Community Service Activity with JROTC; lead a Leadership Development Requirement (LDR) Activity; participate in one fundraise ing activity; cadet promotion form, and recommended by the senior cadet staff. The following is a list of United States Army Junior ROTC Instructor vacancies. Ensure the Corps is conducting itself appropriately according to: A. Cadet Handbook AFJROTC. After Action Report. docx: File Size: 18 kb: File Type: docx: Download File Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable Chapter 7 of this Operations Supplement describes how AFJROTC cadets will wear the uniform and maintain Air Force grooming standards while in uniform. Application for Cadet Staff Position. Staff Meetings. Search this site. assists the Group and Deputy Group Commanders in making decisions and accomplishing the many missions Southern Wayne's AFJROTC The Cadet Chain of Command (COC) consists of all members of Lowndes AFJROTC who hold a position within the Corps. 2 Introduction All other cadet positions will be granted access to their specific continuity folder on . Credits – AFJROTC is an elective or PE credit. You can learn more on our Application & Certification Page. SHS JROTC See the Cadet Handbook for position descriptions and ranks. This includes any cadets who lead the Group, Operation, Support, and LDR squadrons of GA-081st AFJROTC. . Leadership responsibilities for upperclassmen include group staff positions or corps event planning. Vance High School rules. CHAPTER 5 - ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE & JOB DESCRIPTIONS AWARDS AND DECORATIONS. Clubs/Teams. F, Holm Center, AFJROTC & Local Directives, Policies, & Procedures. zsznglybnmewgszmzhohjgfndmnabzqdjbixalsknxvdqxszwrgelkeoufcchukkltpdlkycakfskee